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Athanassios Liakopoulos Greek Research & Technology Network / GRNET Athens, October 19, 2004 Athens, October 19 th,

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Presentation on theme: "Athanassios Liakopoulos Greek Research & Technology Network / GRNET Athens, October 19, 2004 Athens, October 19 th,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Athanassios Liakopoulos Greek Research & Technology Network / GRNET, Athens, October 19, 2004 Athens, October 19 th, 2004 Deploying IPv6 on GRNET network

2 Oct. 2004 GRNET IPv6 Workshop 2 Phase 0: Activities within 6Bone More than 30 tunnel connections to Greek Universities and other NRENs or companies. Cisco 4500 series edge router Deployment of multiple management tools, e.g. MRTG, looking glass, ASPathtree, etc. DNS tests with A6 records Services - Transition mechanisms Open 6to4 relay router Deploy and test MS Windows and Solaris systems Assigned by RIPE the sTLA 2001:648::/35

3 Oct. 2004 GRNET IPv6 Workshop 3 “Phase ½” GRNET joins the 6NET consortium in 2001 The group of people involved in IPv6 activities is tripled. New equipment available for testing. Participate to an panEuropean “brainstorming” discussion

4 Oct. 2004 GRNET IPv6 Workshop 4 Phase 1 Athens MAN Deployment of IPv6 services completed in December 2002. Gain significant experience from the operation of dual stack production network GRNET2 IPv6 support from day one - September 2004 Cisco 124xx series– 12.0(28)S Extend the management infrastructure ( GRNET Customers with IPv6 connection NTUA, Aegean Un., GRNET_HQ, Uo.Athens 6NET pilot network – Aristotle UTh., CTI, UoCrete Short term deployment plans for SchoolGR, Aristotle UTh SEEREN IPv6 support for balkan NRENs IPv6 over Carrier Supporting Carrier Cisco 75xx series GRNET edge– 12.2S Services IPv6 interconnection Web server IPv6 ready (apache v2.0), DNS, Reverse HTTP Proxy. Multiple GRNET systems are IPv6 ready IPv6 multicast is available as a pilot service.

5 Oct. 2004 GRNET IPv6 Workshop 5 Phase 2 Services IPv6 multicast in the production network Dual stack server and services, e.g. FTP servers. Extend IPv6 services inside Greek Universities and SEEREN network University cooperation is needed. Dissemination workshops, articles, leaflets, etc.

6 Oct. 2004 GRNET IPv6 Workshop 6

7 Oct. 2004 GRNET IPv6 Workshop 7 Questions ?

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