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WWW.TRANSPORTATION.ORG AASHTO’s Research Advisory Committee (RAC) and its Role within AASHTO Jim McDonnell, P.E. Program Director, Engineering AASHTO July.

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Presentation on theme: "WWW.TRANSPORTATION.ORG AASHTO’s Research Advisory Committee (RAC) and its Role within AASHTO Jim McDonnell, P.E. Program Director, Engineering AASHTO July."— Presentation transcript:

1 WWW.TRANSPORTATION.ORG AASHTO’s Research Advisory Committee (RAC) and its Role within AASHTO Jim McDonnell, P.E. Program Director, Engineering AASHTO July 2015

2 WWW.TRANSPORTATION.ORG RAC’s Role within AASHTO Working with AASHTO’s headquarters office  Policy input  Promoting research and results Providing Input to NCHRP Interacting with other AASHTO committees  SCOR  Others (liaisons, input, coordination)

3 WWW.TRANSPORTATION.ORG New AASHTO Strategic Plan Adopted by Board of Directors in November 2014 Covers 2014-2019 Development guided by a committee of 17 State DOT Execs Provides direction to AASHTO, not to the State DOTs Conducted as an NCHRP project

4 WWW.TRANSPORTATION.ORG Assist states in developing transportation solutions that: create economic prosperitycreate economic prosperity enhance quality of lifeenhance quality of life improve safetyimprove safety Vision …through: policy developmentpolicy development advocacyadvocacy technical servicestechnical services leadership developmentleadership development advancing partnershipsadvancing partnerships promoting innovationpromoting innovation Mission

5 WWW.TRANSPORTATION.ORG How is Research Addressed? 4 Goals in the AASHTO Strategic Plan: 1.Provide Value to Members 2.Provide Innovative Technical and Professional Services and Products 3.Be a Leader in National Transportation Policy Development 4.Communicate the Value of Transportation

6 WWW.TRANSPORTATION.ORG Review research agenda and activities to ensure support for innovation and implementation of innovative strategies Identify national research priorities that help member agencies develop and implement effective transportation solutions Focus attention on the steps required to support the implementation of research results and best practices How is Research Addressed?

7 WWW.TRANSPORTATION.ORG How will the new plan be used? Will help to prioritize the actions we will pursue in the next five years Will provide direction for AASHTO’s Technical Service Programs Is guiding a review of the committees, including structure and focus

8 AASHTO Board of Directors AviationEnvironment Highways Finance and Administration Public Transportation Highway Traffic Safety Rail Transportation Performance Management Water Transportation Planning Research (SCOR) Executive Committee Intermodal Transportation and Economic Expansion Joint Development Transportation Security and Emergency Management AASHTO-AGC- ARTBA Joint Committee Special Committees: Standing Committees (Modal): Standing Committees (Functional Areas): AASHTO’s Standing Committees

9 Research (SCOR) Research Advisory Committee (RAC) Administration Coordination and Collaboration Program Management and Quality Transportation Knowledge Networks Value of Research Task Forces: Subcommittee: Standing Committee:

10 WWW.TRANSPORTATION.ORG Comprehensive Committee Review (CCR) Steering Committee Steering committee consists of CEOs and senior leaders Initial discussions with committee leadership, more interaction to come Review could identify gaps, overlaps, emerging topics, and how to best support the State DOTs Recommendations to Board of Directors, Spring 2016

11 WWW.TRANSPORTATION.ORG Some Thoughts and Ideas from SCOR and RAC Leadership Committee silos are a challenge, coordination and collaboration is key, possibly expanding to other modes Strategic direction needed, critical issues to focus on/prioritization RAC can serve as a resource on emerging topics/cutting-edge ideas, helping AASHTO become more pro-active/forward thinking

12 WWW.TRANSPORTATION.ORG Other Ways SCOR, RAC, and AASHTO Work Together Development of policy positions for consideration by the Board of Directors, input on proposed rules and regulations Recent increase in coordination/collaboration with other committees Helping to fund various AASHTO Technical Service Programs Providing input/direction to the NCHRP

13 WWW.TRANSPORTATION.ORG A few other random topics…

14 WWW.TRANSPORTATION.ORG Reauthorization of the Federal Transportation Bill MAP-21 expired September 30, 2014 AASHTO Board developed recommendations to Congress in 2013 Current extension runs through July 31, 2015 House passed another extension through December 18, 2015 Senate debating proposed 6-year bill this week, slight increase in funding, but only 3 years of funding available from the Highway Trust Fund

15 WWW.TRANSPORTATION.ORG World Road Association/ PIARC US has participated in the World Road Association (also known as PIARC) since early 1990s International roads version of AASHTO  16 technical committees, each with a US rep  New 4-year work cycle begins in 2016

16 SHRP2 Implementation 51 States + DC 275+projects SHRP2 Solutions – 63 products bundled into 40 implementation efforts Solutions include – Processes, software, testing procedures, and specifications Field Tested Implementation – 275+ transportation projects; goal of mainstreaming SHRP2 Education Connection – Connecting next-generation professionals with next-generation innovations

17 Upcoming Round 7 Last anticipated implementation assistance opportunity! Important Dates: –Product Webinars – Feb/March 2016 –Application Period – April 1-29, 2016 Anticipated products in Round 7 include: 17

18 Round 7 – Anticipated Products 18 Techniques to Fingerprint Construction Materials (R06B) Advanced Methods to Identifying Pavement Delamination (R06D) Guidelines for the Preservation of High-Traffic-Volume Roadways (R26) Nondestructive Testing for Tunnel Linings (R06G) Nondestructive Testing for Concrete Bridge Decks (R06A) Service Life Design for Bridges (R19A) Service Limit State Design for Bridges (R19B) Utility Bundle (R01A/R01B/R15B) Reliability in Simulation and Planning Models (L04) Regional Operations Forum (L36) Reliability Data and Analysis Tools (L02/L05/L07/L08/C11)

19 SHRP2 Resources GoSHRP2 Website –Product details –Information about SHRP2 implementation phases AASHTO’s SHRP2 Website –Implementation information for AASHTO members Pam Hutton, SHRP2 Implementation Manager,

20 WWW.TRANSPORTATION.ORG Thank You Jim McDonnell, P.E. Program Director, Engineering


22 AASHTO’s Technical Service Programs TSPs created to serve AASHTO members – Established by the AASHTO Board of Directors – Address common needs; reduce duplication of effort Members set the direction for these programs Funding from a variety of sources – Voluntary contributions from State DOTs – Federal cooperative agreements – Fee for service – Combinations of above For programs funded with State contributions, invoices typically sent from AASHTO in July

23 SP&R Waivers and AASHTO TSPs “Waivers” allow non-Federal match to be waived; thus, 100% federal SP&R funding can be used Provides an additional way to fund TSPs – is not the only potential source of funding AASHTO obtains waivers for TSPs from FHWA HQ – AASHTO requests waiver from FHWA for appropriate programs – Program must have significant research or technology transfer component to be eligible – Letter provided by FHWA confirms or denies eligibility – Letters kept on file by AASHTO – RAC members notified of eligibility each year at invoice time

24 TSPs currently eligible for waiver of SP&R Non-Federal Match AASHTO Innovation Initiative – A.I.I. (formerly TIG) AASHTO Materials Reference Laboratory – AMRL AASHTO Product Evaluation List – APEL Census Transportation Planning Program – CTPP Environmental Technical Assistance Program – ETAP Equipment Management – EMTSP Highway Safety Policy and Management LRFD Specifications Maintenance Materials Specifications – DAMS National Transp Product Evaluation Program – NTPEP Operations Technical Service Program (State contributions to the National Operations Center of Excellence) Snow and Ice Cooperative Program – SICOP Resilient and Sustainable Transp – RSTS (formerly STEICS) Transportation Curriculum Coordination Council – TC3 Transportation Systems Preservation – TSP2

25 WWW.TRANSPORTATION.ORG New Technical Service Programs National Operations Center of Excellence  Launched in January  Collaborative effort  One-stop shop for Transportation Systems Management and Operation information  Web portal with SHRP2 products, best practices, lessons learned, emerging technologies, and research and development opportunities  Contact Dennis Motiani:

26 WWW.TRANSPORTATION.ORG New Technical Service Programs AASHTO Training  Considering expansion of training offered through the Transportation Curriculum Coordination Council  Web-based learning management system (LMS)  Aimed at both public and private sector needs  Down the line, could include testing and certification Contact Keith Platte:

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