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After completing 3 Units in this Lesson, you have learned to answer: 1.Why weed control is important in pearl millet crop? 2.When is the critical period.

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Presentation on theme: "After completing 3 Units in this Lesson, you have learned to answer: 1.Why weed control is important in pearl millet crop? 2.When is the critical period."— Presentation transcript:

1 After completing 3 Units in this Lesson, you have learned to answer: 1.Why weed control is important in pearl millet crop? 2.When is the critical period for weed competition in pearl millet crop? 3.Name few important broadleaf weeds in pearl millet crop? 4.Name few important grass weeds in pearl millet crop? 5.Name few important sedges that compete with pearl millet crop? Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Lesson 1: Weeds and Weed Competition Course on Pearl Millet Production Practices Module IX: Weeds and Weed Control

2 After completing 3 Units in this Lesson, you have learned to answer: 6.What is Striga? 7.How striga affects pearl millet crop? 8.What cultural methods you practice to control Striga? 9.What chemical methods help in controlling Striga? 10.What good husbandry practices you will adopt to control Striga in pearl millet crop? Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Lesson 1: Weeds and Weed Competition Course on Pearl Millet Production Practices Module IX: Weeds and Weed Control

3 The 3 Units in this Lesson are: Unit 1: Weed Competition in Pearl Millet Unit 2: Weeds in Pearl Millet Unit 3: Striga Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Lesson 1: Weeds and Weed Competition Course on Pearl Millet Production Practices Module IX: Weeds and Weed Control

4 Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Lesson 1: Weeds and Weed Competition Course on Pearl Millet Production Practices Module IX: Weeds and Weed Control Unit 2: Weeds in Pearl Millet A variety of weeds are associated with pearl millet crop. The type of weeds vary from place to place depending on soil type, season and environment where pearl millet is grown. These weeds comprise of diverse plant species of annual grasses and seasonal broad leaved weeds.

5 Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Lesson 1: Weeds and Weed Competition Course on Pearl Millet Production Practices Module IX: Weeds and Weed Control Unit 2: Weeds in Pearl Millet Weed problems in pearl millet include perennial grasses such as Johnson grass and Bermuda grass, annual grasses such as Crabgrass and Goose grass, and many broadleaf weeds. The list of major weeds that grow in pearl millet are shown with their images in the following screens.

6 Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Lesson 1: Weeds and Weed Competition Course on Pearl Millet Production Practices Module IX: Weeds and Weed Control Unit 2: Weeds in Pearl Millet Common broad-leaf weeds Botanical nameCommon name Abutilon indicum Indian mallowIndian mallow Alysicarpus sp. One-leaf cloverOne-leaf clover Argemone mexicana Mexican poppyMexican poppy Celosia argentina White cock's combWhite cock's comb Click on the underlined words to see the weed image

7 Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Lesson 1: Weeds and Weed Competition Course on Pearl Millet Production Practices Module IX: Weeds and Weed Control Unit 2: Weeds in Pearl Millet Common broad-leaf weeds Botanical nameCommon name Borreria articularisButton plantButton plant Gynondropsis (Cleome) spp.Wild spider flowerWild spider flower Digera arvensisKundraKundra Corchorus olitoriusJew's mallowJew's mallow Click on the underlined words to see the weed image

8 Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Lesson 1: Weeds and Weed Competition Course on Pearl Millet Production Practices Module IX: Weeds and Weed Control Unit 2: Weeds in Pearl Millet Common broad-leaf weeds Botanical nameCommon name Portulaca spp. Common purslaneCommon purslane Vernonia cinerea Little iron weedLittle iron weed Leucas aspera DronapushpiDronapushpi Xanthium strumariumCockleburCocklebur Click on the underlined words to see the weed image

9 Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Lesson 1: Weeds and Weed Competition Course on Pearl Millet Production Practices Module IX: Weeds and Weed Control Unit 2: Weeds in Pearl Millet Common broad-leaf weeds Botanical nameCommon name Anagallis arvensis Scarlet PimpernelScarlet Pimpernel Bidense pilosa Spanish needleSpanish needle Eclipta spp.False daisyFalse daisy Ipomea sppMorning gloryMorning glory Click on the underlined words to see the weed image

10 Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Lesson 1: Weeds and Weed Competition Course on Pearl Millet Production Practices Module IX: Weeds and Weed Control Unit 2: Weeds in Pearl Millet Common broad-leaf weeds Botanical nameCommon name Tridax procumbence Tridax daisy, wild daisyTridax daisy, wild daisy Euphorbia spp.SpurgeSpurge Amaranthus spp.PigweedPigweed Mollugo verticillataCarpet-weedCarpet-weed Click on the underlined words to see the weed image

11 Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Lesson 1: Weeds and Weed Competition Course on Pearl Millet Production Practices Module IX: Weeds and Weed Control Unit 2: Weeds in Pearl Millet Common grass (monocots) weeds Botanical nameCommon name Chloris spp.Finger grassFinger grass Digetaria sanguinalis CrabgrassCrabgrass Dactyloctenium aegyptium CrowfootgrassCrowfootgrass Echinocloa spp.Barnyard grassBarnyard grass Click on the underlined words to see the weed image

12 Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Lesson 1: Weeds and Weed Competition Course on Pearl Millet Production Practices Module IX: Weeds and Weed Control Unit 2: Weeds in Pearl Millet Common grass (monocots) weeds Botanical nameCommon name Commelina spp.Benghal dayflowerBenghal dayflower Paspalum distichumWater couchWater couch Eleusine indicaGoose grassGoose grass Eragrostis spp.Love grassLove grass Setaria spp.FoxtailFoxtail Cynodon dactylonBermuda grassBermuda grass Click on the underlined words to see the weed image

13 Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Lesson 1: Weeds and Weed Competition Course on Pearl Millet Production Practices Module IX: Weeds and Weed Control Unit 2: Weeds in Pearl Millet Common sedges Botanical nameCommon name Cyperus rotundus Purple nut sedgePurple nut sedge Cyperus esculentusYellow nut sedgeYellow nut sedge Cyperus defformisNut sedgeNut sedge Cyperus compressus Nut sedgeNut sedge Click on the underlined word to see the weed image

14 The Unit 2 of this Lesson on weeds in pearl millet concludes. The Unit 3 is about striga parasitic weed in pearl millet. Select Unit 3 from Lesson 1 contents in Module IX. Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Lesson 1: Weeds and Weed Competition Course on Pearl Millet Production Practices Module IX: Weeds and Weed Control

15 Abutilon indicum Indian mallow Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Module IX: Weeds and Weed Control Course on Pearl Millet Production Practices

16 Alysicarpus sp. One-leaf clover Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Module IX: Weeds and Weed Control Course on Pearl Millet Production Practices

17 Argemone mexicana Mexican poppy Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Module IX: Weeds and Weed Control Course on Pearl Millet Production Practices

18 Celosia argentina White cock's comb Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Module IX: Weeds and Weed Control Course on Pearl Millet Production Practices

19 Borreria articularis Button plant Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Module IX: Weeds and Weed Control Course on Pearl Millet Production Practices

20 Cleome sp. Wild spider flower Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Module IX: Weeds and Weed Control Course on Pearl Millet Production Practices

21 Digera arvensis Kundra Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Module IX: Weeds and Weed Control Course on Pearl Millet Production Practices

22 Corchorus olitorius Jew's mallow Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Module IX: Weeds and Weed Control Course on Pearl Millet Production Practices

23 Euphorbia purviflora Euphorbia hirta Spurge Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Module IX: Weeds and Weed Control

24 Portulaca oleracea Common purslane Portulaca pilosa Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Module IX: Weeds and Weed Control Course on Pearl Millet Production Practices

25 Vernonia cinerea Little iron weed Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Module IX: Weeds and Weed Control Course on Pearl Millet Production Practices

26 Leucas aspera Dronapushpi Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Module IX: Weeds and Weed Control Course on Pearl Millet Production Practices

27 Xanthium strumarium Cocklebur Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Module IX: Weeds and Weed Control Course on Pearl Millet Production Practices

28 Amaranthus spp. Pigweed Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Module IX: Weeds and Weed Control Course on Pearl Millet Production Practices

29 Anagallis arvensis Scarlet Pimpernel Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Module IX: Weeds and Weed Control Course on Pearl Millet Production Practices

30 Bidense pilosa Spanish needle Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Module IX: Weeds and Weed Control Course on Pearl Millet Production Practices

31 Mollugo verticillata Carpet-weed Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Module IX: Weeds and Weed Control Course on Pearl Millet Production Practices

32 Commelina spp. Benghal dayflower Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Module IX: Weeds and Weed Control Course on Pearl Millet Production Practices

33 False daisy Eclipta alba Eclipta prostrata Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Module IX: Weeds and Weed Control Course on Pearl Millet Production Practices

34 Ipomea spp. Morning glory Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Module IX: Weeds and Weed Control Course on Pearl Millet Production Practices

35 Tridax procumbence Tridax daisy, wild daisy Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Module IX: Weeds and Weed Control Course on Pearl Millet Production Practices

36 Chloris barbata Swollen Finger grass Chloris gayana Feather Finger grass Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Module IX: Weeds and Weed Control Course on Pearl Millet Production Practices

37 Digitaria sanguinalis Crabgrass Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Module IX: Weeds and Weed Control Course on Pearl Millet Production Practices

38 Dactyloctenium aegyptium Crowfootgrass Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Module IX: Weeds and Weed Control Course on Pearl Millet Production Practices

39 Echinocloa spp. Barnyard grass Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Module IX: Weeds and Weed Control Course on Pearl Millet Production Practices

40 Paspalum distichum. Water couch Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Module IX: Weeds and Weed Control

41 Eleusine indica Goose grass Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Module IX: Weeds and Weed Control Course on Pearl Millet Production Practices

42 Eragrostis spp. Lovegrass Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Module IX: Weeds and Weed Control Course on Pearl Millet Production Practices

43 Setaria spp. Foxtail Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Module IX: Weeds and Weed Control Course on Pearl Millet Production Practices

44 Cyperus rotundus Purple nut sedge Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Module IX: Weeds and Weed Control Course on Pearl Millet Production Practices

45 Cyperus compressus Nut sedge Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Module IX: Weeds and Weed Control Course on Pearl Millet Production Practices

46 Cyperus defformis Nut sedge Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Module IX: Weeds and Weed Control Course on Pearl Millet Production Practices

47 Cyperus esculantus Yellow nut sedge Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Module IX: Weeds and Weed Control Course on Pearl Millet Production Practices

48 Cynodon dactylon Bermuda grass Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Module 9: Weeds and Weed Control Course on Pearl Millet Production Practices

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