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How to Navigate CARS-W and the WJ IV Suite of Tests Kim d’Arcy, PsyD – CCCCO Test Publishers’ Liaison; LDESM Trainer Steve Brown – CCCCO CARSW Developer/Liaison.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Navigate CARS-W and the WJ IV Suite of Tests Kim d’Arcy, PsyD – CCCCO Test Publishers’ Liaison; LDESM Trainer Steve Brown – CCCCO CARSW Developer/Liaison."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Navigate CARS-W and the WJ IV Suite of Tests Kim d’Arcy, PsyD – CCCCO Test Publishers’ Liaison; LDESM Trainer Steve Brown – CCCCO CARSW Developer/Liaison

2 Presentation Overview The purpose of this presentation is to educate CCCCO certified Learning Disabilities Specialists and DSPS faculty on:  The process in which the WJ IV Suite of Tests was implemented into CARSW  The WJ IV Suite of Tests – Composite Clusters, CHC factors, and Clinical Clusters used  The data entry process of test scores in CARSW  The data entry process of the LDESM eligibility components in CARSW  Sample student and WJ IV data entry (time permitted)  The CARSW User Survey and CARSW Liaison

3 Implementation of the WJ IV Suite of Tests  The WJ IV Suite of Tests was released in June 2014 – Cognitive, Achievement and Oral Language  A year prior to its release, the CCCCO Test Publishers’ Liaison and CARSW Developer participated in the following:  Meetings regarding release dates, discounts and security issues  Pilot study of the new web based Dashboard scoring program (replaced Compuscore)  Meetings regarding Dashboard exporting capabilities and transitioning deadlines  Updates were sent out to the LD and DSPS field throughout the entire process  The CCCCO Test Publishers’ Liaison, Learning Disabilities Eligibility and Services Model (LDESM) Trainers and HMH/Riverside Publishing participated in the following:  Overview of the WJ IV Suite of Tests  Overview of the LDESM  Discussion and proposal of Composite Clusters, CHC Factors and Clinical Clusters

4 Implementation of the WJ IV Suite of Tests continued…  LDFA Representatives participated in the following:  Overview of CARSW/WJ IV Suite of Tests proposal  Feedback from regions  Discussion and approval of CARSW/WJ IV Suite of Tests proposal  CCCCO Test Publishers’ Liaison/CARSW Liaison and CARSW Developer participated in the following:  Layout and implementation of the WJ IV within the CARSW Test Site  Pilot of test site with the help of LDFA members  Release of WJ IV within CARSW  Support and training (CAPED LD CIG SoCal; CAPED LD CIG NorCal; CAPED Convention)  Transition Deadline – Jan 2016

5 The WJ IV Suite of Tests  Cognitive, Achievement and Oral Language (new standalone test); Sample Mark-up Report within CARSW  Cognitive battery scores used within LDESM and CARSW:  Component 3 – Ability and Component 5 – Aptitude Achievement Discrepancy: GIA; Gf-Gc (now inclusion of the GAI in the WAIS-IV)  Achievement battery scores used within LDESM and CARSW:  Component 2 – Achievement: Reading; Broad Reading; Basic Reading Skills; Reading Comprehension; Reading Comprehension (Ext); Mathematics; Broad Mathematics; Math Calculation Skills; Math Problem Solving; Written Language; Broad Written Language; Basic Writing Skills; Written Expression; *Academic Skills; *Academic Applications; *Academic Knowledge; *Brief Achievement; *Broad Achievement  Items that can only be used for this specific component

6 The WJ IV Suite of Tests Continued…  Oral Language battery scores used within the LDESM and CARSW:  Broad Oral Language; Oral language; Oral Expression (all secondary cognitive procedures)  Component 4 - Processing Deficit using WJ IV Cognitive Tables: (-1.30 SD ; CHC Factors )  Intra-Cognitive Variations Table - Bidirectional: Comp-Knowledge (Gc); Fluid Reasoning (Gf); S-Term Work Mem (Gwm); Cog Process Speed (Gs); Auditory Process (Ga); L-Term Retrieval (Glr); Visual Processing (Gv)  Gf-Gc Composite/Other Ability Comparisons Table: S-Term Work Mem (Gwm); Cog Process Speed (Gs); Auditory Process (Ga); L-Term Retrieval (Glr); Visual Processing (Gv)

7 The WJ IV Suite of Tests Continued…  Component 5 – Aptitude Achievement Discrepancy when using BOTH the WJ IV Cognitive AND WJ IV Achievement Tables: (-1.30 SD)  GIA/Achievement Discrepancy Procedure Table  Gf-Gc Composite/Other Ability Comparisons Table  Composite and Clusters Used - Reading; Broad Reading; Basic Reading Skills; Reading Comprehension; Reading Comprehension (Ext); Mathematics; Broad Mathematics; Math Calculation Skills; Math Problem Solving; Written Language; Broad Written Language; Basic Writing Skills; Written Expression *Reading Rate; *Academic Fluency; *Phoneme-Grapheme Knowledge * Items that can only be used for this specific component

8 The WJ IV Suite of Tests: Score Report






14 Data Entry Process of Test Scores in CARSW

15 Data Entry Process of Test Scores in CARSW: Tutorial Video

16 Data Entry Process of Test Scores in CARSW Continued… Note: You will be entering in STANDARD SCORES, not raw scores. Tests and clusters not administered will not appear within the components. Only the approved Clusters, CHC Factors and Clinical Clusters will appear in each component.

17 Data Entry Process of Test Scores in CARSW Continued…

18 This CARSW score summary is very similar to what is generated with the WAIS-IV.

19 Data Entry Process of Eligibility Components in CARSW











30 CARSW User Survey  CARSW User Survey  Assessing for use and functionality of CARSW  Survey Monkey format  Link –  Recent CARSW Issue:  Log-out  Time-out

31 Questions or Comments?  Kim d’Arcy, PsyD  CCCCO Test Publishers’ Liaision  CCCCO LDESM Trainer  CCCCO LDFA Chair  LD Specialist at Saddleback College ; 949-582-4206 Direct Line  Steve Brown  CCCCO CARSW Developer/Liaison  Your new CARSW Liaison is… Dawn Decker, PsyD ! 

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