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Lecture 17: Thunderstorms in the Pacific

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1 Lecture 17: Thunderstorms in the Pacific
MET 102 Pacific Climates and Cultures MET 102 Pacific Climates and Cultures Lecture 17: Thunderstorms in the Pacific

2 Discussion Questions – Ahrens 2015
What are the three basic ingredients Thunderstorms need to form? Do the Pacific Islands satisfy these requirements? Moist surface Air a conditionally unstable atmosphere a mechanism or “trigger” that forces the air to rise They definitely satisfy the moist surface air and, in some locations, the “trigger” to force air to rise (mountains). Those islands near the ITCZ will see more lightning then those in South Pacific. What are supercells and how are they related to tornadoes? In general, do we see supercells in the Pacific Islands? Supercell thunderstorms are intense thunderstorms with a single rotating updraft. The updraft and the downdraft in a supercell are nearly in balance, so that the storm may exist for many hours. Supercells are capable of producing severe weather, including strong damaging tornadoes. We are unlikely to see supercells in the Pacific do to the lack of ideal thunderstorm forming conditions.

3 Discussion Questions – Ami 1860
In what context is lightning and storminess mentioned? What do you think this signifies? The birth of the Hawaiian Prince Kalanikauikeaoli, the third in the line of the Kahekili Storms are powerful natural events and it is not surprising that it would be associated with the birth of a member of the ruling class. The lightning flashes above the royal flag and the thunder (clarion trumpet) of the storm likely signify power.

4 Discussion Questions – Thompson 1988
Who is Hiiaka? Who sent her on a dangerous journey? What dangers did she face? Hiiaka is the Goddess of lightning, sister and equal to Pele Pele sent her mission to deliver a message to the far side of Hawaiian island, a mission with many dangers She faces and subsequently defeats with her lightning: Forest Demon and his agents (trees, birds, etc) Lizard Women at a stream crossing Man-Eater Shark and a break in the cliff trail Mo-o from a cave (mythical lizards) she defeats with the help of her brother and sisters to call forth a great storm with rain On the southeastern seacoast of the island Hawaii, a large stone which was formerly so balanced that it could be easily moved. One of the severe earthquake shocks of the last century overthrew the stone and it now lies a great black mass of lava rock near the seashore.

5 Thunderstorm Introduction
A storm that generates lightning and thunder. Are characterized by strong “up” and “down” motions Frequently produces gusty winds, heavy rain and hail. They can form on their own or they can form in conjunction with mid-latitude cyclone on the edge of a Cold-Front They can form in conjunction with hurricanes Locations in the continental US Florida has the most thunderstorms (100s per year) Commonly occur in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains Associated with Tornado Alley in the middle of the country Associated with drylines and air with different humidities

6 Thunderstorm Formation Introduction
Form when warm, humid air rises in a conditionally unstable or unstable environment There are two categories: Air Mass Thunderstorms – formed by unequal heating of the Earth’s surface within a maritime tropical (mT) air mass. Severe Thunderstorms – formed by unequal heating & lifting of warm air along a front or mountain.

7 Air Mass Thunderstorms
Happens inside an air mass (usually mT) Usually in spring and summer Usually in mid-afternoon Not associated with a front Due to local differences in temperature

8 Air Mass Thunderstorm Life Cycle
Like mid-latitude cyclones T-Storms have a “Life Cycle” Stages of Development Stage 1: Cumulus Stage Stage 2: Mature Stage Stage 3: Dissipating Stage

9 Air Mass Thunderstorm Life Cycle
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3

10 Stage 1: The Cumulus Stage
Rising air only Makes a cloud Cloud gets bigger and bigger Moisture is being added to higher and higher altitudes Needs a continuous supply of moisture to survive

11 Stage 2: The Mature Stage
Precipitation forms Mainly by the Bergeron Process Rain begins to fall Associated with the downdraft (air going down) Most active stage Gusty winds, lightning, heavy rain, hail Updrafts and downdrafts exist side by side

12 Stage 2: The Mature Stage
Downdrafts form for two reasons Entrainment – mixing of dry air with cloud air at the edge of the cloud Causes the cloud drops to evaporate Energy from evaporation comes from the temperature of the air parcel By evaporating drops, you use up the energy and end up cooling the air parcel Temperature drops, parcel cools Cooler air sinks to the surface Drag – Air is dragged downwards as precipitation falls.

13 Stage 3: Dissipating Stage
Cooling effect of falling precipitation and influx of colder air up top mark it’s END! Downdraft cuts off updraft Cloud stops growing You’re left with weakly descending air parcels The cloud basically KILLS itself

14 Severe Thunderstorms Heavy downpours, flooding, gusty straight-line winds, large hail, lightning and tornadoes! NOT Common on the Hawaiian and Pacific Islands. To be classified as Severe: Must have winds in excess of 93 km/h or 58 mph or hail 0.75 inches or a confirmed tornado

15 Severe Thunderstorm

16 Severe Thunderstorm Overshooting Top Persist for many hours
Vertical wind sheer causes precipitation to fall in downdraft, allowing the updraft to retain strength. Sometimes the updraft is so strong you get overshooting tops and anvils! Cold air of the downdrafts spread out making: “mini cold front” Called a GUST FRONT Called an Outflow Boundary Can form a Roll Cloud Anvil

17 Supercell Thunderstorm
Causes dangerous weather Large, very powerful, up to 20 km in height Last many hours 20-50 km in diameter Vertical wind profile may cause the updraft to ROTATE! MESOCYCLONE – usually spawns Tornadoes! Need a lot of Latent Heat Requires moist troposphere An inversion a couple of km above the surface (caps moisture) Unstable air can break through the inversion by “eroding” it

18 Supercell Diagram

19 Lightning and Thunder Lightning is ulia in Hawaiian
Thunder is hekili in Hawaiian A storm is classified as a thunderstorm only after thunder is heard!! Because thunder is produced by lightning, lightning must also be present! Lightning is a discharge of electrical energy.  Essentially a giant “spark” between regions of positive (+) and negative (-) charge.

20 Lightning May occur: Between cells in the same storm inter-cloud lightning Within a cloud intra-cloud lightning Cloud to air Cloud to ground (CG) Lightning forms when a charge separation occurs in a cloud The earth is trying to equalize the electrical difference Negative charges want to flow to the ground.

21 Lightning Formation – Charge Separation
We don’t exactly know why it happens One theory: Hail stones tend to have a warmer surface than ice crystals When warm hail collides with colder ice, electrons transfer from ice to hail Hail (-) is bigger and heavier and settles toward the bottom of the cloud Smaller (+) ice crystals are lofted to the top.

22 Lightning Formation Excess electrons cause the air to ionize
Rip molecules apart (N2 or O2 become N+, O -…) Air is normally very INSULATING Ionized air is very conducting like a metal wire

23 NOTE: There still hasn’t been a flash yet!!!
Lightning Formation Ionized air forms tubes of ~50 m in length (150 ft) and 10 cm in diameter (4 in) Called a LEADER A bunch of leaders that are connected is called a STEP-LEADER. NOTE: There still hasn’t been a flash yet!!!

24 Lightning Formation Each electron contains LOTS of energy
When it reaches the surface the energy is RELEASED This energy is RELEASED as HEAT!! Electrons are drained at the surface first so the FLASH starts at the ground!!! Can have several (3-4) in rapid succession (1/10 of a second apart). (lead by a DART LEADER)

25 Lightning Formation AGAIN: Electrons are drained at the surface first so the FLASH starts at the ground!!! This is why lightning is said to GO UP, rather than down The movement is STILL from CLOUD to GROUND But the “heating” happens at the surface FIRST. The electrons closest to Earth are “discharged” first Heat that is released causes air around a step-leader to reach 30,000°C (54,000°F) The warmer, the shorter the shorter the wavelength 30,000 K 8,000 K


27 Lightning Occurrence on the Mainland

28 Global Lightning Occurrence

29 Real-time Lightning Websites
World Wide Lightning Location Network - Oceana

30 Thunder When air is heated quickly a shockwave forms  causes thunder
Similar to planes crossing the sound barrier, firecrackers and gun shots Sound travels at 330 m/s or 1000ft/s If thunder takes 3 seconds to happen after observing lightning then the storm is: 3 s * 1000 ft/s = 3000 ft away (6/10 of a mile away).

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