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Psychometrics of EGRA Gambian, Senegalese, and Nicaraguan pilots.

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Presentation on theme: "Psychometrics of EGRA Gambian, Senegalese, and Nicaraguan pilots."— Presentation transcript:

1 Psychometrics of EGRA Gambian, Senegalese, and Nicaraguan pilots

2 Psychometrics Theory and technique of educational and psychological measurement Construction of instruments and procedures for measurement Development and refinement of theoretical approaches to measurement

3 EGRA “The EGRA instrument…is designed to be a sample-based, system diagnostic measure…..Its purpose is to document student performance on early grade reading skills in order to inform ministries and donors regarding system needs for improving instruction.”

4 Questions We Would Like Answered Do students find the test too difficult, too easy, or just right? Does the test measure consistently? Does the test measure what it is supposed to measure?

5 Do students find the test too difficult, too easy, or just right?

6 Difficulty The test is difficult…

7 Students Items

8 … but tends to get easier across grades.

9 Nicaragua (WCPM)

10 Does the test measure consistently?

11 Reliability The consistency of test scores over different test administrations (split-half) multiple raters (inter-rater) different test questions (internal) How likely is it that a student would obtain the same score?

12 Reliability Measures Split half (.7+) Cronbach (.7+) Reliability: Inter-rater Gambia ? Senegal ? Nicaragua

13 Does the test measure what it is supposed to measure?

14 Validity Appropriateness or correctness of inferences, or decisions made from test results Sources of evidence Content Construct Criterion Consequences

15 Validity Evidence ContentConstructCriterionConsequences Gambia ?? Senegal ?? Nicaragua ??

16 3 Dimensions (Gambia as Example) Words/vocabulary/ reading comprehension Letters/sounds/ listening comprehension Physical

17 EGRA: An Identity Crisis? “The EGRA instrument…is designed to be a sample-based system diagnostic measure…..Its purpose is to document student performance on early grade reading skills in order to inform ministries and donors regarding system needs for improving instruction.” “Simple method for diagnosis and assessment of early reading difficulties” “Cost-effective scan of the early grade reading situation for the country”

18 Whither EGRA? Tool for teachers or for policymakers? Test questions best suited to former (DIBELS) Implementation and analysis design best suited to latter (NAEP)

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