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Monday, October 1 st Entry Task Answer the following questions, full sentences, IQIA. 1. Look at pages 306-307. What period, era, and eon do you live in?

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Presentation on theme: "Monday, October 1 st Entry Task Answer the following questions, full sentences, IQIA. 1. Look at pages 306-307. What period, era, and eon do you live in?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday, October 1 st Entry Task Answer the following questions, full sentences, IQIA. 1. Look at pages 306-307. What period, era, and eon do you live in? 2.What are some things in your life for which you know only their relative ages? 3.If you uncovered fossils of tropical fish and palm trees, what could you say about the environment at the time that fossils formed? Schedule: Geologic Time Scale Objective I can understand how the geologic timescale can show clues to Earth’s past Homework: Questions 1-6 page 309 Use full sentences, IQIA Please Have on Desk: Questions 1-6 page 301

2 Geologic Timescale To Do List Finish plotting the major events onto your timescale Make sure you not only write what the event is but also how many years ago it was Draw a picture for each event

3 Tuesday, October 2 nd Entry Task Write down the directions for your review for tonight's homework Directions: Answer questions 1-26 from page 313 Do this in your notebook Write out the question and the correct answer for multiple choice, all others use full sentence answers, IQIA. Schedule: Geologic Time Scale Finish Chapter 9 review Objective: I can understand how the geologic timescale can show clues to Earth’s past Homework Finish Chapter 9 review by Thursday Please have on desk: Questions 1-6 page 309

4 Geologic Timescale To Do List Finish plotting the major events onto your timescale Make sure you not only write what the event is but also how many years ago it was Draw a picture for each event Do step 9 (trace over the Eras, etc.) Finish questions in packet –Use 9.3 from textbook –Also use page 200 in ScienceSaurus

5 Wednesday, October 3 rd Entry Task. Our test is Friday. It is on 1.1, and all of chapter 9. Write down 5 important things you have learned from these chapters/sections. Schedule: Geosphere Unit Test #1 Review Homework: Test and Notebook Check Fri Chapter 9 Review Due Tomorrow Objective: I can understand important information about The formation of Earth and Earth’s past. Please Have on Desk: Geologic Timescale packet

6 Thursday, October 4 th Entry Task. Our test is tomorrow. It is on 1.1, and all of chapter 9. Write down 3 questions you may have about the material that you need clarified before you take the test. Schedule: Geosphere Unit Test #1 Review Homework: Test tomorrow Notebook Check Tomorrow Bring something to silently work on tomorrow Objective: I can understand important information about The formation of Earth and Earth’s past. Please Have on Desk: Chapter 9 review Geologic Timescale packet

7 Friday, October 5 th Entry Task Clear your desks off of everything. We will be taking our test. When you are done with your test you need to get a notebook check and complete that by the end of class. If you finish with everything before class is over you need to do something silently (sleeping is not an option) Schedule: Geosphere Unit test #1 Notebook Check #1 Homework: None Objective: I can explain important information about the formation of the Earth and Earth’s past Please have on your desk Review Packet

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