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Learning Target: I can analyze models of atomic structure and human ability to engineer materials… and analyze potential results and consequences of this.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Target: I can analyze models of atomic structure and human ability to engineer materials… and analyze potential results and consequences of this."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Target: I can analyze models of atomic structure and human ability to engineer materials… and analyze potential results and consequences of this ability


3 YouTube Clips What is nanotechnology?!?! How Small is nano?

4 Learning Target: I can analyze models of atomic structure and human ability to engineer materials… and analyze potential results and consequences of this ability Hopes for the Future Using Nanotechnology Combating Cancer A Space Elevator

5 Learning Target: I can analyze models of atomic structure and human ability to engineer materials… and analyze potential results and consequences of this ability THE DANGERS OF NANOTECHNOLOGY!!! Is everything about nanotechnology good? Top 5 Scariest Technologies!! Charlie Frost on Nanotechnology

6 Nanotechnology Learning Target: I can analyze models of atomic structure and human ability to engineer materials… and analyze potential results and consequences of this ability THE NANO-BRIDGE CHALLENGE

7 Nanotechnology Learning Target: I can analyze models of atomic structure and human ability to engineer materials… and analyze potential results and consequences of this ability THE NANO-BRIDGE CHALLENGE

8 Nanotechnology Learning Target: I can analyze models of atomic structure and human ability to engineer materials… and analyze potential results and consequences of this ability THE NANO-BRIDGE CHALLENGE

9 Nanotechnology Learning Target: I can analyze models of atomic structure and human ability to engineer materials… and analyze potential results and consequences of this ability THE NANO-BRIDGE CHALLENGE

10 Learning Target: I can analyze models of atomic structure and human ability to engineer materials… and analyze potential results and consequences of this ability

11 In an experiment to determine which metal has the highest melting point, what is the independent variable? 1.Melting point 2.Type of Metal 3.Amount of heat 4.Amount of metal Response Grid Countdown 50

12 What is nanotechnology? Response Grid Countdown 50 1.Creating matter using big chemical reactions 2.Building & design at the atom-sized level 3.Crushing things to make them smaller 4.Using plasma to create machines

13 Learning Target: I can analyze models of atomic structure and human ability to engineer materials… and analyze potential results and consequences of this ability MATERIAL SCIENCE BEFORE NANOTECHNOLOGY Heat Treating Heat Treating : (One of the only methods used to make more effective materials BEFORE nanotechnology) MATERIAL SCIENCE NOW & IN THE FUTURE Nanotechnology for Students

14 What is nanotechnology? Response Grid Countdown 50 1.Creating matter using big chemical reactions 2.Crushing things to make them smaller 3.Using plasma to create machines 4.Building & design at the atom-sized level

15 The following is a list of items that are made today using nanotechnology? Which item on the list WAS NOT created using nanotechnology)? Response Grid Countdown 50 1.Smartphones (like iPhones) 2.Smart fibers (like underarmour) 3.Sunscreen 4.CRT monitor (like found in CCMS classrooms) 5.Water filters

16 Nanotechnology Learning Target: I can analyze models of atomic structure and human ability to engineer materials… and analyze potential results and consequences of this ability TRANSFORMATIONS

17 Nanotechnology Learning Target: I can analyze models of atomic structure and human ability to engineer materials… and analyze potential results and consequences of this ability TRANSFORMATION Rubric

18 Nanotechnology Learning Target: I can analyze models of atomic structure and human ability to engineer materials… and analyze potential results and consequences of this ability TRANSFORMATIONS

19 Learning Target: I can analyze models of atomic structure and human ability to engineer materials… and analyze potential results and consequences of this ability USES of Nanotechnology GrapheneGraphene - Strongest material EVER!! GrapheneGraphene – future applications of this material Nanochips Nanofactory Nanomedecine Nanotechnology Carbon nanotubes Carbon nanotubes – another strong material Going Up – The Space Elevator The Space Elevator –Why? The Space Elevator

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