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Management of Degraded Land to Combat Desertification and Climate Change in India Management of Degraded Land to Combat Desertification and Climate Change.

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Presentation on theme: "Management of Degraded Land to Combat Desertification and Climate Change in India Management of Degraded Land to Combat Desertification and Climate Change."— Presentation transcript:

1 Management of Degraded Land to Combat Desertification and Climate Change in India Management of Degraded Land to Combat Desertification and Climate Change in India R.B. Sinha, Joint Secretary (NRM&RFS) Government of India Ministry of Agriculture & Farmer Welfare Department of Agriculture Cooperation & Farmer Welfare New Delhi, India. R.B. Sinha, Joint Secretary (NRM&RFS) Government of India Ministry of Agriculture & Farmer Welfare Department of Agriculture Cooperation & Farmer Welfare New Delhi, India.

2  Total Precipitation 4000 BCM  Utilizable 1123 BCM(SW 690, GW 433)  Utilized634 BCM(SW 403,GW 231)  Net Sown Area141 Million ha  Gross Cropped Area195 Million ha  Net Irrigated Area65 Mha (SW 25, GW 40)  Irrig. Potential Created112 Million ha  Precision Irrigation7.7 Million ha

3 Sl. No. Type of degradation Area in m.ha Percentage of Total Degraded land 1Wind and Water Erosion 94.8779 2Acidic soil17.9315 3Alkaline soil3.703 4Saline soil2.731.8 5Water logged0.911 6Mining & Industrial waste 0.260.2 Total120.40100.0

4 Vision

5 5 Functional Areas Research and DevelopmentTechnology, Product and PracticesInfrastructureCapacity Building

6  Programmes: ◦ Watershed Development ◦ National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture ◦ Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture ◦ Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana ◦ National Food Security Mission ◦ National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture ◦ Soil Health Card Scheme ◦ Parmpragrat Krishi Vikas Yojana ◦ Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana ◦ National Mission Agriculture Extension & Technologies ◦ Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act

7  Research: ◦ Cental Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture (CRIDA) ◦ Central Arid Zone Research Institute (CAZRI) ◦ Central Forest Research Institute ◦ Indian Institute of Water Management ◦ National Institute of Rural Development  Policies ◦ National Farmers Policy ◦ National Water Policy ◦ National Forestry Policy ◦ National Land Use Policy ◦ National Agroforestry Policy  Dedicated Institution ◦ Ministry of Agriculture ◦ Department of Land Resources ◦ Indian Council for Agricultural Research

8 Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmer Welfare (DAC&FW ) National Watershed Development Projects for Rainfed Areas (NWDPRA) River Valley Project and Flood Prone River (RVP & FPR) Watershed Development Projects for Shifting Cultivation Areas (WDPSCA) Reclamation and Development of Alkali and Acid Soils (RADAS) Department of Land Resources (DoLR) Draught Prone Area Programme (DPAP) Desert Development Programme (DDP) Integrated Wasteland Development Project (IWDP) DPAP, DDP and IWDP have been merged together in 2010 and renamed as Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP) National Programmes for Degraded Land Development

9 Achievements of Degraded Land Programmes of GoI (DAC&FW and DoLR) Achievements of Degraded Land Programmes of GoI (DAC&FW and DoLR) S. No Name of SchemeArea Treated (million Ha.) Investment (Rs. crore) DAC&FW 1NWDPRA11.034499.9 2RVP & FPR7.913581.7 3WDPSCA0.59505.8 4RADAS0.91195.1 5EAPs2.414351.5 Total (DAC&FW) 22.8513133.9 DoLR 1IWMP (DPAP, DDP & (IWDP) 59.1918442.1 Grand Total 82.0431576.1 Since inception up to March, 2013

10  Prevention of soil erosion and land degradation ;  Reduction of peak rate of runoff and improvement in soil moisture regime ;  Creation of water resources/bodies, and augmentation of ground water;  Improvement of soil fertility and productivity for ensuring sustainable higher income;  Increasing cropped area and cropping intensity, besides crop diversification; and  Creation of additional employment opportunities in rural areas.

11 Name of Departments Programme for 15 years (2015-2030) Physical (m.ha) Financial (Rs. Cr.) Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmer Welfare (DAC&FW) 8.0016000.00 Department of Land Resources (DoLR), MoRD 22.0044000.00 Total (INR) 30.0060000.00 Amount in Million US Dollar 9677.42

12  National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA); to address issues associated with climate change by adaptation and mitigation strategies to ensure food security, livelihood security and economic stability.  National Agroforestry Policy, 2014; to encourage farmers for adoption of Agroforestry as an integral component of farming system to meet demand of timber, food, fuel and fodder.  Mission for Integrated development of Horticulture (MIDH) has sub-components of National Bamboo Mission (NBM) for promoting holistic growth of Bamboo sector by adopting area based regionally differentiated strategy and to increase area under bamboo cultivation in waste and barren lands for ultimate goal of prevention of land degradation and climate change adaptation Conti…

13  Use of bio-fertilizers (Neem coated Urea etc.) are an ideal supplementary to reduce nitrogen related/nitrous oxide emission.  Reclamation of problem soils to enhance productivity of acid, saline, alkaline and water logged areas to ensure food and nutritional security.  Nation Agroforestry &Bamboo Mission (NABM) for promotion of horticulture/ bund plantation/ Agroforestry for bio-mass retention in field and thereby enhancing carbon sequestration with ultimate goal of climate change mitigation and adaptation.  National Policy for Management of Crop Residue (NPMCR) was formulated in order to manage residues to check emission of gases viz. CO2, CO and particles and also to promote multiple uses of crop residue. New Initiatives to address issue of Land Degradation

14  Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY) is one of the schemes under NMSA through which assistance is provided for Organic Farming  Objectives includes promotion of eco- friendly agriculture less dependent on agro-chemicals and fertilizers, utilize the locally available resources & local indigenous traditional techniques for crop production, for developing 10,000 organic clusters of about 20 ha each and develop potential markets for organic produce  PKVY approach is to promote Organic farming through cluster approach and Participatory Guarantee System (PGS) of certification  Project components are mobilization of stakeholders, quality control, following the recommended package of practices for tillage, pest and insect management & nutrient management, custom hiring centers, labeling and packaging assistance and marketing facilities at organic fairs 14

15  The scheme envisages to enable farmers to apply appropriate recommended dosages of nutrients for crop production and improving soil health and its fertility. As per grid pattern, 25.3 million soil samples likely to be tested for macro as well as micro-nutrients.  Scheme mainly aim to provide Soil Health Cards every three years to all farmers, including recommendations related to soil test based nutrient management through network of Soil Testing Laboratories and capacity building of stakeholders  The total outlay for project is Rs. 5.6 billion and about 4.4 million soil samples have been collected so far. 15

16 16  Increase gross irrigated area  Bridging gap - irrigation potential & utilisation  Water distribution network  Enhance water use efficiency & Management  Capacity Building, Training and Awareness Generation  Use of IT tools for planning and monitoring 16


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