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Guidelines for A Safe Lab I. Glassware Safety A. Check for broken, chipped, or cracked glassware before use. B. Dispose of broken glassware ONLY in the.

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Presentation on theme: "Guidelines for A Safe Lab I. Glassware Safety A. Check for broken, chipped, or cracked glassware before use. B. Dispose of broken glassware ONLY in the."— Presentation transcript:


2 Guidelines for A Safe Lab I. Glassware Safety A. Check for broken, chipped, or cracked glassware before use. B. Dispose of broken glassware ONLY in the marked container. C. NEVER heat broken or cracked glassware. D. If something breaks, notify the teacher immediately. Never pick up broken glassware, until told to do so. II.Fire Safety A. Tie back long hair and loose clothing when working near open flame. B. Do not reach across an open flame. C. Know the proper evacuation route. D. Know the location of correct use of fire extinguisher, fire blanket, telephone, and the safety shower. (PASS) III.Eye Safety A. Always wear goggles when told to do so. B. Know the location and operation of the Emergency Eyewash Station. C. If splashing occurs, notify the teacher IMMEDIATELY. D. Flush the eyes with water for 15 minutes.

3 Guidelines for A Safe Lab IV.Heating Safety A. Turn off heat sources when not in use. B. Point test tubes away from you and others. C. Never handle hot glassware with bare hands. D. Turn off the gas jets when not in use. E. Report any burns to the teacher IMMEDIATELY. V.Chemical Safety A. Never taste any chemical or substance unless told to do so by the teacher. B. Notify the teacher immediately if ANY spills occur. C. Keep your hands away from you face when working with chemicals. D. Never mix two unknown chemicals together E. Never return unused chemicals to their original container. F. Dispose of chemical as instructed to do so by the teacher. VI.Electrical Safety A. Check all equipment for worn or broken cords or broken plugs. B. Keep work area dry C. Do not unplug cords by pulling on them.

4 Guidelines for A Safe Lab VII.Pre-Lab Procedures A. Never work alone in the lab. B. Put on all safety equipment BEFORE beginning the lab. C. Read the lab instructions BEFORE beginning the lab. D. Collect all needed equipment BEFORE beginning the lab. VIII.Post-Lab Procedures A. Never dispose of biological waste in the sink or trash can. B. Clean up the lab area before leaving. Your mother is not taking this class. C. Return all equipment to its proper place. D. Always wash your hands with soap and water before leaving the lab.

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