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Virginia Federation of Chapters 2015 Chapter Training Public Relations Chair Gaston Gianni NARFE-EMBRACING CHANGE.

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Presentation on theme: "Virginia Federation of Chapters 2015 Chapter Training Public Relations Chair Gaston Gianni NARFE-EMBRACING CHANGE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Virginia Federation of Chapters 2015 Chapter Training Public Relations Chair Gaston Gianni NARFE-EMBRACING CHANGE

2 OVERVIEW NARFE-EMBRACING CHANGE Public Relations—ALL THINGS NARFE VFC Public Relations  Matching Funds Congressional Relations Future of NARFE Strategic Planning Closing

3 WHAT IS PUBLIC RELATIONS?  "Public relations is the planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain goodwill and mutual understanding between an organization and its publics."  Everything you do or say is public relations!  ALL THINGS NARFE = Public Relations NARFE-EMBRACING CHANGE


5 TARGETING POTENTIAL MARKETS  One approach for all does not accomplish results  Different approaches are needed for each group  Active Employees are in the Electronic Age  How is your Web Site?  How involved are your members in community affairs?  What Goodwill are we accomplishing and does any one know about it? NARFE-EMBRACING CHANGE

6  VFC PR GOALS  Establish Communications Network with Chapter PR Chairs  Identify Best Practices in other Federations  Increase Use of Matching Funds  Assist Chapters PR Chairs  Determine where potential members live or work NARFE-EMBRACING CHANGE

7 MATCHING FUNDS  2014 Projects—8 7 Chapter 1 VFC  Total Cost of Projects $9,900 NARFE HQ--$4,950 VFC --$3,750 Chapters--$600  Past Project Ranges--$100-$5,000 NARFE-EMBRACING CHANGE

8  TYPES OF PROJECTS  Booths at Health Fairs, Festivals & EXPOs  Tables at Postmaster Conventions  Pre Retirement Seminars  Parade Float  Various Newspaper Ads  Recruiting Picnics  PR Recruiting—Banners, Bags, Pens, Note Pads, Tape Measurers NARFE-EMBRACING CHANGE

9 Matching Fund Guidance (Stretch your chapter funds)  On the VFC Web Site- WWW.VANARFE.ORG (Public Relations)  How to prepare requests  What type of information is needed  How to prepare Final Report  Take pictures of event NARFE-EMBRACING CHANGE

10 How to be a PR Person? 1. Tell people you belong to NARFE 2. Invite Federal Employees and Retirees to join NARFE 3. Write a letter about NARFE issues to your local paper 4. Call or write your Senators and Congressman 5. Participate in local events as a NARFE Chapter NARFE-EMBRACING CHANGE

11 RESOURCES  NARFE Public Relations Handbook FH-9 (12/10)  Web Sites:  Protect America’s Heartbeat Tool Kit  VFC PR Handbook (Under Construction)  VFC PR Chair: gastongianni@ aol.comgastongianni@ 703-508-4339 NARFE-EMBRACING CHANGE


13 VFC CONGRESSIONAL RELATIONS VFC National Legislative Chair- Steve Ledford Two Senator Liaisons: Senator Warner-Steve Ledford (Annandale 1159) Senator Kaine– Max Scruggs (Arlington 0007) 11 Congressional District Liaisons (one for each District) Chapter National Legislative Chair NARFE-EMBRACING CHANGE

14 Congressman VFC Liaison Rep. Rob Wittman Gaston Gianni (Cong. Dist. 1) (Woodbridge Chapter 1270) Rep. Edward Rigell Raymond Whipple (Cong. Dist. 2) (Peninsula Chapter 0682) Rep. Robert Scott Shirley Driver-Kinchen (Cong. Dist. 3) (Monticello Chapter 2361) Rep. Randy Forbes Dillard Horton (Cong. Dist. 4) Suffolk Chapter 1743)

15 NARFE-EMBRACING CHANGE Congressman VFC Liaison Rep. Robert Hurt VACANT (Cong. Dist. 5) Rep. Bob Goodlatte Edward Misker (Cong. Dist. 6) (Stauton-Waynesboror-Augusta Chapter 0178) Rep. David Brat Robert Zombron (Cong. Dist. 7) (Midlothian Chapter 2265) Rep. Donald Beyer John Tolleris (Cong. Dist. 8) (Alexandria Chapter 0232)

16 NARFE-EMBRACING CHANGE Congressman VFC Liaison Rep. Morgan Griffith Mary F. Kelley (Cong. Dist. 9) (Wilderness Trail Chapter 1837) Rep. Barbara Comstock Jon P. Joyce (Cong. Dist. 10) (Winchester Chapter 0180) Rep. Gerald Connolly Judy Thorne (Cong. Dist. 11) (Dulles Chapter 1241)

17 ROLE of a CDL Develop NARFE information about Chapters and Leaders in the District Establish relationship with Congressman by: 1. Contacting District Office 2. Contacting Congressman’s Scheduler 3. Schedule periodic meetings with the Congressman 4. Attend functions in the District Communicate with Chapter Legislative Chairs NARFE-EMBRACING CHANGE

18 CHAPTER LEGISLATIVE CHAIR 1. Coordinate with CDL 2. Review NARFE GEMS & NARFE Magazine 3. Keep Chapter members informed of Legislative issues 4. Alert Chapter Members when key issues are up for vote 5. Encourage Chapter members to contact their Congressman and Senators NARFE-EMBRACING CHANGE

19 STRATEGIC PLAN--QUICK LOOK  FUTURE OF NARFE REPORT-2014  Strategic Planning approved at 2014 convention  Strategic Planning link on NARFE web site  Strategic Planning Committee-1 rep from each NARFE Region  Gaston Gianni Region X Rep.  Committee has been meeting since April  Will make recommendations that will form the basis for Strategic Planning Committee to draft a NARFE Strategic Plan NARFE-EMBRACING CHANGE


21 ISSUES/GOALS  Transform governance to be more efficient, effective, agile, consistent and accountable  Establish a consistent brand to increase awareness, eliminate confusion and convey the value of NARFE  Stabilize and grow membership to support effective advocacy and to deliver financial stability NARFE-EMBRACING CHANGE

22 SPC ASKED TO STUDY  Board of Directors Structure  BOD function as policy makers  BOD set annual dues  Federation/State advocacy structure  Federation funds  Congressional District Leaders  Optional local chapter membership NARFE-EMBRACING CHANGE

23 SPC ASKED TO STUDY (Continued)  NARFE member as Congressional District Action Teams  Electronic meetings  Quorum Requirements  One member one vote  Unified dues (Items in Red not addressed by SPC) NARFE-EMBRACING CHANGE

24 Areas for Improvement 1. Board of Directors—Make up, authority and responsibilities 2. Executive Director 3. Non-Mandatory Chapter Membership 4. One member one vote 5. Federation Structure 6. Federation Funds 7. Congressional District Liaisons NARFE-EMBRACING CHANGE

25 CLOSING THOUGHTS  The VFC is here to help  Exchange of ideas and practices can be helpful  The old way may not be the right way for today  The Future of NARFE Project-Long term Vision  If NARFE is to survive and be effective we need to change and have more members  Marketing and PR can lead the way  QUESTIONS? NARFE-EMBRACING CHANGE


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