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One Voice, One Focus…Continues Dr. Michael J. Martirano State Superintendent of Schools June 24, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "One Voice, One Focus…Continues Dr. Michael J. Martirano State Superintendent of Schools June 24, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 One Voice, One Focus…Continues Dr. Michael J. Martirano State Superintendent of Schools June 24, 2015

2 College and Career Ready – Success in the New Economy WV Teaching and Learning Model of Instruction WV Next Generation Standards Update –Resources –WV Education Standards Evaluation Process Statewide General Summative Assessment Update Strategic Plan –WVDE Organization Chart Statewide Initiatives –Attendance Matters –WV Graduation 20/20 –Reimagined Instructional Time –Communicate, Communicate, Communicate Q&A Truancy Diversion One Voice Tour – Reflections

3 College and Career Ready Success in the New Economy

4 WV Teaching and Learning Model of Instruction

5 WV Next Generation Standards Update

6 Resources



9 The goal of this project is to commence a public evaluation – a statewide town hall meeting – of the WV Next Generation CSOs. Two Phases: Phase I: Online Comment Platform Phase II: Analyze, Review & Revise

10 Phase I: Online Comment Platform July 8 th – September 30 th During the evaluation, participants will have the following response options: 1.I agree with the standard as written. 2.The standard should be moved to a different grade. Feedback required. 3.The standard should be broken up into several, more specific standards. Feedback required. 4.The standard should be rewritten. Feedback required.

11 Phase II: Analyze, Review & Revise October 1 st – December 1 st WVU and SREB will perform analytics on comments received. A diverse group of stakeholders, facilitated by subject matter experts at WVU, will evaluate the public’s comments. Stakeholder groups will make recommendations to the WVBE on how the standards should be revised.

12 West Virginia General Summative Assessment

13 Assessment WVGSA 2014-2015 Testing went smoothly due to the work of the district/school staff Comments regarding the platform from teachers and students were positive Overall student testing times appeared to be less than projected Communicating test results –Under construction

14 Assessment


16 2014-15 WVGSA Status Currently: Statewide – 96.99% of tests completed –759,742 tests completed – Number of tests 4 tests per student in grades 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11 5 tests per student in grades 4, 6, 10 Testing window –1 district with open testing window –56 districts with closed testing windows Includes WVSDB and OIEP

17 Testing Window Concern: Length of testing window Response: Identify test window by student rather than by district Reduce to 4 or 5 day student window depending on grade level

18 ??Testing Window 2014-15 Assessment Requirements: County –36 day county window – to allow adequate time for scheduling all school/student tests –Many districts did not use the full 36 days –Window may have been extended to compensate for extended school year resulting in a longer test window Student –5 or 6 day student window depending on grade level –Testing sessions Typically 1-2 hour session 5 sessions – grades 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, and 11 6 sessions – grades 4, 6, and 10

19 Accommodations WVGSA – designed to be accessible to ALL students. Assessment platform contains many embedded accommodations Several non-embedded accommodations are also available Accommodation file is generated and uploaded by WVDE nightly Accommodations may be from IEP, LEP, SAT, 504

20 WVGSA – designed to be accessible to ALL students Concerns: Accommodation issues –Translation glossary – need specific language glossary –Stacked translations – Spanish only –Refreshable braille –Accommodations not appearing for student during testing Correcting IEP dates was most often required local fix Response: Pl anned enhancements –Accommodation file adjustments –Ability to remove accommodations from TIDE Accommodations

21 Concern: Wrong test being delivered –Interim test vs summative test Nearly 1000 test reset requests due to improper test being administered Response: Planned administration enhancements –Improve test platform to better differentiate between summative and interim tests –County/school test window – summative test not accessible outside of district/school window Test Administration

22 Concern: Improperly submitted tests –Students submitting prematurely ELA PT part 2 – students submitted instead of pausing tests after part 1, resulting in large number of re-open test requests Response: Planned enhancements –Administer ELA PT in one session –Approval by test administrator required prior to test submission Test Administration

23 Concern: Performance Task expiring –10 day window for completion –Make-ups for ELA PT part 2 attempted after 10 day window has expired – resulting in a large number of re-open test requests Response: Planned enhancements –Administer ELA PT in one session –Complete make-up sessions for tests that have been started as soon as possible rather than waiting until the end of the test window Test Administration

24 Concern: Duplicate students in test information system –8-digit and 9-digit uploaded (leading zero), resulting in students having two files Response: Planned enhancements –All WVEIS numbers will be entered into system using 9-digits (all will include the leading zero) –Test information system will not accept any WVEIS number that is not 9-digits Duplicate Students

25 Data

26 Reports Printed Reports: Student Level Reports Online Reports: State County School Student

27 Reports Student-level reports: Printed by the districts for each student Distributed at the beginning of the 2015- 2016 school year Batch printing –Printed at the grade level by content area –Student reports for different content areas will have to be collated prior to distribution

28 Reports





33 Online student reports: Reports scheduled to be available 10 days after student completion of content test There have been delays in the hand-scoring process WVDE is in continual discussions with vendor to improve results posting Scoring and posting of student results is expected to be completed middle of July WVDE will notify counties when results are complete and ready for counties to print

34 Reports Online student reports scored and posted, statewide to date: ELA – 65.46% Math – 46.17% Science – 100%

35 Strategic Plan

36 Statewide Initiatives


38 Attendance Matters… Under Construction Kick off event in early August –Monthly focus events Resources/toolkit for counties to engage students, parents and communities in celebrating good attendance – End of year recognition

39 Ensuring ALL our Students Graduate College and Career Ready

40 Support, Resources and Recognition WVDE School Improvement Framework based on High Quality Standards for Schools

41 Dates for Training August 4-5 August 6-7 Emmanuel Baptist, Charleston, WV Lodging and Travel expenses will be covered

42 Support and Resources National Dropout Center CEEDAR Center Grad 20/20 Coaches School Improvement Resources

43 Who Should Attend? Central Office Staff RESA Staff WVDE Staff

44 Recognition: Schools and Counties Annual Statewide event – Fall of 2016 following release of certified graduation rates Recognize those meeting 90% graduation rate and the ones making the most growth toward meeting graduation rate goal of 90%

45 July 2015Launch New Calendar Website July/August 2015Webinar and Follow Up Reimagining Time August 2015Criteria, application, resources and technical support processes posted to website March1, 2016Applications/Proposals for Reimagining Time submitted for review May 1, 20162016-17 School Calendar Submissions with Reimagining Time initiatives embedded Additionally Revision of WVBE Policy 3234 to align HB 2377 and embed reimagining time Reimagined Instructional Time

46 Communicate, Communicate, Communicate… State of school system addresses Twitter, social media, etc. Engaging elected officials prior to legislative session Curriculum nights/back to school nights with parents

47 Q&A

48 Truancy Diversion

49 2015 Legislature passed SB393, Governor’s Juvenile Justice Bill Bill outlines a “prepetition diversion” pathway before a juvenile petition is filed with the court Truancy diversion specialist or probation officer responsible for operating the prepetition diversion program

50 Truancy Diversion Prepetition programs include, at minimum: –Assessment of juvenile –Creating a diversion agreement; may include: Referral to community services Requirement that juvenile regularly attend school Community-based sanctions to address noncompliance Any other efforts that may reasonably benefit the community, the juvenile or the juvenile’s parents/guardian –Monitoring compliance with diversion agreement

51 Truancy Diversion Feedback: –What entity should employ individual (i.e., courts, county BOEs?) –Success stories with school based probation officers –How to ensure/report success of prepetition programs –Any other thoughts on this topic…

52 One Voice Tour Reflections

53 The Tour Begins…

54 The Voices of Teachers

55 The Voices of Support Staff

56 The Arts

57 Career Technical Education

58 Technology

59 Excellence

60 Tune into the frequency of students







67 Coming to a school system near you!

68 Suggestions for living a happy life

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