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Earthwork & Volumes Spec Requirements End Areas End-area Volumes

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Presentation on theme: "Earthwork & Volumes Spec Requirements End Areas End-area Volumes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Earthwork & Volumes Spec Requirements End Areas End-area Volumes
Borrow Pit Volumes Mass Diagrams Cost Estimates

2 Earthwork Specs Payment based on excavation (Cut)
Specs define methods for cut and fill Typically not paid for fill Based on “Excavation measured in place as computed from survey notes” Not weighing, counting truck rounds Look for spec allowing contractor to dispute volumes in a certain area

3 Excavation Specs Common excavation Rock/Muck
Determined from survey notes Describes most of work Rock/Muck Rock requires blasting Muck requires deep dig, granular fill Before/after volume survey

4 Haul Payments Volume payments - $/cy Excavation Free Haul - Stations
Separate lines for common, rock , muck Free Haul - Stations Overhaul - $/cy-stations Borrow - $/cy Covers cost of lease, haul, reclamation Waste - $/cy

5 End Areas Based on Area – ft2 Cross-sections Typical section Cut Fill

6 Construction Grade Staking
Based on “typical section” Stake centerline, slope “breakouts”

7 Slope Stakes 12’ + 4’(4) + 8’ + 6.3’(4) = 61.2’

8 Slope Staking 12’ + 3.7’(4) = 26.8’

9 End Area Calculations

10 End Area Calculations Level Sections 3-level Sections
Triangular Sections 5-level Sections Other Sections

11 Level Sections

12 3-Level Sections

13 5-Level Sections

14 Transition Sections

15 End Area Calculations Planimeter Coordinate Calculations
Similar to coordinate area Start/end at same point

16 Coordinate Areas 30 ‘ top, left shoulder (-15, 0) Assign (0, 0)

17 Coordinate Calc Example

18 End-Area Volumes AI = 390.6 ft2 AH = 338.3 ft2 AG = 144.8 ft2
AE = 15.6 ft2 AE = 15.0 ft2 AD = ft2 AB = ft2 AA = ft2

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