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ANC Techniques and r-matrix analysis Santa Fe, April 2008 ANC Techniques and r-matrix analysis Grigory Rogachev
Outline Sub-Coulomb -transfer for astrophysics. 13 C( ,n) reaction rate from sub-Coulomb 13 C( 6 Li,d) reaction. 14 C( ) reaction rate from sub-Coulomb 14 C( 6 Li,d), 14 C( 7 Li,t) reactions. 14 O( ,p) reaction rate from sub-Coulomb 14 C( 6 Li,d), 14 C( 7 Li,t) reactions. ANC Techniques and r-matrix analysis Santa Fe, April 2008
Rates of some ( ,n), ( ,p) and ( ) reactions are important input parameters for various astrophysical processes. S-process neutron sources. rp-process in X-ray binaries and novae. In many cases cross section is prohibitively small for direct measurements at energies of interest. Needs to be extrapolated. Low energy resonances often dominate the cross section. One needs to know properties of these resonances to make reliable extrapolation. ANC Techniques and r-matrix analysis Santa Fe, April 2008
In some cases resonances that are crucial for the specific reaction rate, are known and most of their properties determined, except for 13 C( ,n); 1/2 + at 6.356 MeV in 17 O. 14 C( ); 3 - at 6.404 MeV in 18 O. 14 O( ,p); 1 - at 6.15 MeV in 18 Ne. ANC Techniques and r-matrix analysis Santa Fe, April 2008
transfer reactions ( 6 Li,d) or ( 7 Li,t) can be used to measure S spectroscopic factor and deduce the partial widths. However, final result depends on: ✔ Optical potentials used for entrance and exit channels. ✔ Shape of binding potentials for core- and -d(t) formfactors. ✔ Number of nodes assumed in the core- wavefunction. For these “known resonance” cases... ANC Techniques and r-matrix analysis Santa Fe, April 2008
ALL uncertainties can be avoided if: ✔ transfer reaction is performed at sub-Coulomb energy. This eliminates dependence of the calculated cross section on optical potentials. ✔ ANCs are extracted from experimental data. This eliminates dependence of the final result on the shape of form-factor binding potentials and number of wavefunction nodes. This approach was used by [C.R. Brune, et al., PRL 83 (1999) 4025] in pioneering 12 C( 6 Li,d) transfer at sub-Coulomb energy experiment, in which the contributions from 16 O sub-threshold resonances to the 12 C( , ) reaction rate were determined. ANC Techniques and r-matrix analysis Santa Fe, April 2008
ANC approach Model ab cluster wavefunction Single-particle ab cluster wavefunction Definition of ANC through single-particle ANC X depends only on entrance and exit channel optical potentials A.M. Mukhamedzhanov, R.E. Tribble, Phys. Rev. C59, 3418 (1999) ANC Techniques and r-matrix analysis Santa Fe, April 2008
The 13 C( ,n) reaction rate was identified as “necessary ingredient” for better models of AGB stars in NSAC 2002 Long Range Plan (p. 68). The 13 C( ,n) reaction The 13 C( ,n) reaction is considered to be the main source of neutrons for s-process in Asymptotic Giant Branch stars. ANC Techniques and r-matrix analysis Santa Fe, April 2008
The 13 C( ,n) reaction Partial width of the ½ + state at 6.356 MeV in 17 O is the main source of the 13 C( ,n) reaction rate uncertainty. ANC Techniques and r-matrix analysis Santa Fe, April 2008
The S factor of the ½ + 6.356 MeV state in 17 O was measured using the 13 C( 6 Li,d) reaction at 60 MeV of 6 Li [S. Kubono, et al., PRL 90 (2003) 062501]. Result – S = 0.011 However, it was shown by [N. Keeley, K.W. Kemper and D.T. Khoa, Nucl. Phys. A726 (2003) 159] that the data is consistent with S ranging from 0.15 to 0.5, depending on the DWBA parameters. The 13 C( ,n) reaction ANC Techniques and r-matrix analysis Santa Fe, April 2008
Sub-Coulomb 13 C( 6 Li,d) 17 O experiment at FSU In order to avoid influence of optical potentials the reaction has to be sub-Coulomb for both entrance and exit channels. Therefore very low energy (<3.0 MeV in c.m.) has to be used. Inverse kinematics was used to provide additional “boost” for deuterons and eliminate of 12 C background. ANC Techniques and r-matrix analysis Santa Fe, April 2008
Sub-Coulomb 13 C( 6 Li,d) experiment Spectrum of deuterons from 6 Li( 13 C,d) reaction, measured at 8.5 MeV of 13 C. [S.Kubono, et al., PRL 90 (2003) 062501] ANC Techniques and r-matrix analysis Santa Fe, April 2008
8.0 MeV of 13 C 13 C 8.5 MeV of 13 C Angular distribution of deuterons from sub-Coulomb 13 C( 6 Li,d) 17 O(1/2 + ; 6.356 MeV) reaction at 8.5 and 8.0 MeV. Coulomb modified ANC of ½ + resonance is 0.89+/-0.23 fm -1. S(0) factor of ½ + resonance is 2.5+/-0.7*10 6 MeV*b. This is a factor of ten smalled than adopted in NACRE [1] compilation and a factor of ~5 larger than in [2]. 13 C( 6 Li,d) angular distribution [1] C.Angulo, et al., Nucl, Phys. A656 (1999) 3 [2] S.Kubono, et al., PRL 90 (2003) 062501 ANC Techniques and r-matrix analysis Santa Fe, April 2008
13 C( ,n) s-factor and reaction rate r-matrix fit to the direct measurements [4,15] combined with coherent contribution from ½+ 6.356 MeV state, determined using the measured ANC. [4] H.W. Drotleff et al., AJ 414 (1993) 735 [15] C.R. Brune, et al., PRC 48 (1993) 3119 ANC Techniques and r-matrix analysis Santa Fe, April 2008 A.M. Mukhamedzhanov, R.E. Tribble, Phys. Rev. C59, 3418 (1999)
r-matrix fit to the 13 C( ,n) and 13 C(n,n) data S-factor (MeV*b) E ex – 6.36 (MeV) Total CS (b) E ex - 4.16 (MeV) 13 C( ,n) 13 C(n,n) Two channels were included into the r-matrix fit 13 C(n,n) and 13 C( ,n). 18 known resonances from 4.6 to 8.0 MeV in 17 O. ANC Techniques and r-matrix analysis Santa Fe, April 2008
13 C( ,n) reaction rate The final reaction rate is a factor of 3 lower than in NARCE compilation. Uncertainty at temperatures relevant for s-process was reduced to 25 % E. Johnson, et al., PRL 97 (2006) 192701 ANC Techniques and r-matrix analysis Santa Fe, April 2008
Abundance of 19 F in AGB stars. There is experimental evidence that 19 F is produced within the interior of AGB stars. Comparison of the observed and predicted fluorine abundances. [M. Lugaro ApJ, 615 (2004)] ANC Techniques and r-matrix analysis Santa Fe, April 2008 The major uncertainties in abundance of 19 F are associated with 14 C( ) and 19 F( ,p) reaction rates [M. Lugaro, et al., Astro. J., 615 (2004) 934.]
14 C( ) reaction rate. States of interest at 0.1 GK: 3 - at 6.40 MeV 1 - at 6.20 MeV ANC Techniques and r-matrix analysis Santa Fe, April 2008
The sub-Coulomb 14 C( 6 Li,d) and 14 C( 7 Li,t) -transfer experiment at FSU. Radioactive 14 C beam at energies 8.8, 10.5 and 11.5 MeV was delivered using the special 14 C SNICS source. Both the 14 C( 6 Li,d) and 14 C( 7 Li,t) reactions at sub-Coulomb energies were used to measure the ANCs of the 6.4 MeV 3 - and 6.2 MeV 1 - states. ANC Techniques and r-matrix analysis Santa Fe, April 2008
Spectra of tritons from 7 Li( 14 C,t) reaction at 11.5 MeV of 14 C The sub-Coulomb 14 C( 7 Li,t) -transfer ANC Techniques and r-matrix analysis Santa Fe, April 2008
The sub-Coulomb 14 C( 7 Li,t) -transfer ANC Techniques and r-matrix analysis Santa Fe, April 2008
The sub-Coulomb 14 C( 7 Li,t) -transfer at 6.4 MeV = (1.05+/-0.25)x10 -13 eV ANC Techniques and r-matrix analysis Santa Fe, April 2008
Contribution of the compound nucleus. States with unnatural parity (0 -,1 +,2 -,etc.) cannot be populated in direct alpha transfer reaction, however they are populated through compound nucleus. ANC Techniques and r-matrix analysis Santa Fe, April 2008
The 14 C( ) reaction rate. The Direct Capture (DC) and resonance capture due to 4 + at 7.11 MeV are from J. Gorres, et al. Nucl. Phys. A548 (1992) ANC Techniques and r-matrix analysis Santa Fe, April 2008 At temperatures relevant for 19 F nucleosynthesys in AGB stars the 14 C( ) reaction rate is totally determined by the strength of the 3 - state.
The 14 O( ,p) reaction. 14 O( ,p) reaction rate is an important input parameter for rp- process in X-ray burst models [H. Schatz, K.E. Rehm, NP A777 (2006) 601]. Two near threshold resonances are considered to be the main contributors to the 14 O( ,p) reaction rate at X-ray burst energies, 1 - at 6.15 MeV and 3 - at 6.30 MeV. Partial width for these resonances is uncertain. There is a significant disagreement between direct measurements [M. Notani, et al., Nucl. Phys. A746 (2004) 113c] and indirect (time inverse reaction) measurements [J.C. Blackmon, et al., NP A688 (2001) 142; B. Harss, et al., PRC]. ANC Techniques and r-matrix analysis Santa Fe, April 2008
The 14 O( ,p) reaction. ANC Techniques and r-matrix analysis Santa Fe, April 2008
(1 - at 6.15 MeV in 18 Ne) = 1.4+/-0.3 eV The 14 O( ,p) reaction. ANC Techniques and r-matrix analysis Santa Fe, April 2008 Reduced width of the 6.15 MeV resonance in 18 Ne and 6.2 MeV resonance in 18 O is assumed to be the same.
The 14 O( ,p) reaction. = 3.2 +5 -2 eV from [B. Harss, et al. PRC, 65 (2002)] Our value is 1.4 +/- 0.3 eV ANC Techniques and r-matrix analysis Santa Fe, April 2008 B. Harss, et al. PRC, 65 (2002) M. Notani, NPA 746 (2006) Direct 14 O( ,p) measurement Time reverse 17 F(p, ) measurement
The 14 O( ,p) reaction. ANC Techniques and r-matrix analysis Santa Fe, April 2008 S-factor MeV*b E cm (MeV) 1 - at 6.15 MeV 4 + at 7.05 MeV 1 - at 7.6 MeV Strong cluster 1 - at 8.9 MeV Effects of constructive and destructive interference on 1 - state at 6.15 MeV are estimated to be ~20% at resonance energy.
The 14 O( ,p) reaction. Based on the results of this work to proton decay branching ratio for this 1 - resonance at 6.15 MeV in 18 Ne is ~3*10 -5 - not too bad and it is possible to design an experiment which can test this branching ratio directly. Example: 16 O( 3 He,n) 18 Ne(1 - ) 17 F+p 14 O+ ANC Techniques and r-matrix analysis Santa Fe, April 2008
Sub-Coulomb alpha transfer can be used to extract ANCs of sub and near threshold resonances and calculate their contribution to corresponding low energy reactions on parameterless basis. Mirror symmetry allows to apply knowledge of ANCs in one nucleus to evaluate width of the corresponding resonances in it’s harder to excess mirror. ANC of the 1/2 + state at 6.36 MeV in 17 O was measured and the 13 C( ,n) reaction rate uncertainty was reduced from 300% to 25%. ANCs of the 1 - and 3 - states at 6.2 and 6.4 MeV in 18 O were measured. The 3 - state provides dominant contribution to the 14 C( ) reaction rate at ~0.1 GK and the 1 - state is the mirror of the 6.15 MeV state in 18 Ne which is the dominant state for the 14 O( ,p) reaction in explosive environment of x-ray binaries. Its partial alpha width was evaluated with an accuracy of ~30%. Conclusion ANC Techniques and r-matrix analysis Santa Fe, April 2008
Acknowledgements A. Mukhamedzhanov V.Z. Goldberg R.E. Tribble Texas A&M University E. Johnson J. Mitchell L. Miller S. Brown B. Green B. Roeder A. Momotyuk K. Kemper Florida State University ANC Techniques and r-matrix analysis Santa Fe, April 2008
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