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Welcome to “Illustrations of Practice” Learning and Teaching Week, CDU 2015 Facilitated by David McConnell and Bopelo Boitshwarelo.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to “Illustrations of Practice” Learning and Teaching Week, CDU 2015 Facilitated by David McConnell and Bopelo Boitshwarelo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to “Illustrations of Practice” Learning and Teaching Week, CDU 2015 Facilitated by David McConnell and Bopelo Boitshwarelo

2 Titles and Presenters Sharing Mathematics Helena Trevena - Maths Coordinator, Tertiary Enabling Program, School of Academic Language and Learning Integrating Information Literacy Skills into Unit Content Michelle Turner, Liaison Librarian, Office of Library Services Teaching by Padlet Dr Virginia Skinner Midwifery Theme Leader and Midwifery Course Coordinator, School of Health, EHSE

3 Your Participation After each presentation you will have the opportunity - for a few minutes - to ask questions You may also use the text chat function during the presentation At the end of all three presentations you will also have time to discuss the presentations and pose questions During the session, can you please switch off your audio and video to help produce best quality transmission. You can switch them on when you ask for permission to speak eg if you want to ask a question at the end etc

4 Presentation One Sharing Mathematics Helena Trevena - Maths Coordinator, Tertiary Enabling Program, School of Academic Language and Learning

5 Presentation Two Integrating Information Literacy Skills into Unit Content Michelle Turner, Liaison Librarian, Office of Library Services

6 Integrating Information Literacy Skills into Unit Content Presented by: Michelle Turner, Liaison Librarian Office of Library Services Should I have information literacy skills in my unit content and if so why?

7  Isolated IL sessions don’t work  Evidence shows collaborative approach of Academics and Liaison Librarians working together to improve IL student skills  Evidence gathered pre-survey indicates students have poor IL skills  Ability to scaffold throughout the unit  Students engage with interactive activities

8 What we have learnt  Post survey shows students IL skills have improved  Student feedback is positive  Teaching is more effective at point of need  Participation without context doesn’t happen (assessment component)  Short engaging activities have little impact on student workload  Collaboration between the Academic and Liaison Librarian is essential

9 Where to from here?  Embed IL skills across a specific course building IL skills as the student progress through the course Example: First Year: introduction to basic IL skills such as identifying keywords, Summon searching and meaning of terminology such as “peer reviewed”. Second Year: how to use subject specific databases and create complex search strategies. Third Year: Use of EndNote for referencing Contact Details: Phone: 89467610

10 Presentation Three Teaching by Padlet - Dr Virginia Skinner Midwifery Theme Leader and Midwifery Course Coordinator, School of Health, EHSE

11 General Discussion and Questions Would you like to make an observation, talk about what you do in your practice or ask a question?

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