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 Highlights from the conference. What will we invest? What will we do? Who will we reach? What difference will it make? Planning Assessing W.K. Kellogg.

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Presentation on theme: " Highlights from the conference. What will we invest? What will we do? Who will we reach? What difference will it make? Planning Assessing W.K. Kellogg."— Presentation transcript:

1  Highlights from the conference

2 What will we invest? What will we do? Who will we reach? What difference will it make? Planning Assessing W.K. Kellogg Foundation

3 What are the problems or conditions addressed by the QEP? What differences will the QEP make once implemented? How do we bridge the gap? Implementation Plan Poor reading skills Poor learning in specific areas Little independent reading Poor test performance High failure rates Better reading skills Improved learning in specific courses More independent reading Retention rates up Test performance up Failure rates reduced

4 What are the problems or conditions addressed by the QEP? What differences will the QEP make once implemented? Poor reading skills Poor learning in specific courses Little independent reading Poor test performance High failure rates Poor digital literacy skills Better reading skills Improved learning in specific courses More independent reading Retention rates up Test performance up Failure rates reduced Improved digital literacy skills Inputs Activities Outputs Outcomes Identify Purpose Goals Objectives Outcomes Assess Purpose Goals Objectives Outcomes

5  QEP Rubrics QEP PurposeGoal 1Objective 1.1 Learning Outcome 1.1.1 Learning Outcome 1.1.2 Objective 1.2 Learning Outcome 1.2.1 Objective 1.3Goal 2Objective 2.1 Learning Outcome 2.1.1 Objective 2.2

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