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Mike Jacobson UCD Graphs that have Hamiltonian Cycles Avoiding Sets of Edges EXCILL November 20,2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Mike Jacobson UCD Graphs that have Hamiltonian Cycles Avoiding Sets of Edges EXCILL November 20,2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mike Jacobson UCD Graphs that have Hamiltonian Cycles Avoiding Sets of Edges EXCILL November 20,2006

2 Mike Jacobson UCDHSC Graphs that have Hamiltonian Cycles Avoiding Sets of Edges EXCILL November 20,2006

3 Mike Jacobson UCDHSC-DDC Graphs that have Hamiltonian Cycles Avoiding Sets of Edges EXCILL November 20,2006

4 Part I - Containing There are many (MANY) results that give a condition for a graph (sufficiently large, bipartite, directed…) in order to assure that the graph contains ____________________ Recently (or NOT) there have been many (MANY) results presented that give a condition for a graph with (matching, 1-factor, disjoint cycles, “long cycles”, hamiltonian path or cycle, 2-factor, k-factor…) which contains some smaller predetermined substructure of the graph.

5 Specific Result Dirac Condition: If G is a graph with  ≥ (n+1)/2 and e is any edge of G, then G contains a hamiltonian cycle H containing e. So, (n+1)/2 is in fact necessary & best possible! K n/2,n/2 U tK 2

6 Another Example Ore Condition: If G is a graph with  2 ≥ n+1 and e is any edge of G, then G contains a hamiltonian cycle H containing e. Other Conditions – Number of Edges, high connectivity, Forbidden Subgraphs, neighborhood union, etc… This condition, n+1, is also best possible!!

7 More Examples - matchings t- matching in a k-matching (t < k) t- matching in a perfect-matching (t < n/2) t- matching on a hamiltonian path or cycle t- matching in a k-factor

8 More Examples – Linear Forests L(t, k) in a spanning linear forest L(t, k) in a spanning tree L(t, k) on a hamiltonian path or cycle L(t, k) on cycles of all possible lengths L(t, k) is a linear forest with t edges and k components L(t, k) in an r-factor L(t, k) in a 2-factor with k components

9 More Examples - digraphs arc - traceable arc - hamiltonian arc - pancyclic k – arc - …

10 More Examples – “Ordered” t- matching on a cycle in a specific order t- matching on a ham. cycle in a specific order t- matching on a cycle of all “possible” lengths in a specific order L(t,k) on a cycle of all possible lengths in a specific order

11 More Examples – “Equally Spaced” t- matching on a cycle (in a specific order) equally spaced around the cycle t- matching on a ham. cycle (in a specific order) equally spaced around the cycle t- matching on a cycle of all “possible” lengths (in a specific order) equally spaced around the cycle L(t,k) on a cycle of all “possible” lengths (in a specific order) equally spaced around the cycle

12 More Odds and Ends… putting vertices, edges, paths on different cycles in a set of disjoint cycles or 2-factor Hamiltonian cycle in a “larger” subgraph Many versions for bipartite graphs, hypergraphs… … Added conditions, connectivity, independence number, forbidden subgraphs…

13 If G is a bipartite graph of order n, with k ≥ 1, n ≥ 4k -2,  ≥ (n+1)/2 and v 1, v 2,..., v k distinct vertices of G then (1) G can be partitioned into k cycles C 1, C 2,..., C k such that v i is on C i for i = 1,..., k, or (2) k = 2 and G – {v 1, v 2 } = 2K (n-1)/2, (n-1)/2 and v2v2 v1v1 Claim 5.23 of Lemma 10 – when...

14 Part II - Avoiding (matching, 1-factor, disjoint cycles, “long cycles”, hamiltonian path or cycle, 2-factor, k-factor…) Preliminary Report!! which avoids every substructure of a particular type?? Are there any (ANY) results that give a condition for a graph (sufficiently large, bipartite, directed…) in order to assure that the graph contains ____________________ Joint with Mike Ferrara & Angela Harris

15 “Hamilton cycles, avoiding prescribed arcs, in close-to-regular tournaments” “Hamiltonian cycles avoiding prescribed arcs in tournaments” “Hamiltonian dicycles avoiding prescribed arcs in tournaments” There are some …

16 “Hamilton cycles, avoiding prescribed arcs, in close-to-regular tournaments” (1999) “Hamiltonian cycles avoiding prescribed arcs in tournaments” (1997) “Hamiltonian dicycles avoiding prescribed arcs in tournaments” (1987) There are some …

17 Results on Graphs and Bipartite Graphs Dirac, Ore and Moon & Moser – “conditions” Considering the problem for digraphs and tournaments

18 Ore Condition: If G is a graph with  2 ≥ n and e is any edge of G, then G contains a hamiltonian cycle H that avoids e?? Do we “get” anything for “free”?? K n-1 How large does  2 have to be??

19 Dirac Condition: If G is a graph with  ≥ n/2 and e is any edge of G, then G contains a hamiltonian cycle H that avoids e?? Do we “get” anything for “free”?? Dirac Condition: If G is a graph with  ≥ n/2 and E is any set of k edges of G, then G contains a hamiltonian cycle H that avoids E??

20 n/2 + 1 n/2 - 1 Add a (n+2)/4 - matching Let E be any subset of (n-2)/4 of the matching edges Theorem: If G is a graph of order n with  ≥ n/2 and E is any set of at most (n-6)/4 edges of G, then G contains a hamiltonian cycle H that avoids E. Note, that E is any set of (n-6)/4 edges n = 4k+2  ≥ n/2

21 Theorem: Let G be a graph with order n and H a graph of order at most n/2 and maximum degree k. If  2 ≥ n+k then G is H-avoiding hamiltonian. This is sharp for all choices of H With no restriction on the order of H…

22 Additional results on Bipartite Graphs Dirac, Ore and Moon & Moser – “conditions” Considering the problem for digraphs and tournaments We get results on extending any set of perfect matchings And on extending any set of hamiltonian cycles

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