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Expect Great Things to Happen in This Class and They Will!!!

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2 Expect Great Things to Happen in This Class and They Will!!!


4 We Have 4 Classrooms Expectations R. O. A. R. 3

5 #1 espect EVERYONE: espect EVERYONE: Self: Show your best & expect it from other people. Others: Treat them like that special person you admire or look person you admire or look up to. up to. Property: Treat things like those that you own & you treasure. you own & you treasure. R 4

6 #2 wnership of wnership of your choices Choose to treat others with Respect. Choose to treat yourself with Respect. If you choose to act professionally, that is how you will be treated. If you choose a poor decision, accept the consequences. O 5

7 #3 + Attitude + Attitude DO expect to succeed DO support your classmates. DO give yourself 110% effort! DO actively listen to others. DO ask questions! A 6

8 #4 esponsibility esponsibilityMatters! *When asked to do something, do it with your best personal effort. *When you start something, finish it. *If you say you will do something, follow through on it. *If you make a mess, clean it up. *DO be responsible for your actions & your choices! *BE responsible 100% of the time– in the lunchroom, on the bus, in the halls, and in our classroom. R 7

9 What happens if I have a brain-fart and screw up our 4 expectations? 8

10 5 Question Direct Warning 1. What are you doing? supposed 2. What are you supposed to be doing? 3. Are you doing it? 4. What are you going to do about it? 5. What is going to happen if you do this again? *Answer the questions or you are choosing the consequences 9

11 The Consequences Step 1 = the “signal” or “the look” to stop it Step 2 = direct verbal warning (see the “5 Questions”) Step 3 = “chat” in hall with one of the Instructors Step 4 = support plan #2, & call home Step 5 = support plan #3, & call home Step 6 = support plan #4, & sent out of our classroom *Note*: Serious problems may skip some steps or go directly to step 6 10

12 Wiseman’s Pet Peeves 1.) Talking while Mrs. Wiseman is. 2.) Bad manners. 3.) Interrupting others while they are speaking. 11


14 13

15 Our Class Procedures 14

16 The Beginning of Class Read the overhead projector BEFORE sitting down EVERYDAY!! Greet *ALL* Instructors with proper handshake & eye- contact Go to “the box” & get out your journal & writing utensil BEGIN the warm-up in your journal. (Don’t forget the date on your page!) Problem solve within first 2 minutes of class: If you have no writing utensil…you’ll need one everyday Read agenda for day up on the overhead projector Class begins when the door is shut by an Instructor 15

17 Pencils & Writing Utensils EVERYDAY!!! You’ll need something to write with EVERYDAY!!! Use pencil as much as possible borrow from teacher for a trade Pencils & pens are available to borrow from teacher for a trade NOTE  Please FIRST personally hand the pencil back to Mrs. Wiseman before getting your “trade” from her desk. NOTE  Please FIRST personally hand the pencil back to Mrs. Wiseman before getting your “trade” from her desk. Pencil sharpeners are available 16

18 Being Tardy This class follows the school-wide tardy policy: First and Second Tardy are warnings (Wiseman will remind and let you know you have gotten them) Third Third Tardy you are given a warning letter that you and a parent/guardian must sign and return to Mrs. Wiseman. Fourth Tardy is referred to Sergio. (You will receive a sheet to sign along with your parent/guardian and return to Wiseman.) 17

19 Announcements 1. “Tip of the Day” -located on the overhead -everyday it’s a new tip -discuss the day’s tip with another student; Instructor calls on two people to share -one student will be asked a question about previous day’s tip and if correct gets candy! * NOTE-recording the day’s tip in your agenda /journal is fair game 2. “Something Positive” (teacher AND at least 3 students share something positive that happened in THIS class the previous day) 3. “Fast Facts” (Useless Knowledge Trivia) *every fact is TRUE!! *random students asked to guess the correct answer about the fact before it is shown and receive candy if they’re correct 18

20 “Good Things” 2 minutes long following announcements Raise hand to share something good going on in your life Keep it positive No side conversations while someone shares– RESPECT! We do it to learn more about each other. Please clap to show you are happy for the person who had something good to share! 19

21 Work TIME Self-Discipline Self-Discipline: Being able to control and/or improve your behavior & actions The Expectation The Expectation: No talking to anyone besides your own partner & the Instructors during work time. Motivations to Follow This Expectation Motivations to Follow This Expectation: Your self-discipline will impress Mrs. Wiseman You’ll finish your work faster and avoid having to miss “Fun Days” You might be able to enjoy some free time 20


23 The only part of the human body that has no blood supply is the cornea in the eye. It takes in oxygen directly from the air. 22


25 Average number of squirts from a cow's udder needed to yield a gallon of milk : 345. 24

26 Leaving During Class Instructor must give you permission 25

27 Got Something to Ask or Say? (Questions, Comments, Ideas) Work Time Raise your hand and continue with your work until an Instructor comes to your module Please be patient if teacher is working with another group. Continue work as you wait for teacher to come and help you (skip the part you need help on and come back to it once an Instructor can finally help you) 26

28 Make sure “positive success” is recorded in Journal proper Everything you got out, you neatly put back in its proper location Your table/workstation is clean (check the floor) Teacher excuses you, NOT the clock or bell. 27


30 Humans shed about 600,000 particles of skin every hour - about 1.5 pounds a year. By 70 years of age, an average person will have lost 105 pounds of skin! 29

31 Feeding Your Face Candy=if given by teacher, or you bring enough for everyone Food/Drinks=if given by teacher, or if you bring enough for everyone 30


33 Approximate number of facial expressions dogs can make: 100. 32

34 Welcome to Success!! Believe in You, Because We do! 33

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