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Flashcards for Rome Quiz. Legend about the Founding of Rome.

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Presentation on theme: "Flashcards for Rome Quiz. Legend about the Founding of Rome."— Presentation transcript:

1 Flashcards for Rome Quiz

2 Legend about the Founding of Rome

3 Romulus and Remus

4 Which brother from the legend founded Rome

5 Romulus

6 A popular story that cannot be proved

7 Legend

8 What type of Government was formed after overthrowing their King

9 Republic

10 Wealthy Group of citizens who held a lot of power early on

11 Patricians

12 Common citizen; Farmers

13 Plebeians

14 Group made up of 300 and had most power in the government

15 Senate

16 Head of Rome’s Republic Had veto power over each other

17 2 Consuls

18 How did Rome’s geography help with defense?

19 It was built on Hills that provided natural protection

20 How did Rome’s geography help with trade?

21 On the Mediterranean and had easy access to trade routes and other civilizations

22 Similarities between Rome and USA

23 3 Branches Checks and Balances Veto Power Constitution Senate

24 Differences between Rome and USA

25 Women cannot vote in Rome Rome has 2 Chief Executives Rome’s senate has 300 USA has 100 Rome has a defined class system

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