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The Great Depression Chapter 23 – Section 4 The Legacy of the New Deal.

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1 The Great Depression Chapter 23 – Section 4 The Legacy of the New Deal

2 Social Security ► The New Deal brought many changes to the United States. One of the most prominent is the Social Security system. ► This system provides retirement pensions to be paid by a payroll tax on workers and matching payments by employers ► It included aid to dependent children. Financial help to children without fathers, unemployed parents or being cared for by another family.

3 Social Security ► Social Security provides financial aid to the disabled, both physically and mentally impaired. ► Finally it set up temporary payments for the unemployed.

4 Labor Reforms ► The New Deal also affected the labor sector of American society. Workers saw vast improvements in wages and working conditions. ► The Wagner Act protected workers’ rights to organize into unions. Employers could no longer fire someone just for being a union member. ► The right to collective bargaining was established; companies had to bargain with Unions. ► The establishment of the federal minimum wage.

5 Labor Reform ► Workers would be given time-and-a-half pay for overtime work. ► Reforms to end child labor ► Because of the many advances in the labor sector there was a massive growth of union memberships among skilled and unskilled workers. All of whom voted for FDR.

6 Scorecard on the New Deal ► Though the New Deal was extremely popular among Americans there were some groups and individuals that did not approve. ► They believed:  A powerful federal government threatened individual freedom and free enterprise.  The increase in national debt through deficit spending would have disastrous effects. ► Though the New Deal did provide help to thousands of Americans its programs did not fulfill their goal of full economic recovery.

7 The New Deal Continued ► Regardless of the New Deal’s shortcomings it did provide with a number of positive effects.  Employed millions and improved working conditions on the job  Ended the banking crisis and reformed the stock market  Built dams and bridges  Preserved 12 million acres of parkland  Provided electricity to rural areas.

8 The New Deal ► The New Deal’s crowning achievement is that it restored America’s faith in government.

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