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Review – Wrap Up – Study Guide

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1 Review – Wrap Up – Study Guide
The Odyssey Review – Wrap Up – Study Guide

2 Important People

3 Anticlea Odysseus’ mother Dies of a broken heart
Odysseus meets her when speaking with the dead

4 Antinous Suitor of Penelope

5 Argos Odysseus’ dog Trained as a puppy by Odysseus
Dies after seeing his master again after 20 years

6 Calypso Sea Nymph who lives on an island in the Mediterranean
Keeps Odysseus captive for 7 years Told by Hermes to allow Odysseus to go home

7 Charybdis Monster that swallows large amounts of water and then vomits it back up, creating a huge whirlpool Across the straight from the Scylla

8 Circe Goddess of magic Gives Odysseus’ men wine and honey that turns them into pigs Odysseus tricks her with the help of Hermes and makes her return his men to human form

9 Eumaeus A faithful swineherd of Odysseus’ that helps him when he returns to Ithaca

10 Helios The Sun God Has a large herd of cattle on his island that are eaten by Odysseus’ men despite warnings not to do this Is angered by the loss of his cattle and demands restitution Zeus hits Odysseus’ ship with a bolt of lightning, sinking it and killing his men, due to this.

11 Penelope Odysseus’ wife Besieged by suitors wanting her to marry them
Tricks them by saying she will marry one of them when she finishes weaving a burial shroud for Laerties, Odysseus’ father. Each night she undoes that day’s work.

12 Polyphemus Cyclops Son of Poseidon Eats Odysseus’ men.
Is blinded by Odysseus Prays to his father, the god of the sea, to make Odysseus’ journey home difficult

13 Scylla 6 headed monster Across the straight from the Charybdis.
Will eat a man for each head when a ship passes.

14 Sirens Sea Nymphs Lure in sailors with their singing, causing them to smash into the rocks Odysseus covers the ears of his men with wax and commands them to keep rowing

15 Telemachus Son of Odysseus Tries to get rid of the suitors
Goes on a voyage to find out if his father is still alive Helps his father destroy the suitors

16 Tiresias Blind prophet In the Underworld
Odysseus has to ask him for information before he can return home Warns Odysseus not to eat the cattle of Helios

17 Important Places

18 Aeaea Home of Circe Odysseus’ men are turned to pigs
Odysseus and his men spend about a year here

19 Aeolus Home of the God of the Wind
Odysseus is given a bag of all winds except for the West Wind Bag is opened and they are blown back off course, back to this island

20 Ithaca Odysseus’ homeland The destination he is trying to reach
Small island off of Greece

21 Land of the Cyclops Where Odysseus and his men meet Polyphemus

22 Land of the Dead Hades The Underworld
Odysseus journeys here to find Tiresias Also meets his mother and one of his men, as well as many other Greek heroes/characters

23 Land of the Lotus Eaters
Island full of peaceful people who eat the flower of the lotus plant The plant makes you lose all desire except for staying on the island and eating the lotus Three of Odysseus’ men eat the plant which causes him to pack them up and make his men leave the island

24 Ogygia The island where Calypso lives
Odysseus is held captive here for seven years

25 Troy An island across the Mediterranean from Greece.
War was waged between Troy and Greece lasting 10 years. Odysseus is instrumental in them winning the war because of his idea for the Trojan Horse

26 Things to Know

27 Things to Know How does Athena help Odysseus through this story? Be able to name multiple times. How does Odysseus show his intelligence during this story. Be able to name multiple times. Be able to name multiple times that Odysseus’ men show that they are unintelligent

28 Things to Know What does Odysseus disguise himself as upon returning home and who helps him? How Odysseus deals with the suitors living in his home. The Olive Tree in book 23.

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