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Development of a New Simulation Software for Visual Ergonomy of a Cockpit Pascal MARTINEZ.

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Presentation on theme: "Development of a New Simulation Software for Visual Ergonomy of a Cockpit Pascal MARTINEZ."— Presentation transcript:

1 Development of a New Simulation Software for Visual Ergonomy of a Cockpit Pascal MARTINEZ

2 Author team OPTIS : Optics & Software development Jacques Delacour (President) Pascal Martinez (Vice-President) Laurent Fournier & Eric Humbert (Physicist & Software Dvt) Gunther Hasna (Benchmark Group Manager) NEMOPTIC : LCD manufacturer Jean-François LEGAY (Engineer) IMNSSA : Military Medical Department Jean-Pierre MENU (Specialist in vision in aeronautics – co- author of « Operational Colour Vision in The Modern Aviation Environment)

3 Light is everywhere!

4 OPTIS Solutions OpticsPhotometry & Colorimetry Environment lightingPhysics based Photo-realism

5 The Needs we address More and more information are displayed in a cockpit. Harnessing color and light environment is the key to : –Improve detection –Avoid tiredness For safety reasons, these information must be clear and readable –What level of light? Which color? –How uniform ? How big ? Which resolution? And to answer what if : –The sun was in a given direction? –I use Head-Up displays, Night Vision Devices

6 A380 Cockpit A380 cockpit – Courtesy of Airbus Industry

7 Goal of this development Simulate the lighting environment of a cockpit –Evaluate the light level and color for displayed information –Determine the effect of the ambient light –Simulate the effect of the sun / landing lights Simulate the physiological human vision –Simulate the eye response to light/color –Simulate the eye perception Analyze a detectable/non detectable signal

8 Software Environment CAD/CAM software compatible via native format files and STEP, IGES Integrated in CATIA V5 environment Based on our SPEOS photometry simulation software (used by Dassault Aviation / BAE / EADS / Lear…) Based on Nemoptic and CNRS research center for LCD modules simulation Using OPTIS Extended optical library of materials, surface qualities and sources

9 Problem definition There are many issues to solve during the development process of a cockpit : the choice of display technology CRT, LCD. the use of ISO visual standards related to the use of color on displays. the position of the displays and information the problem of contrast reduction due to reflected ambient light the problem of contrast reduction due to direct light and background the detection of information Night Vision Devices

10 Algorithm 3D SCENE (CAD/CAM) + optical properties Instruments Light Source HiFi spectral Luminance Map Sensors Results Standards Eye Model Light Propagation

11 OPTIS Photometric simulation More than 10 years R&D in simulation of : –Light emission (incandescent, discharge, LED, sun, Black bodies, LCD) –Optical propagation (spectral absorbing and diffusing material : air, fog, …) –Photons/Matter interaction (diffusion, BRDF, BTDF, color, …) Based on an optimized Monte-Carlo approach Fully spectral approach from UV to IR

12 Photometric simulation Source emissionLight propagation Spectral behaviour Luminance results

13 Colorimetry & Visual standards Results are compared to International standards –ISO : part 8 of ISO 9241 –Military standards MIL-S-22885 Specifications compliance

14 CRT & LCD display models First model for CRT & LCD Integrators Emittance = spectral BMP 3D Intensity distribution (IES format file) Glass material and coating Total emitted flux Simulation Result

15 CRT & LCD display models (2) For display system designer : Backlighting (+ LCD) Handling of light guide’s complex geometry coming from CAD/CAM software, adding thousands of evolutive 3D patterns for the backlighting

16 CRT & LCD display models (3) For display system designer : (Backlighting +) LCD LCD simulation (Optis+Nemoptic) handling –the physical behavior of the liquid crystal –Polarization effects –Transmitted and reflected light effects

17 Color washout SPEOS computes the multiple light reflection into the 3D system, coming from all the sources After hitting the window of the display, light will be partly diffused onto the direction of the pilote This additionnal light will impact the contrast of the displayed information

18 Color Washout (results) Contrast evaluation

19 Eye model : Response to light High range of dynamic : 10 -6 to 10 8 cd/m² Two kind of photoreceptors : –Cones (Color cells) red, green and blue sensitive type in central vision –Luminosity cells in peripheral vision Day vision 5.10-2 cd/m²0.35 cd/m² 0.7 cd/m²

20 Eye model : Detection Ambient light generates Contrast reduction of the display (seen) Loss of sensitivity : adaptation of the eye High level of luminance scene Photometric response before applying eye model Eye model : the grey cross is not detected

21 Cockpit Simulation : Day Left part: Ambient light Sun effect on the retinae

22 Cockpit Simulation : Night Left part: Ambient light Night vision on the retinae

23 Eye Model : spatial response It is the angular response of the eye, depending on : –The distance to the fovea –The level of light Mesopic VisionPhotopic Vision DAY Scotopic Vision NIGHT

24 Cockpit Simulation - Night Loss of resolution Original result

25 Eye Model : focusing In a 3D scene, when looking at a precise spot, the eye is making a focus adaptation on this point. Other part are becoming flou Focus on the foregroundFocus on the background

26 Validation Photometric models have been fully validated on industrial applications Easy to isolate Photometric/Physiologic points Physiological models are based on experiments litterature Difficult to isolate Eye process / Brain process Possible to take into account vision defects, age, presence of goggles

27 Conclusion OPTIS now introduces the first Visual Ergonomics Simulation Software which is the meeting point of : Simulation CAD/CAM Ergonomics Solution based on a unique 12 years R&D program on photometric simulation Available now as a standalone package Integrated in Catia V5 in the next 6 months for CATIA and MSC.Software users OPTIS / Visual Ergonomics will provide aeronautics engineers with a communication tool with pilots and focus groups of passengers

28 OPTIS / Visual Ergonomics Thanks for your attention…

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