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Munif Ahmad1 The Entrepreneur The entrepreneur leads the firm or organization and also demonstrates leadership qualities by selecting managerial staff.

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Presentation on theme: "Munif Ahmad1 The Entrepreneur The entrepreneur leads the firm or organization and also demonstrates leadership qualities by selecting managerial staff."— Presentation transcript:

1 Munif Ahmad1 The Entrepreneur The entrepreneur leads the firm or organization and also demonstrates leadership qualities by selecting managerial staff. Management skill and strong team building abilities are essential leadership attributes for successful entrepreneurs. Munif Ahmad

2 2 The Entrepreneur An entrepreneur is an individual who accepts some sort of risk — usually financial — in the pursuit of new ventures. The word can apply to any person organizing a new project or opportunity, though it is most often used in a business context. A person in this role is often characterized as innovative, independent, optimistic, creative, and hard- working.

3 Munif Ahmad3 Entrepreneur Characteristics In many cases, however, an individual must rely upon himself until he achieves a certain degree of success. Considering this, the characteristics of an entrepreneur include being a hard worker and having strong multi- tasking abilities.

4 Munif Ahmad4 Entrepreneur Characteristics A successful entrepreneur will also be able to recognize opportunities and possess the fearlessness to act on them if they are appropriate. Being an entrepreneur generally requires good communication skills. A person needs to be able to inform others of her ideas, talents, and efforts.

5 Munif Ahmad5 Characteristics and Skills Personal CharacteristicsPersonal Characteristics CourageCourage CreativityCreativity CuriosityCuriosity DeterminationDetermination DisciplineDiscipline EmpathyEmpathy EnthusiasmEnthusiasm FlexibilityFlexibility HonestyHonesty PatiencePatience ResponsibilityResponsibility Skills A skill is an ability that’s learned through training and practice. Business Skill Communication Skill Computer Skill Decision-Making and Problem-Solving Skills Mathematical Skill Organizational Skill People Skills

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