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NAFN Data and Intelligence Services. Introduction Established in 1996 One stop for all data and intelligence services Around 90% of local authorities.

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Presentation on theme: "NAFN Data and Intelligence Services. Introduction Established in 1996 One stop for all data and intelligence services Around 90% of local authorities."— Presentation transcript:

1 NAFN Data and Intelligence Services

2 Introduction Established in 1996 One stop for all data and intelligence services Around 90% of local authorities members NAFN staff LA employed Not for profit, funded by membership & grants Legally compliant Fast and cost effective

3 Services Authorised Officer General RIPA SPOC DVLA

4 Authorised Officer Service Prevention of Social Housing Fraud Act Council Tax Reduction Scheme Social Security Fraud Act (until March 2016)

5 Consented data Vehicle finance Vehicle protection Passport & Immigration Official certificates Utility data NOMS enquiries CCJ details Instant credit reporting Individual credit reports SPD/tenancy specific Debt management reports DVLA keeper information Director information Company reports Land Registry General Service

6 Credit Reporting Ability to select preferred Credit Reference Agency Equifax Direct and Call Public instant retrieval of reports No separate contract necessary Reduced per unit cost Variety of options when searching - S29/35/debt/with consent Search by address reports Name & DOB searches

7 Consented Data Search on telephone number, address, postcode to identify subjects Last known address, postcode or telephone number Free Intelligence only - not evidence GB Connexus – advanced consented data

8 Intelligence Enquiry Search of the NAFN intelligence database (restricted to s29.3) Forename, Surname & Postcode or DOB Address Company Name/No. Vehicle Registration National insurance Number Bank Account Telephone/Email

9 RIPA SPOC Service Any department investigating criminal offences Since December 2014 NAFN is the only available route by which local authorities can acquire telecoms data IOCCO Inspection carried out biannually at NAFN offices Another excellent IOCCO inspection report in 2015

10 Telephone number IMEI number SIM card Postal services Email Website address Blackberry PIN Social media pages IP address Applications (apps) Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) Data Sources

11 Recent Developments Alerts and bulletins Tenancy verification Single person discount Debt management report NOMS enquiries

12 Coming Soon NAFN AGM Callcredit 360 Direct GB Connexus IQ Webinar training calendar Sanctions Information database

13 Future Development Intelligence services ANPR GAIN UK Border Agency

14 Future Development NHS LAs HAs OGD Police Hub NFIB Hub NCA Hub CO Hub NAFN Intelligence Hub

15 NAFN exists to support members: Prevent and detect crime & reduce fraud Reduce debt Provide effective corporate & financial governance We will: Provide an expert “single point of contact” for all data enquiries Design and implement intelligence services Help share good practice Summary

16 Thank You Tracy Forth Service Team Manager 0161 342 3727

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