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Advanced Payroll with Union Discussion Presented by Bronwyn Betts.

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Presentation on theme: "Advanced Payroll with Union Discussion Presented by Bronwyn Betts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advanced Payroll with Union Discussion Presented by Bronwyn Betts

2 Welcome If you are applying for CPE credit, please be sure to sign in and sign out. Please write legibly! Additionally, fill out the survey for a chance to win a free pass to the 2017 User Conference!

3 Advanced P/R w/Unions Leaving Your Amateur Status Behind and Playing with the Pros

4 Presentation Contents Plans are good! 1 Accounts Payable Integration 941 Deposit Posting Overtime Settings Employer Contributions Importing Timecards Adjustment Genies Extra Burden 2 3 4 5 7 8 Union Setups/Issues 6

5 A/P Integration Mixing It Up 1 Identify the miscellaneous deductions you wish to use. Set up the A/P integration. Confirm vendors have same default G/L accounts as on the Miscellaneous Deduction(s) “A/P 2” tab of Control File – Enable Use Employee Misc Desc for A/P Invoice Desc Go to the Employee Record and add Case#/Garn Order number in the Description area. Enter a vendor here if it is different than default vendor on the Miscellaneous Deduction Record. Check the A/P Integration Pre-Check Register A/P Invoice Post log will print to show you invoice numbers Go to A/P > Daily > Select for Payment. Cut checks as desired. 2 3 4 5 6 7

6 941Deposit Posting It’s All About the Numbers 1 Make sure that you have a specific G/L Journal to post your weekly or bi-weekly 941 amounts. (G/L > Maintenance > Journals) Set up defaults in the Federal Tax Table area (P/R > Maintenance > Federal Tax > “General” tab) After payroll is complete and posted, run the 941 Report from the check date to the check date. The amounts contained here are what you should be calling in/entering online. Click on the Post icon. Choose the date for which you are recording the payment to the government. You have option to print the G/L summary to prove what has been posted This does not get sent the government automatically. You must still call in/enter info online. Consider setting up the link in your Custom area! 2 3 4 5 6

7 Over Time When the Game Starts to Get Interesting 1 Overtime and it’s pay factor determined by earn code setup (P/R > Maintenance > Earn Codes) Considered :Premium Time: for W/C Union fringes can be different for OT/DT/TT Manual entry Automatically generated (8 hrs in a day / 40 hrs in a week) Can Prorate OT 2 3 4 5 6

8 Employer Contributions Tracking Your Investments in Your Players 1 Track and accrue your 401K/IRA/SEP employer matching contribution. Track and accrue the employers contribution to health care, and have it report on the W2. We have a W2 Box 12 Worksheet to use to supplement, correct, or enter amounts for W2 reporting purposes. (PR > Maintenance > W2 Box 12 Worksheet) You can choose to track/report it only in P/R You can choose to track/report in P/R and expense/accrue in G/L You can choose to track/report in P/R, expense/accrue in G/L, and charge to job costing. 2 3 4 6 7

9 Importing Timecards Doing the work twice is double the work! 1 Preferable to have a specific timecard designed for importing. By job, by employee, or one big import. GIGO principle – Garbage in; garbage out Information can come from multiple sources, but ultimately must end up in a.csv format. Know the location of your file(s). PR > Daily > Enter timecards > Choose the Import design. Click on [Import] button If files change, slight adjustments must be fine tuned. Click through the wizard and you will have information as if you typed it all in manually. 2 3 4 5 6 7

10 Compatible Time Tracking Software Let the Players Field the Ball F OUNDATION mobile Data-Maxx Heavy Job Econz Wireless PosData TimeClock ExakTime About Time Technologies mJobTime Xora

11 Recurring Timecards 1 P/R Control File must allow for it. Individual Employees Records must be set up to define who gets a recurring timecard. Can be used for salary pay, non-monetary, and various recurring payments Can be set up for hourly employees to only allow earnings if hours were worked in a week. Must be told to generate and can be selectively used. P/R > Daily > Generate Recurring If someone does not generate, check settings on Employee Record or check the timecard list to see if they need hours entered to get the recurring. 2 3 4 5 6 7

12 Adjustment Genie The ability to adjust can be a game changer! 1 Can be used to correct a single employee or a group of employees to create current adjustments that tweak current payroll. Imperative to be used when reimbursing or adjusting any pretax deduction! It auto-corrects taxable amounts and FICA (if applicable). Can be used to correct a single employee or a group of employees to create corrections for posted history. Never post history adjustments in prior quarters! 2 3 4

13 Extra Burden Good burden creates character. I’m sure a famous coach quoted that somewhere. 1 Extra burden is the cost you wish to calculate based on labor that is in addition to normal P/R burdens. Can be calculated as a percent or an amount per hour. You can determine whether they should hit the general ledger and/or job costing. Rates and G/Ls can be determined by sequences of your choosing. You can have more than one extra burden amount. 2 3 4

14 Union Time! No prevailing wage discussions at this time.

15 Benefit Types Stereotypical - Fringes with Benefits! 1 Unions typically have many fringes and those are set up uniquely for the various rates. However, many of them are similar. Benefit types summarize the fringes for certified payroll purposes. We usually recommend, Pension, Training, Health, Other, Vacation, and Cash. Set up in PR > Maintenance > Unions > Benefit Types. Benefit types are added to the individual fringes in the Deduction Fringe Master Not retroactive Must be put on the “Options” tab of the Certified Payroll Report. Note: Each Certified Payroll Report format is different. 2 3 4 5 6 7

16 Hours Worked vs. Hours Paid This Example is using 40 hours of regular and 5 hours of overtime HOURS WORKED Wages @ $25/hour Fringes @ 5.25/hour WAGES Reg = $1,000 OT = $187.50 FRINGES REG = $210.00 OT = $26.25 HOURS PAID Wages @ $25/hour Fringes @ 5.25/hour WAGES Reg = $1,000 OT = $187.50 FRINGES REG = $210.00 OT = $39.38

17 Split Union Reporting 1 Set up on the “Split” tab on the union (P/R > Maintenance > Union > Union). Right-click to add a “split code” and description. Then add the deduction(s) and/or fringe(s) to the code. Repeat for each group you need to report to the union separately. Used on the desired union report you usually run. Go to the “Option” tab and enter the desired split code. 2 3 4 5

18 Union Opt-Ins(Outs) Choices are good 1 If a union offers option deductions or fringes but no one opts in or out, this is moot point. If an employee chooses to opt in or out, you can set up a union employee. Choose this function carefully. Must be updated if fringe package is updated. 2 3 4

19 Home Away Playing away games can be very challenging 1 Away union must be set up. Set up on job. Never set up home union and job union with the same union in the same line. Multiple unions on same job can be set up. You should test set up before doing P/R. 2 3 4 5

20 Questions Learning the game is half the battle

21 Thanks for Attending Advanced Payroll with Union Discussions

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