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REVIEW QUESTIONS What is a prokaryote?No membrane bound organelles What is an example of a prokaryote? Bacteria What are the 3 parts of the cell theory?

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Presentation on theme: "REVIEW QUESTIONS What is a prokaryote?No membrane bound organelles What is an example of a prokaryote? Bacteria What are the 3 parts of the cell theory?"— Presentation transcript:


2 REVIEW QUESTIONS What is a prokaryote?No membrane bound organelles What is an example of a prokaryote? Bacteria What are the 3 parts of the cell theory? All organisms composed of cells - cell is basic unit of living things - all cells from pre-existing cells What is a eukaryote?Has membrane bound organelles

3 REVIEW CONTINUED: What are the functions of the cell membrane? Protect the cell – regulates what enters & leaves the cell What is the process of maintaining the cells environment? HOMEOSTASIS What is the property of a cell membrane that only allows certain things in or out? SELECTIVE PERMEABILITY What is the cell membrane’s structure? PHOSPHOLIPID BILAYER What is the outer boundary of a plant cell? CELL WALL

4 Which statement about the cell membrane is not true? A – it helps give the cell its shape B – it is found only in animal cells C – it provides some protection for the cell D – it helps maintain homeostasis

5 PARTS OF THE CELL – CELL ORGANELLES Nucleus control center of the cell – contains DNA – gives directions for making proteins

6 Nucleolus inside nucleus – makes ribosomes

7 Chromatin inside nucleus – strands of DNA

8 Cytoplasm clear, gelatinous fluid inside the cell gives the cell its shape holds or “suspends” the cell’s organelles

9 Ribosomes site of protein synthesis (where protein is made) can be free floating or attached to endoplasmic reticulum

10 Endoplasmic Reticulum large “workspace” inside cell – has “folds” for greater surface area 2 kinds of ER1.Rough ER: has ribosomes attached to make protein 2. Smooth ER: no ribosomes attached – other biochemical activities here

11 Golgi Apparatus sorts proteins to be sent to correct destination flattened system of membranes – (look like pancakes)

12 Vacuoles function to store materials plants have a LARGE vacuole – animal cells have smaller vacuoles TYPICAL ANIMAL CELLTYPICAL PLANT CELL

13 Lysosome contains digestive enzymes digests/destroys excess food, viruses, bacteria also can destroy the cell itself if needed

14 Plastids found in PLANTS ONLY used for storage EXAMPLE: Chloroplasts store energy/food has “folds” for greater surface area

15 Mitochondria produces energy for the cell has “folds” for greater surface area each type of cell has a different amount of these

16 Cytoskeleton cell support structure – gives a “framework” to the cell composed of MICROTUBULES & MICROFILAMENTS

17 Cilia function in movement of the cell or line the cell to move other things cilia are short, hair like – move in waves

18 Flagella functions in movement of the cell flagella are longer – move like a whip


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