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CCPS membership meeting June 2010 Proposals for a self-directed support (Scotland) bill.

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Presentation on theme: "CCPS membership meeting June 2010 Proposals for a self-directed support (Scotland) bill."— Presentation transcript:

1 CCPS membership meeting June 2010 Proposals for a self-directed support (Scotland) bill

2 Self-directed support: the CCPS story so far CCPS ‘think tank’ on personalisation Self-directed support: a national strategy for Scotland The key role voluntary organisations can play in providing self-directed support Too much focus on direct payments/PAs The need for a strong vision Moving away from hourly rates Support for providers to think about SDS

3 Proposals for SDS legislation Consolidating existing statute Setting the framework for self-directed support Moving from opt-in to opt-out Extending eligibility Changing the regulations re people who lack the capacity to consent

4 People who lack capacity Expanding the categories of those who can receive a Direct Payment on behalf of an adult with incapacity (at present, only possible where guardianship or power of attorney is in place)

5 Extending eligibility criteria People with mental health problems who are subject to certain forms of compulsory treatment orders Unpaid carers, where this supports carers to continue to provide care Duty to provide or ability to provide? People requiring residential care Only for a short time or indefinitely? Impact on residential care providers/market? Impact on people using services?

6 Consolidating existing statute Consolidating existing UK and Scottish legislation Setting out eligibility for and use of Direct Payments Bringing rules and obligations up to date with current practice Establishing guiding principles: better outcomes for individual; choice; participation; mutuality; equality

7 Setting the framework for self- directed support Introduce the term self-directed support into statute (DP as just one option) Set out obligation on local authorities to advise individuals about different forms of SDS Legal framework to allow SDS to be further developed in future eg re NHS or Jobcentre Plus services

8 Moving from opt-in to opt-out Setting a default position Self directed support or direct payments?

9 Things to consider Do you/we support the proposals? What impact on people who use services (also re equality impact)? What impact on you as providers? What impact on assessment processes? What impact on market? Costs and benefits (rates, cost neutrality, training, administration, bridging finance)

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