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Published byVictoria James Modified over 9 years ago
National Development Agency 2011/16 Strategic Plan to The Portfolio Committee on Social Development Cape Town 30 March 2011 By NDA CEO: Ms Vuyelwa Nhlapo 1
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. NDA Mandate 3. Vision, Mission and Values 4. NDA strategic Goal and Purpose 5. NDA 2011/16 Strategy 6. Five Year Summarised High Level Budget 7. 2011/12 Summarised Budget 8. Performance Plan and Costed Operational Plan 9. Conclusion 2
INTRODUCTION The Strategic Plan has been informed primarily by the legislative NDA mandate as set out in the National Development Agency Act 108 of 1998, Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the five Government Priorities, 12 Government Outcomes, Government-wide Programme of Action (PoA), Provincial Growth and Development Programmes and Local Economic Development Programme (LEDP). The Plan accordingly follows the NDA legislative mandate as set out in Section 3 (1) of the Act: 3
NDA MANDATE PRIMARY MANDATE 1. To contribute towards the eradication of poverty and its causes by granting funds to civil society organizations for the purposes of: a) carrying out projects or programmes aimed at meeting development needs of poor communities; and b)strengthening the institutional capacity of other civil society organizations involved in direct service provision to poor communities 4
NDA MANDATE…Conti SECONDARY MANDATE 2. To promote: a) consultation, dialogue and sharing of development experience between civil society organizations and relevant organs of the state; b) debate on development policy; and c) undertake research and publications aimed at providing the basis for development policy. 5
VISION, MISSION, VALUES VISION A society free from poverty. MISSION Facilitate sustainable development by strengthening civil society organisations involved in poverty eradication through development-oriented research, advocacy and grant funding. VALUES Integrity Dignity Empowerment Accountability & Responsibility Transparency Excellence Partnering 6
2011/16 NDA STRATEGIC GOAL & PURPOSE STRATEGIC GOAL : To leverage strategic partnerships to eradicate poverty to enable poor communities to achieve sustainable livelihoods PURPOSE: To improve the quality of life of the poor to foster self reliance 7
STRATEGIC OBECTIVES Strategic objective 1: To build and enhance the capacity of CSOs to enable them to carry out development work effectively Strategic objective 2: To grant funds, facilitate and manage poverty eradication programmes Strategic objective 3: To influence policies, practices and strategies through comprehensive research and knowledge management Strategic objective 4: To mobilise and leverage resources Strategic objective 5: To position the NDA as a premier development agency Strategic objective 6: To promote and maintain organisational excellence and sustainability 8
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 1 :TO BUILD AND ENHANCE THE CAPACITY OF CSOS TO ENABLE THEM TO CARRY OUT DEVELOPMENT WORK EFFECTIVELY OutputsIndicator Milestones 2011/122012/132013/142014/152015/16 1.1 Capacity needs of CSOs assessed and identified CSOs capacity assessment and interventions report Conduct capacity assessment of CSOs Implement targeted intervention programme Evaluate and Review of interventio n programme Implement new targeted intervention programme 1.2 Targeted interventions implemented Programmes designed per capacity needs 9
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 1 :TO BUILD AND ENHANCE THE CAPACITY OF CSOS TO ENABLE THEM TO CARRY OUT DEVELOPMENT WORK EFFECTIVELY.../CONTI OutputsIndicator Milestones 2011/122012/132013/142014/152015/16 1.3 Institutional and technical capacity of targeted CSOs strengthened 1.3.1 Number of targeted CSOs supported 1.3.2 Improved service delivery of targeted CSOs 100 ECDs supported 110 ECDs supported 120 ECDs supported 140 ECDs supported 200 volunteers (2 per ECD site) capacitated 220 volunteers (2 per ECD site) capacitated 240 volunteers (2 per ECD site) capacitated 280 volunteers (2 per ECD site) capacitated 40 CSOs capacity enhanced 50 CSOs capacity enhanced 150 members of CSOs supporting vulnerable groups trained in core competencies in sector /programme specific areas 200 members of CSOs supporting vulnerable groups trained in core competencies in sector /programme specific areas 10
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 2: TO GRANT FUNDS, FACILITATE AND MANAGE POVERTY ERADICATION PROGRAMMES OutputsIndicator Milestones 2011/122012/132013/142014/152015/16 2.1 CSOs involved in NDA targeted sectors, funded 2.2 Number of jobs created Number of CSOs supported and funded 20 food security projects in ECD sites funded 25 food security projects in ECD sites funded 30 food security projects in ECD sites funded 35 food security projects in ECD sites funded 40 food security projects in ECD sites funded 40 CSOs in rural development funded 50 CSOs in rural development funded 60 CSOs in rural development funded 70 CSOs in rural development funded 80 CSOs in rural development funded 60 volunteer opportunities created in the rural development sector 80 volunteer opportunities created in the rural development sector 100 volunteer opportunities created in the rural development sector 120 volunteer opportunities created in the rural development sector 140 volunteer opportunities created in the rural development sector 5 CSOs supporting vulnerable groups funded 10 CSOs supporting vulnerable groups funded 15 CSOs supporting vulnerable groups funded 20 CSOs supporting vulnerable groups funded 11
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 2: TO GRANT FUNDS, FACILITATE AND MANAGE POVERTY ERADICATION PROGRAMMES./CONT OutputsIndicator Milestones 2011/122012/132013/142014/152015/16 2.1 CSOs involved in NDA targeted sectors, funded 2.2 Number of jobs created Number of CSOs supported and funded 10 volunteer opportunities created in CSOs supporting vulnerable groups 20 volunteer opportunities created in CSOs supporting vulnerable groups 30 volunteer opportunities created in CSOs supporting vulnerable groups 40 volunteer opportunitie s created in CSOs supporting vulnerable groups 800 employment opportunities created 1000 employment opportunities created 1200 employment opportunities created 1400 employment opportunitie s created 1600 employment opportunities created Number of research think tank CSOs supported and funded 2 research think tank CSOs supported 4 research think tank CSOs supported 6 research think tank CSOs supported Number of CSOs networks supported to enhance capacity of NGOs and CBOs 5 CSOs networks supported 12
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 2: TO GRANT FUNDS, FACILITATE AND MANAGE POVERTY ERADICATION PROGRAMMES./CONT OutputsIndicator Milestones 2011/122012/132013/142014/152015/16 2.3 Partnership Programmes with Strategic development stakeholders facilitated and managed 2.3.1 Strategic Partners identified and key linkages established 10 partnerships facilitated and linked to NDA supported programmes 13
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 3: TO INFLUENCE POLICIES, PRACTICES AND STRATEGIES THROUGH COMPREHENSIVE RESEARCH AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT OutputsIndicator Milestones 2011/122012/132013/142014/152015/16 3.1 Developme nt oriented research and policy analysis undertake n 3.1.1 Broader Participation of research CSOs in policy and advocacy initiatives Develop research agenda in consultation with research CSOs Commission and disseminate research on identified poverty and development themes 3.1.2 Number of policy analysis papers produced and disseminated 1 strategic policy analysis report on critical development issues 2 strategic policy analysis report on critical development issues Determine the impact of research papers on policy development 1 consolidated strategic policy analysis report 3.1.3 Strategic development studies undertaken 2 studies per year on relevant research issues 4 studies per year on relevant research issues 14
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 3: TO INFLUENCE POLICIES, PRACTICES AND STRATEGIES THROUGH COMPREHENSIVE RESEARCH AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT../CONTI OutputsIndicator Milestones 2011/122012/132013/142014/152015/16 3.2 National database of CSOs upgraded and maintained 3.2.1 Accessible and interactive database of CSOs Build partnership and linkage with other data base and other knowledge centres Maintain linkage with other database and other knowledge centres 3.3 CSOs advocacy and lobbying capacity supported Improved lobbying and advocacy capacity of CSOs in targeted sectors Develop an agenda in consultation with CSOs on lobbying and advocacy Support the participation of CSOs in targeted fora Compile a consolidated Report of CSOs participated in relevant development fora Support participation of CSOs in targeted National and International fora 3.4 CSOs participati on in internation al fora facilitated 15
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 3: TO INFLUENCE POLICIES, PRACTICES AND STRATEGIES THROUGH COMPREHENSIVE RESEARCH AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT../CONTI OutputsIndicator Milestones 2011/122012/132013/142014/152015/16 3.5 Lessons learned and best practices on poverty eradication interventions published 3.5.1 Best practice reports on poverty eradication issues produced 2 best practice reports produced targeted sector specific 3 best practice report produced targeted sector specific Stakeholder feedback on documented best practices 1 consolidated best practice report produced on all targeted sector specific 3.6 Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) of NDA funded projects undertaken 3.6.1 Monitoring and Evaluation reports produced Monitoring and Evaluation reports compiled and approved Monitoring and Evaluation reports compiled, approved and implemented Review and implement monitoring and evaluation framework 16
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 4: TO MOBILISE AND LEVERAGE RESOURCES OutputsIndicator Milestones 2011/122012/132013/142014/152015/16 4.1 Resource Mobilisation Strategy approved and implemented 4.1.1 R1 billion raised Resource Mobilisation Strategy approved and implemented R200 million raised 4.1.2 Strategic Partnerships established 10 Partnership agreements signed and implemented Monitor and evaluate effectiveness of partnership agreements 17
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 5: TO POSITION THE NDA AS A PREMIER DEVELOPMENT AGENCY OutputsIndicator Milestones 2011/122012/132013/142014/152015/16 5.1 Enhance strategic engagements with key stakeholders A nationally recognised Development Agency Approval and Implementation of the stakeholder management strategy Implementation of the stakeholder management strategy Evaluate stakeholder perceptions Implementation of the stakeholder management strategy 5.2 Enhance organisational reputation and resourcing Implement interventions to improve the status of perceptions 5.3 Improved interface between Civil Society and Government 5.3.1 Platforms between CSOs and Government established and maintained Facilitate 4 engagements between CSOs and Government on matters of poverty eradication and development 18
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 6: TO PROMOTE AND MAINTAIN ORGANISATIONAL EXCELLENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY OutputsIndicator Milestones 2011/122012/132013/142014/152015/16 6.1 Organisational capacity strengthened 6.1.1 Sufficient and competent workforce Align organisational structure to strategic plan Implement and Monitor HR Strategy Review and Evaluate the HR Strategy Reporting Approve and implement HR strategy 6.2 Monitoring and Evaluation of organisational performance 6.2.1 Organisation al performance achieved in line with business plan and strategy Implement performance Management system Bi-annual performance reviews conducted and managed 19
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 6: TO PROMOTE AND MAINTAIN ORGANISATIONAL EXCELLENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY OutputsIndicator Milestones 2011/122012/132013/142014/152015/16 6.3 Organisational systems and processes reviewed and improved 6.3.1 Effective risk management, financial management and internal controls Ensure that processes and systems are Integrated, aligned and compliant 6.3.2 Effective and efficient corporate governance Review and implement governance systems and processes Maintain governance systems and processes Review and implement governance systems and processes Maintain governance systems and processes 20
2011/12 SUMMARY BUDGET DESCRIPTION BUDGETED AMOUNT R EXPENDITURE AS % OF TOTAL INCOME TOTAL INCOME 174 840 000 Transfer payment from Government 161 360 000 Interest Earned on Cash balances 13 500 000 TOTAL COSTS 174 860 000 MANDATE COSTS 94 746 16754% Direct project Funding 86 847 370 Direct Project costs 5 475 112 Research & Development 2 423 685 ADMINISTRATION AND GOVERNANCE COSTS 80 113 83346% Employment Costs53 887 573 Goods and Services26 226 260 Surplus/Deficit0
PERFORMANCE PLAN AND COSTED OPERATIONAL PLAN Strategic Objective OutputsIndicator2011/12 MilestonesBudget/Costing 1.To build and enhance the capacity of CSOs to enable them to carry out developmen t work effectively 1.1 Capacity needs of CSOs assessed and identified CSOs capacity assessment and intervention s report CSO's capacity assessment report 1.1.1 develop capacity needs assessment tool 1.1.2 Assess capacity needs of identified CSOs * All due in Q1 R8 684 737 1.2 Targeted interventions implemented Design intervention programmes *Due in Q2 Training and capacity building report (Roll out capacity building intervention) * Due in Q4 Capacity Building Evaluation Report (Conduct impact evaluation) *Due in Q4 1.3 Institutional and technical capacity of targeted CSOs strengthened 1.3.1 Number of targeted CSOs supported 1.3.2 Improved service delivery of targeted CSOs 100 ECDs supported *Due in Q4 200 Volunteers (2 per ECD site) supported/ capacitated *Due in Q3 40 CSOs capacity enhanced *Due in Q1 150 Members of CSOs supporting vulnerable groups trained in core competencies in sector/ programme specific areas *Due in Q4 23
PERFORMANCE PLAN AND COSTED OPERATIONAL PLAN--/C ONT Strategic Objective OutputsIndicator2011/12 Milestones Budget/Costing 2. To grant funds, facilitate and manage poverty eradicatio n programm es 2.1 CSOs involved in NDA targeted sectors, funded Number of CSO's supported and funded 20 food Security projects in ECD sited funded *Due in Q1 R21 711 843 40 CSOs in Rural Development funded *Due in Q1 R34 738 948 60 volunteers opportunities created in Rural Dev Sector *Due in Q3 Salary Budget 5 CSOs supporting Vulnerable groups funded *Due in Q1 R21 711 843 10 Volunteer opportunities created in CSOs supporting vulnerable groups *Due in Q3 Salary Budget 800 opportunities employment opportunities created *Due in Q4 Included in funded projects Compliance Audits and project support expenses * Ongoing R540 000 Catering for Capacity Building Interventions *Due in Q1 R200 000 24
PERFORMANCE PLAN AND COSTED OPERATIONAL PLAN--/C ONT Strategic Objective OutputsIndicator2011/12 Milestones Budget/Costing 3. To influence policies, practices and strategies through comprehe nsive research and knowledge managem ent 3.1 Develop ment oriented research and policy analysis undertak en 3.1.1 Broader Participation of research CSOs in policy and advocacy initiatives Develop research agenda in consultation with research CSOs *Due in Q1 Salary Budget 3.1.2 Number of policy analysis papers produced and disseminated 1 Strategic Policy Analysis report on critical development Issues. *Due in Q1 Salary Budget 3.1.3 Strategic development studies undertaken 2 studies per year on relevant research issues. *Due in Q3 R400 000 25
PERFORMANCE PLAN AND COSTED OPERATIONAL PLAN--/C ONT Strategic Objective OutputsIndicator2011/12 Milestones Budget/Costing 3. To influenc e policies, practice s and strategi es through compre hensive researc h and knowle dge manage ment 3.2 National database of CSOs upgrade d and maintain ed 3.2.1 Accessible and interactive database of CSOs Build Partnerships and Linkage with Other Databases. *Ongoing R100 000 1 Desktop report per quarter on each National Priority areas * Ongoing Partnership with other Development Resource Centres and Knowledge sharing Institutions. *Ongoing R50 000 Purchase of Resource Centre material and produce catalogued materials report. * Ongoing R50 000 3.3 CSOs advocacy and lobbying capacity supporte d Improved lobbying and advocacy capacity of CSOs in targeted sectors Develop an agenda in consultation with CSOs on lobbying and advocacy Salary Budget support participation of CSOs in targeted National and international fora 3.4 CSOs participa tion in internati onal fora facilitate d 26
PERFORMANCE PLAN AND COSTED OPERATIONAL PLAN--/C ONT Strategic Objective OutputsIndicator2011/12 Milestones Budget/Costing 3. To influenc e policies, practice s and strategi es through compre hensive research and knowled ge manage ment 3.5 Lessons learned and best practices on poverty eradication interventions published 3.5.1 Best practice reports on poverty eradication issues produced 2 Best practice reports per year produced. *Ongoing Salary Budget 1 study to establish constraints and needs of CSOs involvement in poverty eradication *Due in Q2 R220 000 3.6 Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) of NDA funded projects undertaken 3.6.1 Monitoring and Evaluation reports produced 36 Performance field monitoring reports analysed. *Ongoing Salary Budget 100 % timely completion of all mid-term evaluation of projects ready for mid-term. *Ongoing R1.8m (Ringfenced) 2 best practice case studies on development National/International best practice report. *Ongoing Salary Budget 100% timely completion of all projects needing close- out Impact Evaluations. R1.8m (Ringfenced) 72 due diligence credible reports produced by end of second quarter *Ongoing 1 500 000 Baseline studies reports produced *Ongoing R1.4m (Ringfenced) 27
PERFORMANCE PLAN AND COSTED OPERATIONAL PLAN--/C ONT Strategic Objective OutputsIndicator2011/12 Milestones Budget/Costing 4 To mobilise and leverage resources 4.1 Resource Mobilisation Strategy approved and implemente d 4.1.1 R200m raised Resource Mobilisation Strategy approved and implemented *Ongoing R420 000 R200m raised *Ongoing 4.1.2 Strategic Partnership s established 10 Partnership agreements signed and implemented Salary Budget 28
PERFORMANCE PLAN AND COSTED OPERATIONAL PLAN--/C ONT Strategic Objective OutputsIndicator2011/12 Milestones Budget/Costing 5. To position the NDA as a premier develop ment agency 5.1 Enhance strategic engagement s with key stakeholders A nationally recognised Developme nt Agency Development and approval of stakeholder engagement strategy. *Ongoing R400 000 Implementation of stakeholder engagements strategy *Ongoing 5.2 Enhance organisation al reputation and resourcing Implement media publicity campaign and CSO communication plan *Ongoing R2 613 286 5.3 Improved interface between Civil Society and Government 5.3.1 Platforms between CSOs and Governmen t established and maintained Dialogues and CSOs consultation *Ongoing R1 363 685 Summit Planning report *Ongoing R225 000 4 National policy dialogues and platforms carried out *Ongoing R225 000 9 Dialogues and Platforms on critical Provincial Development Issues *Ongoing R500 000 Facilitate 1 roundtable discussion between CSOs and Government on matters of poverty eradication and development *Ongoing R100 000 29
PERFORMANCE PLAN AND COSTED OPERATIONAL PLAN--/C ONT Strategic Objective OutputsIndicator2011/12 Milestones Budget/Costing 6. To promote and maintain organisatio nal excellence and sustainabilit y 6.1 Organisatio nal capacity strengthene d 6.1.1 Sufficient and competent workforce HR Strategies Workforce Planning approved and implemented *Due in Q1 R80 000 Develop Change Management Strategy and Implementation *Due in Q3 R95 000 Align functions to skills and competencies, Job Evaluations *Due in Q1 R95 000 Employee Wellness Policy approved and Implemented / Year End Event *Due in Q3 R300 000 6.2 Monitoring and Evaluation of organisatio nal performanc e 6.2.1 Organisation al performance achieved in line with business plan and strategy Training on 3 tier Performance Management implementation * Due in Q1 R60 000 NDA training and development and implementation *Due in Q4 R770 000 Implement On -Boarding Policy & Programme *Due in Q1 R50 000 30
PERFORMANCE PLAN AND COSTED OPERATIONAL PLAN--/C ONT Strategic Objective OutputsIndicator2011/12 MilestonesBudget/Costing 6. To promote and maintain organisatio nal excellence and sustainabili ty 6.3 Organisatio nal systems and processes reviewed and improved 6.3.1 Effective risk managemen t, financial managemen t and internal controls Legal and contracting *Ongoing R258 000 Risk Management including:( Security, Risk assessment, and Fraud prevention plan and hotline implementation) *Ongoing R158 000 Compliance and project interventions *Ongoing R80 000 Internal Controls: Audited *Ongoing R610 000 6.3.2 Effective and efficient corporate governance Board meetings held per statutory requirements (Board Fees, Travel and Recording of Board proceeding ) *Ongoing R1 752 435 Board Development *Due in Q1 R21 000 Board Assessment *Due in Q2 R49 358 Project oversight function by the Board (Board Project visits) *Due in Q3 R50 000 Annual Strategy review and risk assessment *Due in Q4 R100 000 31
CONCLUSION The NDA believes that through the successful engagement in poverty eradication initiatives and the constructive impact it has on the lives of its beneficiaries, poverty challenge can be defeated 32
Thank You 33
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