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B RAIN B REAKS By: Emily Patterson English 3690. A BRAIN WHAT ? Brain breaks are 1-3 minute kinesthetic activities to give the brain a break. Often used.

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Presentation on theme: "B RAIN B REAKS By: Emily Patterson English 3690. A BRAIN WHAT ? Brain breaks are 1-3 minute kinesthetic activities to give the brain a break. Often used."— Presentation transcript:

1 B RAIN B REAKS By: Emily Patterson English 3690

2 A BRAIN WHAT ? Brain breaks are 1-3 minute kinesthetic activities to give the brain a break. Often used in elementary classrooms.

3 T YPES OF B REAKS Physical Small movements in chair Ex: Simon says, stretches. Movement sequence around desk Hops and jumping jacks, Just Dance.

4 B ENEFITS Stimulates neurological pathways and helps both hemispheres of the brain work together. Reduces stress Gets out excess energy Efficiency of learning goes up Breaks up long work times

5 B ENEFITS CONT. Keeps frustration level down for students and teacher. Easily modified for time, activity and space available. Increase of time on task

6 Y OUR T URN ! Follow along with dancers! Favorite among kindergarteners, let them sing along also. Example in the classroom.

7 W AYS TO ORGANIZE Jar with a different breaks on popsicle sticks, have description on back. Ideas on binder ring and index cards. Activity cube/ dice to roll.

8 R ESOURCES ricity/Domain/43/Brain%20Breaks.pdf inquiry/2012/Riddle_Inquiry_Final.pdf

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