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This is looking out my back door toward the well pad (approximately 525 ft away). This used to be all woods. The arrow points to the derrick.

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Presentation on theme: "This is looking out my back door toward the well pad (approximately 525 ft away). This used to be all woods. The arrow points to the derrick."— Presentation transcript:

1 This is looking out my back door toward the well pad (approximately 525 ft away). This used to be all woods. The arrow points to the derrick.

2 The derrick lit up at night.

3 Well pad and gas pipe line site preparation. This is where the well pad now sits.

4 Above: Left Jar is water coming out of kitchen faucet. Right jar is after it settles for 3 days. Right Picture: The same. We called the 1-800 emergency contact number on the board going to the well pad at 1 am on 8/10/2010 and opened an official complaint and Chesapeake called us back by 7 am that morning. They were on site by 11 am that day. Chesapeake Energy started drilling vertical wells on Sunday August 8, 2010 and by midnight of Tuesday August 10, 2010 my water looked like this. Well is about 525 ft from our home and water well.

5 My above ground well casing and well pump is disconnected and the house water supply system is hooked up to the water buffalo tank seen on next slide. We now have no cold water. It is heated by the outside weather. DEP was called. They came and tested the water and are conducting an investigation. No results yet.

6 1100 gallon water buffalo tank placed in my front yard by Chesapeake Energy on August 13, 2010. The official word on this water is “it is from a drinkable water source, but we cannot tell you to drink the water or tell you not to drink the water. We however, can highly recommend that you do not drink this water.” Pelton Trucking delivers Canton Borough water every other day to this tank. My home well is completely disconnected and this water runs through my house but we are not to drink this water. We are lucky it is still warm weather outside. What happens when winter and freezing weather comes???

7 Above is my basement window. The black plastic hose is running from the water buffalo tank to my holding tank in the basement. This hose is what supplies water to my house. The white hose is how we drained our system of the “muddy” water so that it does not go into my septic tank. This use to have a glass window here and now it has a blue tarp to keep the critters out.

8 The broken disabled fire truck is how we obtain water to water our breeding bulldogs. This is how we got water for everything the first week until the water buffalo tank was installed. Now we just use it for the dog water but it will be sold soon and we will have to find other means to water our animals.

9 DRINKING WATER: This is how we receive our drinking water weekly. The first time a Chesapeake representative showed up he delivered 2 cases of bottled water (Wednesday 8/11/10). The third day (Friday 8/13/10) when a different Chesapeake representative came to our house he bought us 2 five gallon jugs and a water cooler you will see on the next screen. Now Chemung Spring Water Co inc delivers water weekly on Thursdays. The first week we went through 8 of these 5 gallon jugs. The second week we went though 5 of these jugs.

10 This is the water cooler Chesapeake energy provided us for drinking water. This is the water we have to use to cook with, make lemonade with water our inside dogs with and drink ourselves. It is a very slow process when cooking now. One does not realize how much they use water out of their faucet until you cannot anymore. Before we got the water cooler and water buffalo tank, it was 4 days until we could bathe at home, wash clothes, wash dishes, cook, and drink any water. The only thing we could do was flush the toilet and use wash our hands and then use hand sanitizers to disinfect our hands from the “muddy” water. Before cracking a joke about this issue, one should try this for just a day and see how one feels.

11 To the right is a picture of the Test America water test reports we are waiting for to see what damage is done to our water well. We are still waiting on DEP results. We are still living with the unknown as the drilling continues. The four options that we can see that we have are: 1)Our well will go back to normal 2)The well does not return to normal and then Chesapeake will drill us a new well 3)We continue living like this for ever 4)We are bought out by the gas company and we will have to move. Our major concerns: What happens in the winter? What are the long term health effects? Is all the water going to be ruined? Will we be living in our home in a year? What does the future hold for us?

12 Potter WellPauliny WellUNITS Collection Date4/2/20108/12/2010 LabTest America Lab Location Wexford, PaPlymouth Meeting, PA Bicarbonate Alkalinity as CaCO3 47.862.8mg/L Carbonate as CaCO3 ND mg/L Cl1.23NDmg/L MBAS (mol wt320)0.142NDmg/L Oil & GreaseND mg/L pH6.606.70 Specific Conductance107160umho/cm Sulfate13.717.3mg/L Total dissolved Solids77212mg/L Total Suspended SolidsND382mg/L TurbidityND204NTU Temp of pH Determination23.122.5C Methane0.0350.0387mg/L EthaneND mg/L PropaneND mg/L Surr Acetylene99%102%mg/L

13 Potter Well Pauliny WellUNITS AsND mg/L Ba0.1160.322mg/L CdND mg/L Ca13.619.9mg/L CrND0.0057mg/L Fe0.2819.29mg/L PbND0.0087mg/L Mg2.194.19mg/L MnND0.106mg/L KND2.6mg/L SeND mg/L AgND mg/L Na1.716.84mg/L HgND mg/L BenzeneND mg/L EthylbenzeneND mg/L XylenesND mg/L S<50004900mg/L

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