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Power of PE – purpose & vision Will Swaithes – Head of PE, YST Outcomes 1.Improved understanding of how to ensure PE is meaningful and relevant to students.

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Presentation on theme: "Power of PE – purpose & vision Will Swaithes – Head of PE, YST Outcomes 1.Improved understanding of how to ensure PE is meaningful and relevant to students."— Presentation transcript:

1 Power of PE – purpose & vision Will Swaithes – Head of PE, YST Outcomes 1.Improved understanding of how to ensure PE is meaningful and relevant to students and its value is recognised by senior leaders 2.Support in establishing a shared vision for the wider impact of PE against whole school issues 3.Provide a self review tool and simple action plan to help bring about change in your school + Help build a local network of advocates for PE that can support each other & be a part of a national movement

2 What are the current perceptions of PE and School Sport in your school? Where can the subject make the greatest contribution going forward? What is the purpose of PE in your school? Now take a moment to consider........ What do you want your students to have gained from PE by the time they leave school?

3 Physical Education Physical Activity School Sport What’s the difference?

4 PE Physical Activity & School Sport What does: PE look like in your school? Physical Activity - Healthy Active Lifestyle Interventions - look like in your school? School Sport look like in your school?

5 HEALTHY ACTIVE LIFESTYLE INTERVENTIONS Lifelong active habits Enjoyment Engagement HEALTHY ACTIVE LIFESTYLE INTERVENTIONS Lifelong active habits Enjoyment Engagement PHYSICAL EDUCATION ~Physically literate to physically educated ~ Learning in and through PE for ALL PHYSICAL EDUCATION ~Physically literate to physically educated ~ Learning in and through PE for ALL SCHOOL SPORT Competition Coaching Clubs Commitment SCHOOL SPORT Competition Coaching Clubs Commitment

6 Clarity on the CURRENT LANDSCAPE:  Challenges around young people  Challenges around PE 1.Young People today – stats and facts 2.Health & Wellbeing 3.Employability/ Life skills 4.National Curriculum ‘freedom’ & GCSE reform 5.Ofsted - Common Inspection Framework (CIF) You have 10 minutes in small groups to: A.Highlight & summarise a few key facts from your resources B.Suggest some TOP TIPS to consider on how that intelligence helps inform your vision & purpose for PE

7 Group feedback…… 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 Clarity on the CURRENT LANDSCAPE:

8 What is the vision & purpose of PE? Diamond 9 activity

9 Devil’s advocate: PE has no purpose! At the moment, assuming a student has 2 hours of physical education every year from Year 1 to Year 11… they will have received over 1000 hours by the time they leave school. “That time could be much better devoted to eBacc subjects of value that contribute to exam results, league tables & achievement of students.” Most important Least important TASK : Work in pairs to create a pyramid of key elements young people will lose if they don’t do PE in school Wild Card

10 Self management (P5) Physical application of tactics, strategies & compositional ideas (PHY4) Technique (PHY3) Integrity (P4) Self motivation (P3) Social health (H3) Emotional wellbeing (H2) Physical challenge (PHY5) Lead healthy active lifestyles… enjoyment (H4) Fitness (PHY2) Physical literacy (PHY1) Employability/ Life skills - Character Physical competence & sporting skills - Performance Health & Wellbeing – Lifestyle habits Health & Wellbeing – Lifestyle habits ASSESSMENT PASSPORT: Outcomes of World Leading Physical Education  Healthy4Life, Fit4Work & Able2Perform! Knowledge & understanding Skills, Qualities, Abilities Competences, Attitudes Dispositions, Behaviours Collaboration (S3) Empathy (S4) Motivating & influencing others (S5) Knowledge and understanding (t1) Decision making capacity (t2) Evaluation (T3) Resilience (P1) Innovation (C1) Communication – speaking (S2) Problem solving (c2) Risk management (c3) Responsibility (P2) Physical health (H1) Communication – active listening (S1)

11 To summarise…. Happy, confident individuals who….

12 Your vision for PE Does your PE vision reflect your diamond 9? How does it contribute to the whole school vision? How can you ensure it is a shared vision?

13 Principles for your vision for PE Common values and principles create a strong foundation Everyone has a clear sense of direction and knows what to aim for Gives people a sense of identity and belonging Encourages commitment and buy-in from everyone Inspires and motivates people, especially when times are tough Raises aspirations, encouraging everyone to be and do their best Extracted from YST Outstanding PE Department resource

14 Thoughts on vision statements…. The best visions are.... inspirational, clear, memorable, specific and concise they answer the question.... ‘are we working on the right thing?’

15 Introduction to My Personal Best Could this help with the solution for you?

16 Teaching Life Skills explicitly through a multi ability approach in Physical Education

17 Rationale for My Personal Best Education: skills for learning DfE: “Character Education” Employment: skills for work BCC: “88% of firms believe school leavers are not prepared for work” Society: skills for citizenship DfE: “British values” as part of SMSC and Ofsted Inspection Framework Life: skills for personal health and wellbeing PHE: links between health and wellbeing and attainment


19 Teachable Moments OVERT EXPLICIT INTENTIONAL Taught AND Caught Looking & planning for those.....

20 Flyer for My PB regional sessions

21 So what next……?

22 Albert Einstein “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”

23 ACTION PLAN: Example Where are you now? - Marginalised in PE - Heavy focus on examination PE - Heavy focus on fixtures & the trophy cabinet for school PR…. But stretched in terms of capacity to deliver - issues around students physical, emotional & social health & wellbeing Where do you want to be? -A fundamental aspect of whole school improvement - Having a clear & shared vision & purpose that is owned by PE team, senior leaders & students - able to prove the correlation between high levels of physical activity, health & wellbeing and attainment What are the potential solutions? -

24 Action planning…… …..your buddy


26 Power of PE – purpose & vision Will Swaithes – Head of PE, YST Outcomes 1.Improved understanding of how to ensure PE is meaningful and relevant to students and its value is recognised by senior leaders 2.Support in establishing a shared vision for the wider impact of PE against whole school issues 3.Provide a self review tool and simple action plan to help bring about change in your school + Help build a local network of advocates for PE that can support each other & be a part of a national movement

27 Next steps… Please complete the evaluation: Keep in touch with your small group/ buddy from today to support each other Quality Mark as a self review tool My Personal Best full day training Become a Further support on Curriculum, Teaching & Learning, Assessment & Raising Achievement is available via YST membership

28 Complete the survey to get all the resources

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