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Published byPaula Fleming Modified over 9 years ago
Strangeness Measurements in BRAHMS J.H. Lee Physics Department Brookhaven National Laboratory For the BRAHMS Collaboration SQM2003 Mar. 13 2003 Results from Au+Au at s NN =200 GeV ,K,p at selected rapidities Ratios, yields, slopes for Central Collisions As a function of centrality at y=0 Plan and summary
Mar. 13 2003 SQM03 J.H. Lee (BNL)2 BRAHMS measures over a broad rapidity range S NN =200GeV And More…
Summary of BRAHMS data from RHIC2001 (Run2) running Data Au+Au and p+p at full energy: s NN =200 GeV All detectors were installed and working at all centralities Higher level triggers (Vertex/Centrality/Spectrometer) implemented ~25M physics events taken Initial scan of “soft” physics Selected high-pt and HBT runs Measurements Charged particle multiplicity (dN/d ): published in PRL Particle ratios: Will be published in PRL Identified hadron spectra and yields at selected rapidities - Net-proton - dN/dy, slope vs y for ,K,p High-p T hadrons/ (up to p T ~ 6 GeV/c at y ~ 0, p T ~4 at y~2) Limited HBT
Mar. 13 2003 SQM03 J.H. Lee (BNL)4 The BRAHMS experiment Setup used for Au+Au data in 2001
Mar. 13 2003 SQM03 J.H. Lee (BNL)5 BRAHMS Acceptance 90 o 4o4o MRSFS A wide range of y and pt is covered by rotating two spectrometers with various magnetic fields. 25 GeV/c 2.3 degree 10 degree
Mar. 13 2003 SQM03 J.H. Lee (BNL)6 Anti-particle/particle ratios vs rapidity at S NN =200 GeV At y=0 (20% central) pbar/p = 0.75 ±0.04 K - /K + = 0.95 ±0.05 = 1.01 ±0.04 Highest pbar/p ratio but still incomplete transparency (~17% increase from 130 GeV) Ratios ~identical over +-1 unit around mid-rapidity. Weak centrality and p T dependence No Hyperon feed down correction applied: less then 5% correction assuming Lambda/p ~ 0.5 and pbar/p ~ Lambda-Bar/Lambda To be published in PRL : nucl-ex/0207006
Mar. 13 2003 SQM03 J.H. Lee (BNL)7 Ratios: Data and AMPT 0-20% at S NN =200 GeV K - /K + Ratio decreases with y : Inconsistent with models: AMPT, HIJING (AMPT describe other rapidity dependent measurements best so far) Where is the rest of strangeness at forward? Lambda? AMPT 20% Central (all pt) K /K + Pbar/p
Mar. 13 2003 SQM03 J.H. Lee (BNL)8 By simple quark counting in quark recombination K - /K + = exp(2 s /T)exp(-2 q /T) = exp(2 s /T)(pbar/p) 1/3 = (pbar/p) 1/3 by assuming local (y) strangeness conservation K - /K + =(pbar/p) = 0.24±0.02 for BRAHMS = 0.20±0.01 for SPS Good agreement with the statistical-thermal model prediction by Beccatini et al. (PRC64 2001): Based on SPS results and assuming T=170 MeV “Universal” Correlation in K - /K + vs pbar/p? To be published in PRL At y=0 From y=0 to 3
Mar. 13 2003 SQM03 J.H. Lee (BNL)9 ,K,p Spectra at 0-10% Central at y=0 and y = 3 Spectra gets softer at higher rapidity pbar yield drops rapidly with rapidity protons and pions converge/cross: - y~0: p T 2 GeV/c - y~3: p T 1.2 GeV/c Protons over K + - y~0: at high p T (>1GeV/c) - y~3: at all p T
Mar. 13 2003 SQM03 J.H. Lee (BNL)10 dN/dy at s NN =200 GeV 0-10% central y width: ,K + > K - K broader than SPS ,K spectra can be fitted by a single Gaussian Integrated yields are consistent with dN charged /d distributions
Mar. 13 2003 SQM03 J.H. Lee (BNL)11 Strangeness : ratio K/ ratio increases as p T increases at y=0 and y=3
Mar. 13 2003 SQM03 J.H. Lee (BNL)12 Inverse m T Slope vs. Mass for 0-10% central All fits are in m T : over same range for all particles, at all rapidities Show only positive but Negative Positive Inverse slope decreases as y increases Inverse slope increase with mass: transverse flow at all covered rapidities y~3 y~0, 0.9 BRAHMS Preliminary
Mar. 13 2003 SQM03 J.H. Lee (BNL)13 Strangeness : K/ systematics Y=0 Y=3 K/ ratio flattens at RHIC energy at y~0 K/ at y~3: similar to SPS (Pb+Pb Central at 17 GeV) - Inverse m T slope also similar - K: T~230 : T~200 BRAHMS Preliminary
Mar. 13 2003 SQM03 J.H. Lee (BNL)14 dN/dy of Net-proton and Models for 0-10% central “Plateau” at |y| < 1 the yields by 18, 20% at y=0,2.9 Net-baryon at y =0: ~16 (if N(proton)/N(neutron) 1 ) More data to be analyzed (at y~2,3.3) Hyperon feed down will reduce A range of models is still allowed with these data.
Mar. 13 2003 SQM03 J.H. Lee (BNL)15 Estimating y = (y beam -y) dN/dy / dN/dy, as has been done for lower energy data. Baryon conservation tells us net(p) ~ 68 for N part ~340 (0-10%) or ~85 in the case of full proton/neutron equilibration, N(p) = N(n). The net(p) measured is ~36. Distributing the remaining 32(53) protons in rapidity interval 3 - 5.4 with a variety of assumptions leads to an estimated range of y of 1.8 - 2.4. I.e. 2.1 ±0.3. Either extremes would require unusual rapidity distributions. Even though we do not have measurements in 3-5.4, we may extend another.4 units in future how can we estimate rapidity loss. We plan to refine this value once all data have been analyzed. Estimate of amount of stopping
Mar. 13 2003 SQM03 J.H. Lee (BNL)16 Mean pt: -increase at low pt -decrease at high pt as increase Collective flow at low pt + Suppression at high pt Charged Hadron Spectra as a function of rapidity at y=0 BRAHMS Preliminary
Mar. 13 2003 SQM03 J.H. Lee (BNL)17 High-p T Physics : Central/Semi-peripheral collisions at y = 0 Yield/ 0-10%/Yield/ 40-60% Charged hadron spectra scaled by the number of binary collisions. high p T suppression in central collisions (0-10%) compared to semi-peripheral (40- 60%) Identified particles at y=0,2:analysis in progress. BRAHMS Preliminary
Mar. 13 2003 SQM03 J.H. Lee (BNL)18 Spectra vs Centrality at y=0 s NN =200 GeV BRAHMS Preliminary
Mar. 13 2003 SQM03 J.H. Lee (BNL)19 K/ ratios at y = 0 s NN =200 GeV K/ ratios increase with p T and centrality BRAHMS Preliminary
Mar. 13 2003 SQM03 J.H. Lee (BNL)20 dN/dy per participant at y=0 s NN =200 GeV For all the particle species, the yield per participant increase with N part. K ±, p, pbar yields per participant rise faster than ± yield. Errors statistical only on plot. Systematic error ~10-20% Dominant syst. error from Npart determination, and extrapolation of yields. BRAHMS Preliminary
Mar. 13 2003 SQM03 J.H. Lee (BNL)21 vs N part at y=0 -p T min 0.4-2.4 for pion 0.6-2.2 for kaon 0.5-3.4 for p/pbar increase with and mass: p and pbar increase fast with : consistent with radial expansion picture BRAHMS Preliminary p
Mar. 13 2003 SQM03 J.H. Lee (BNL)22 Extended PID for High pt measurements at y=0 – 1 New Cherenkov detector C4 + TOFW2 at Mid-Rapidity Spectrometer Currently taking data (d+Au) /K identification up to p = 8 GeV/c (Forward Spectrometer PID up to p = 25 GeV/c) “high-pt” pion measurement up to 5 GeV at y ~ 0 (luminosity limited)
Mar. 13 2003 SQM03 J.H. Lee (BNL)23 What to expect in the near future Analysis in Progress Centrality dependent yield/specta at y ~ 0,1,2,3 Net-proton y ~ 2, 3.3: Better understanding of rapidity loss Blast-Wave Fit in all rapidities Identified High-p T (< 4GeV/c) spectra at y=0 and y=2 Run3 (d+Au,p+p), Run4 (Au+Au) d+Au run in progrsss Identified high-pt physics: up to p T = 8 GeV at y=0 Identified yields as a function of reaction plane for y=0-3 with re-configured Si-detector (in discussion) HBT as a function of rapidity and reaction plane at y=1,3
Mar. 13 2003 SQM03 J.H. Lee (BNL)24 Summary: Strangeness Measurements in BRAHMS at s NN = 200 GeV At y = 0 – 3: K - /K + : approximately constant over ±1 unit of rapidity and fall off with y ”Universal” correlation: K - /K + ~(pbar/p) 1/4 K ± / ± increase with p T for all rapidities Kaon production at y=3 at s NN = 200 GeV similar as y=0 at SPS Kaon inverse slope decreases with rapidity Low to high chemical potential from y=0 to t=3 At y=0: For K ±, the yield per participant increase with Npart. K ± yields per participant rise faster than ± yield.
BRAHMS Publications “Rapidity dependence of anti-proton to proton ratios in Au+Au collisions at s nn =130 GeV” Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 (2001) 112305 “Charged particle densities from Au+Au Collisions at s nn =130 GeV” Phys. Lett. B 523 (2001) 227 “Pseudorapidity distributions of charged particles from Au+Au collisions at the maximum RHIC energy” Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 (2002) 202301 “Rapidity dependence of anti-particle-to-particle ratios in Au+Au collisions at s nn =200 GeV” Will be published in Phys. Rev. Lett. : nucl-ex/0207006 More information in
Mar. 13 2003 SQM03 J.H. Lee (BNL)26 I.G. Bearden 7, D. Beavis 1, C. Besliu 10, Y. Blyakhman 6,J. Bondorf 7, J.Brzychczyk 4, B. Budick 6, H. Bøggild 7, C. Chasman 1, C. H.Christensen 7, P. Christiansen 7, J.Cibor 4, R.Debbe 1, J. J. Gaardhøje 7, K. Grotowski 4, K. Hagel 8, O. Hansen 7, H. Heiselberg 7, A. Holm 7, A.K. Holme 12, H. Ito 11, E.Jacobsen 7, Jipa 10, J. I. Jordre 10, F. Jundt 2, C. E. Jørgensen 7, T.Keutgen 9, E. J. Kim 5, T. Kozik 3, T.M.Larsen 12, J. H. Lee 1, Y. K.Lee 5, G. Løvhøjden 2, Z. Majka 3, A. Makeev 8, B. McBreen 1, M. Murray 8, J.Natowitz 8, B.S.Nielsen 7, K. Olchanski 1, D. Ouerdane 7, R.Planeta 4, F.Rami 2, C.Ristea 10, D.Roehrich 9, B. H. Samset 12, S. J. Sanders 11, R.A.Sheetz 1, Z.Sosin 3, P. Staszel 7,T.S. Tveter 12, F.Videbæk 1, R.Wada 8 and A.Wieloch 3, S.Zgura 10. 1 Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA 2 IReS and Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France 3 Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland 4 Institute of Nuclear Physics, Cracow, Poland 5 Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA 6 New York University, USA 7 Niels Bohr Institute, Blegdamsvej 17, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 8 Texas A&M University, College Station, USA 9 University of Bergen, Norway 10 University of Bucharest, Romania 11 University of Kansas, Lawrence,USA 12 University of Oslo Norway The BRAHMS Collaboration
Mar. 13 2003 SQM03 J.H. Lee (BNL)27 Backup Slides
Mar. 13 2003 SQM03 J.H. Lee (BNL)28 The ratio for central events (0-10%) are almost flat over 0.5<pt<3.5GeV/c. R(central)~R(peripheral) R=0.78+-0.01 (0-10%) R=0.81+-0.03 (40-60%) p T and centrality dependent pbar/p ratios at y=0 BRAHMS Preliminary
Mar. 13 2003 SQM03 J.H. Lee (BNL)29 MRS particle identification : TOFW 125 slats: time of flight resolution ~ 75psec /K separation ~ up to 2.5 GeV/c K/p separation ~ up to 4 GeV/c Cherenkov counter will be installed for identifying higher p T particles ( /K separation: up to 8 GeV)
Mar. 13 2003 SQM03 J.H. Lee (BNL)30 PID in Back Forward Spectrometer : RICH PID up to p=25 GeV/c (can go higher changing pressure)
Mar. 13 2003 SQM03 J.H. Lee (BNL)31 Hardware additions for Run3 95° 30° 15° 2.3° C4 Trigger (for track and d(p)A and pp) More Si and reconfiguration Second TOF
Event Characterization: Collision Centrality Determination Measured by the Centrality Detector (SiMA+TMA) Corrected for Vertex position dependence Minimum-biased multiplicity: Data + MC (HIJING+GEANT) BB Multiplicity is used for the centrality determination for BB analysis (consistent with SiMA+TMA selections) Npart is calculated using HIJING SiMA TMA
Mar. 13 2003 SQM03 J.H. Lee (BNL)33 R (proton/neutron) in Models
Mar. 13 2003 SQM03 J.H. Lee (BNL)34 Multiplicity : dN ch /d at S NN =200 GeV Centrality bins shown are for 0-5%,5-10%, 10-20%,…, 40-50%. (Statistical errors only) Systematic errors ~ 8- 10% SiMA: -3 < < 3 Beam-Beam Counter: 2 < | | < 4.7 Consistent with measurements using reconstructed tracks in TPC at y = 0 Published in PRL 88 (2002)
Mar. 13 2003 SQM03 J.H. Lee (BNL)35 PID in Front Forward Spectrometer : ToF + C1 ToF H1 pion vetoed by C1 C1 π threshold H1 & C1
Mar. 13 2003 SQM03 J.H. Lee (BNL)36 Comparison to models UrQMD Hijing
Mar. 13 2003 SQM03 J.H. Lee (BNL)37 Inverse p T Slope vs. mass All fits are in p T : over same range for all particles, at all rapidities Negative Positive Inverse slope decreases as y increases Flow at all covered rapidities BRAHMS Preliminary: 200 GeV 10% Central
Mar. 13 2003 SQM03 J.H. Lee (BNL)38 HBT : Rapidity-Dependent Transverse Source Size Measurements
Mar. 13 2003 SQM03 J.H. Lee (BNL)39 Particle Ratios: centrality and pt dependence No centrality dependence in range 0-20% No transverse momentum dependence
Mar. 13 2003 SQM03 J.H. Lee (BNL)40 y = 0 y = 3 BRAHMS Preliminary: 200 GeV 10% CentralSpectra
Mar. 13 2003 SQM03 J.H. Lee (BNL)41 p and pbar yields BRAHMS Preliminary SNN=200 GeV: 10% Central Y = 0 pbar Yield =10.5 0.8 (Inverse pt slope =325.5 17.29) proton Yield = 33.7 1.8 (Inverse pt slope = 341.8 13.8 Y = 0 Y = 0.8 Y = 2.9
Mar. 13 2003 SQM03 J.H. Lee (BNL)42 Models, models… HIJING: emphasis on purturbative QCD processes leading to multiple mini-jet production from parton scattering (X.Wang and M.Gyulassy Phys. Rev. D (1991) 3501) AMPT: (A Multiphase Transport Model) HIJING to generate the initial phase space of parton, then extends to quark-gluon to hadronic-matter transition and the final hadron interaction (B. Zhang, C.M. Ko, B. Li, Z.Lin Phys. Rev. C 61 (2001) 067901) UrQMD: hadronic + string including all known resonances (S.A.Bass et al. Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 41 (1998) FRITIOF: string dynamics + LUND. Hadron behaves like relativistic strings with confined color field (H.Pi, Comp. Phys. Comm. 71 (1992) ) …
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