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Oceanography 201 Science of the Sea Spring 2014. William Smith

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1 Oceanography 201 Science of the Sea Spring 2014

2 William Smith

3 Monday & Wed. 8:30-9:45am BLDG 5, R108

4 MW 9:45-10:15 or by request

5 Class Policies Attendance: Mandatory Come Prepared: Read assignments Review lecture notes and outlines

6 Please turn it off before arriving to class! Cell Phones

7 Introduction to oceanography with special emphasis on scientific method theory of plate tectonics bathymetry of the ocean basins interactions between the ocean and atmosphere seawater chemistry patterns and generation of ocean currents and waves physical properties of the ocean generation of ocean tides distribution of life in the oceans flow of energy and matter through the marine ecosystem

8 Modes of Instruction b b assigned text readings b b class lectures b b examinations b b Reaction paper/discussion assignments b b videos b b assigned text readings b b class lectures b b examinations b b Reaction paper/discussion assignments b b videos

9 Exams b b 4 exams @150 points each b b Non-cumulative b b Multiple choice b b 3x5” 1-sided card allowed b b 4 exams @150 points each b b Non-cumulative b b Multiple choice b b 3x5” 1-sided card allowed

10 Missed Exam Policy Contact your instructor (email)! No retest unless a legitimate reason Take exam next class time

11 Reaction Paper/Discussion Topics 1. 2 assignments = 150 points each 2. Review an article related to topics provided by instructor 3. Article selection from journals Internet journals O.K., but not nonjournal website. 4. Write a 2 page summary-reaction paper, Attach article to paper (photocopy or cut it out).

12 Reaction Paper/Discussion Topics 1. 1. Global Warming 2. 2. Overfishing 1. 1. Global Warming 2. 2. Overfishing Reaction paper will be discussed in class on due date. Participation expected.

13 1. 4 assignments worth up to 5 points toward your exam (e.g. 85% + 5 pts= 90%) 2. Review an article related to class content (e.g., Discover magazine, Time, Newsweek, local paper…) or selected video review. Legitimate internet articles O.K.. 3. Write a 1-2 page summary-reaction paper, typed, double spaced, size 12 font. Attach article to paper (photocopy or cut it out).

14 Grading EXAMINATIONS (4@150 pts)600 points4@1 Reaction Papers/ Discussion (2@150 pts)300 points2@150 ATTENDANCE____100 points Total 1000 points

15 Grading

16 Read text and outlines Review lecture notes as often as possible Study in groups Hand in material on time Ask questions

17 Course Text INVESTIGATING OCEANOGRAPHY Author SVERDRUP Edition/Copyright 14; Published Date 2014 ISBN 9780078022913

18 Cheating Plagiarism See student handbook on conduct code or

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