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Races & Traits Identified from GEM and ideas for future utilization M. Blanco, C. Gardner, W. Salhuana, M. Shen USDA-ARS NCRPIS GEM - August 17, 2006 -

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1 Races & Traits Identified from GEM and ideas for future utilization M. Blanco, C. Gardner, W. Salhuana, M. Shen USDA-ARS NCRPIS GEM - August 17, 2006 - G ermplasm E nhancement of M aize

2 Objectives Review GEM germplasm for target traits, and development Ames & Raleigh (released lines) Private and Public Coop germplasm information Document status of tested/untested accessions Discuss ideas for future utilization of GEM germplasm Prioritization of GEM accessions and breeding crosses Other applications, info needed, etc. G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize

3 GEM Trait Targets Agronomic adaptability - yield, lodging, grain moisture, and Y/M Abiotic stress tolerance: drought and heat Ear mold and mycotoxin resistance: aflatoxin and fumonisin Disease resistance: stalk and leaf diseases Insect resistance (CRW, CEW, ECB) Value-added traits (VAT’s) Grain (protein>13%, oil>6%, and starch>75%) Protein quality Starch functional properties and Bio-energy traits Silage yield & quality G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize

4 Summary of GEM trials (year 1998 – 2005) No. of accessions used 66 No. of hybrids used 7 No. of lines used 13 No. of Populations used 3 No. of races 21 No. of breeding crosses tested220 No. of breeding crosses untested260 No. of release lines1117 No. of new breeding crosses 63 % GEM entries above check means5.9%

5 G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize GEM Accessions by Races and Countries Country# Races# Accessions Antigua, BR. Virg., Cuba15 Argentina310 Bolivia, Peru14 Br Virg., Guatemala12 Brasil27 Brasil, Mexico13 Chile23 Cuba12 Dominica. Rep.11 Mexico12 Peru11 St. Croix11 Uruguay310 US27 Total (14 Countries)2158 Barbados, Cuba, Guadalupe, Pro. Rico, St. Croix, VenezuelaMixed8

6 G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize GERMPLASM RELEASES (2001-2006) 135 Released Lines from Ames, Raleigh*, and SCA’s** Data from 1999-2005 Emphasis on 2-3 year data, across 2-3 testers Focus on target traits * A few additional lines were distributed by Raleigh directly ** SCA releases from DE, TX, OH, and WI

7 G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize GEM germplasm releases Yr Planted# LinesInstitutionGermplasm Attributes 20011USDA-ARS AmesResistance to 1st brood ECB (non-DIMBOA) 20022*Univ. of DelawareYield, resist. to anthracnose and GLS 200230**NC State Univ.Yield, earlier flowering, GLS, Fusarium 20021*Ohio State Univ.Yield, fusarium resist. 200328USDA-ARS AmesTemperate adaptation, GLS, VAT 20039*NC State Univ.Yield, VAT, GLS 200416USDA-ARS AmesTemperate adaptation, yield, VAT 20042Texas A&MStress tolerance, yield, CEW, grain mold resist. 20041Univ. of WisconsinSuperior nutritional quality/yield 200419NC State Univ.Yield, earlier flowering, VAT 20059USDA-ARS AmesTemperate adaptation, yield, VAT 20051Univ. of DelawareHigh protein 200613USDA-ARS AmesYield, VAT 20063NC State Univ.Yield, earlier flowering Total135 * Crop Science registered. ** 20 of these 30 lines were Crop Science registered.

8 G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize GEM releases by country & race (temperate accessions) CountryRaceIANCOtherTotal ArgentinaCristalino Colorado4 1 (WI)5 ArgentinaDentado Blanco4 4 ArgentinaDent. Blanco Rugoso 2 (TX)2 ChileCamelia4 4 UruguayCateto Sulino2 2 UruguayDente Branco3 3 Uruguay Semidentado Riograndense2 2 USA"FS8 group"8 1 (OH)9 Totals270431

9 G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize GEM releases by country & race (tropical accessions) CountryRaceIANCOtherTotal BarbadosTusón1 1 BrazilHybrid-tropical5183 (DE) 26 BrazilCateto 9 9 BrazilDente Amarelo41 5 CubaCriollo (mixed)5 5 CubaArgentino1 1 Dom. Rep.mixed1 1 GuatemalaTusón1 1 MexicoHybrid-tropical314 MexicoTuxpeño26 8 MexicoTuxpeño/Olotillo1 1 PeruAlazan1 1 PeruCuban yellow3 3 St. CroixTusón 1 1 ThailandHybrid/inbred-tropical433 37 Totals32693104

10 G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize Accessions with greater than 5% entries above check means (Yr: 1999-2005, Midwest) AccessCountryRace# beat all cks in 1 expt# releases BR51403BrazilCateto00 BR51675BrazilDente Amarelo22 BR51721BrazilDente Amarelo10 CASHUSCorn belt dent00 CHIS740MexicoTuxpeño/Olotillo11 CHIS775MexicoTuxpeño12 CUBA117CubaArgentino01 CUBA164CubaMixed Creole75 DK888ThailandHybrid-tropical00 DKB844MexicoHybrid-tropical33 DKXL370BrazilHybrid-tropical84 GUAT209Guat.Tusón11 MDI022PeruCuban yellow32 NEI9004ThailandInbred-tropical03 NEI9008ThailandInbred-tropical30 UR05017UruguaySemidentado Riograndense12 UR10001UruguayDente Branco11 UR11003UruguayDente Branco02 3229

11 G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize Accessions with <5% entries tested above check means (Yr: 1999-2005, Midwest) CountryRace# releases AntiguaCriollo0 ArgentinaCristalino Colorado4 ArgentinaDentado Blanco4 ArgentinaDent. Blanco Rugoso0 BarbadosTusón1 BrazilDente Amarelo2 BrazilHybrid-tropical0 BrazilUnclassified0 British Virgin IslandsTusón0 ChileCamelia4 Domin RepMixed1 MexicoHybrid-tropical1 PeruCuban Yellow1 ThailandHybrid-tropical1 UruguayCateto Sulino1 UruguayDente Branco0 USMixed8 USSouthern Dent0 28

12 Low Aflatoxin GEM Lines 2003 - 2004 Resistant Susceptible Aflatoxin (ng g -1 ) Pedigree20032004 Mp313E913 Mp715.42 2250-01_XL370A_S11_F2S4 (GEMS-0027)24163 2283-01_XL380_S11_F2S4 (GEMS-0032)24217 2258-03_XL380_S11_F2S4 (GEMS-0030)48239 2250-02_XL370A_S11_F2S4 (GEMS-0028)25392 Tuxpan20442 NC30080530 NC2586721774 Grand mean5561309 Minimum913 Maximum21472400 Resistant Mod Resistant G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize M. Clements, USDA-ARS, MS (2005)

13 G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize Breeding crosses with low aflatoxin content Resistant Mod Resist PedigreeAflatoxin (ng g -1 ) - 2 yr avg CUBA164:D2770 Mo18WxMp313E83 BVIR103:S0411a112 DKB830:S11a18124 BR51675:N0620136 MP715xMp717146 BR51403:N16159 ANTIG01:N16178 MP716xMp717359 Mp305xMp714446 Mp339xSC212M464 LSR / LSD α=0.05 5 Grand mean472 Minimum70 Maximum1544 Susceptible M. Clements, USDA-ARS, MS (2005)

14 G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize Fusarium ear rot and fumonisin content 200520042005 PedigreeRace % ear rot Fumonisin (ppm) % ear rot Fumonisin (ppm) visual CA GEMS-0002Mixed1.62.1NT 8 GEMS-0003 Dente Amarelo2. GEMS-0061 Cristalino Colorado2.61.8NT 8 GE440 (Resis.)1.91.1 2.6NT NC300 (Resis.)3.5347.69 Mean (50 entries)6.31116.429.5 Jim Holland, USDA-ARS, Raleigh, NC (2003 - 5) & Bill Dolezal, Pioneer Hi-Bred Int’l, Woodland, CA (2005)

15 G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize Fusarium/Fumonisin Resistant Pedigrees RaceCountry GEMS-0002: FS8A(S):S09-43-2MixedUSA GEMS-0003: 2011-01_SE32_S17_F2S4Dente AmareloBrazil GEMS-0061: AR16026:S17-10-1-B-BCristalino ColoradoArgentina SE32 = BR52060

16 Fusarium Ear Rot Susceptible LineResistant Line GEMS-0002 Public ReleaseMDI022:N2120-399-001-B Bill Dolezal, Pioneer Hi-Bred Int’l, Woodland, CA (2005) G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize

17 Gray leafspot resistant GEM germplasm Germplasm line Derivation Country/Race GEMS-00032011-01_SE32_S17_F2S4Brazil/Dente Amarelo GEMS-00162132-03_DK888_S11_F2S4Thailand/Hybrid tropical GEMS-00192146-01_DK888_S11_F2S4Thailand/Hybrid tropical GEMS-00242201-01_DKB830_S11_F2S4Mexico/Hybrid tropical GEMS-00282250-02_DKXL370A_S11_F2S4Brazil/Hybrid tropical GEMS-00302258-03_DKXL380_S11_F2S4Brazil/Hybrid tropical GEMS-0033PE001n16F2S2-44Brazil/Cateto GEMS-0035PE001n16F2S2-172Brazil/Cateto GEMS-0037PE001n16F2S2-181Brazil/Cateto DE 4DKXL212:N11aBrazil/Hybrid tropical SE32 = BR52060 and PE001 = BR51403 Balint-Kurti, et al., (2006), Carson, et al., (2006), and Hawk et al. (2005)

18 Protein Quality Index (Met + Lys + Trp) – 3 Year Pedigree Protein quality index Significant level P. Scott & M. Blanco, USDA-ARS, Ames (2005) G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize GEMS-0010 GEMS-0017 Normal Check GEMS-0029 GEMS-0004 GEMS-0031 GEMS-0026 GEMS-0030 Met Check Lys+Trp Check AA Concentration

19 G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize Amylose and resistant starch content derived from GUAT209:S13 SamplePedigreeResist Starch %Amylose 1GUAT209:S13ae 4-4-2-1-143.269.8 2GUAT209:S13ae 4-4-2-1-239.472.0 3H99ae19.163.1 4OH43ae14.057.8 5B89ae14.956.7 6B84ae11.558.9 mean23.663.0 s.e.0.722.5 J.L. Jane, ISU & M. Campbell, Truman State U., (2005)

20 Breeding crosses & traits from derived lines – Cuba G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize Breeding crossRaceTraits of selected lines CUBA117:S15ArgentinoDrought; aflatoxin; CUBA117:S1520ArgentinoSilage; CRW CUBA164:D27Mixed CreoleAflatoxin CUBA164:S1511bMixed Creole>15% protein CUBA164:S2012Mixed Creole Leaf disease, drought, yield; silage; >15% protein CUBA164:S1517Mixed CreoleSilage CUBA164:S15Mixed CreoleStarch prop CUBA164:S2008aMixed CreoleStarch prop

21 Breeding crosses & traits from derived lines – Brazil G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize Breeding crossRaceTraits of selected lines BR51675:N0620Dente AmareloY/M BR52060:S0210Dente Amarelo~5% oil; Y/M BR52051:N04Dente AmareloDrought; silage PE001n16F2S2CatetoGLS; yield South; starch prop 2011-01_SE32_S17Dente AmareloFumonisin, GLS, NLB; 13% protein, 4.9% oil DKXL212:N11aHybrid-tropical>15% prot; AA index; GLS (DE3, DE4, DE6) DKXL212:N11a01Hybrid-tropicalCRW DKXL370A:N11a20Hybrid-tripicalStarch prop; Y/M DKXL370AN11F2S3Hybrid-tropical13-14% protein DKXL370A_S11_F2S4Hybrid-tropicalAflatoxin; GLS DKXL380_S11_F2S5Hybrid-tropicalAflatoxin; GLS; AA index DKXL380N11F2S3Hybrid-tropicalYield south/adapt

22 Breeding crosses & traits from derived lines – Mexico G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize Breeding crossRaceTraits of selected lines CHIS 775 N19 F1S7TuxpeñoYield south/adapt CHIS775:N1912TuxpeñoCRW CHIS775:S1911bTuxpeñoStarch prop; silage CHIS740:S1411aTuxpeño/OlotilloAA index DKB830_S11_F2S4Hybrid-tropicalYield south/adapt DKB844:N11bHybrid-tropicalYield south/adapt DKB844:S1601Hybrid-tropicalStarch prop; 14% protein

23 Breeding crosses & traits from derived lines – Guatemala and Peru G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize Breeding crossRaceTraits of selected lines GUAT209:N1925TusónYld adapt; AA index GUAT209:S13TusónAmylose modifiers; resist starch MDI022:N2120Cuban YellowAA index PASCO14:S0105Cuban YellowYld adapt

24 Breeding crosses & traits from derived lines – Barbados, Dom. Repub., and St. Croix G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize Breeding crossRaceTraits of selected lines BARBGP2:N08a18TusónYld; NLB DREP150:N2011dMixedYld/adapt SCRO1:N1411aSt. CroixDrought stress SCROGP3:N1310TusónSilage SCRGp3N14F2S3TusónYld south/adapt

25 Breeding crosses & traits from derived lines – Thailand G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize Breeding crossRaceTraits of selected lines DK212T:N11a12Hybrid-tropicalYld; Silage DK212T_N11_F2S4Hybrid-tropicalYld south/adapt DK212T_S11_F2S4Hybrid-tropicalYld south; Fusarium DK888_N11_F2S4Hybrid-tropicalYld south; Fusarium DK888_S11_F2S4Hybrid-tropicalYld south NEI9004:S2818Inbred-tropical>13% protein

26 Breeding crosses & traits from derived lines - Argentina G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize Breeding crossRaceTraits of selected lines AR03056:N09Dentado BlancoMDR resistance; Y/M AR01150:N0406 Dente. Blanco Rugoso Drought/stress (Tx204, Tx205); anthracnose AR16026:S17Cristalino ColoradoFusarium/fumonisin; oil; silage AR16026:S1704Cristalino ColoradoYield/adapt AR16035:S02Cristalino ColoradoStarch prop; carotenoid AR16035:S19Cristalino ColoradoYield/adapt AR17026:N1019Cristalino ColoradoSilage (W605S) AR17056:N2025Cristalino ColoradoCRW; starch digest; protein AR17056:N2035Cristalino ColoradoYield/adapt

27 Breeding crosses & traits from derived lines – Chile and Uruguay G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize Breeding crossRaceTraits of selected lines CH04030:S0906CameliaAnthracnose CH05015:N1204Camelia14% protein, 4.7% oil; AA index CH05015:N12CameliaYield adapt Y/M; drought CH05015:N1502CameliaYield adapt Y/M CH05015:N15CameliaYield adapt Y/M; silage; starch UR01089:S0525Cateto SulinoYield adapt UR13085:N0204Cateto SulinoCRW UR13085:N0215Cateto SulinoYield/adapt UR10001:S1813Dente BrancoYield/adapt UR11003:S0302Dente BrancoY/M UR05017:S0415Semident. Riograndense>13% protein

28 Breeding crosses & traits from derived lines – USA G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize Breeding crossRaceTraits of selected lines FS8A(S):S09MixedYld/adapt FS8A(T):N1801MixedFatty acid quality FS8B(S):S0316MixedYld/adapt FS8B(T):N11aMixedY/M; Silage FS8B(T):N1802MixedAnthracnose GOQUEEN:N1603Corn Belt DentAnthracnose

29 LAMP Accessions not (yet) tested (but in the pipeline) G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize ClassificationCountryPopulationsRACE TemperateUSGolden Queen (Ohio)Corn Belt Dent TropicalGuadelupeGuadelupe 5Early Caribbean TropicalPuerto RicoPuerto Rico Gp3Mixed TropicalBrazilBR105Composite TropicalBrazilBRA 051039 (BA 38)Dente Amarelo TropicalBrit Virg IsBrit. Virg. Is. 103Criollo TropicalCubaCuba 110Argentino TropicalCubaCuba 173Mixed

30 LAMP Accessions not (yet) in Pipeline G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize ClassificationCountryPopulationsRACE TemperateArgentinaARZM 16042Cristalino Colorado TropicalVenezuelaBG002Unclassified TropicalVenezuelaBG070404Unclassified TropicalBoliviaBO80082Cuban yellow TropicalBrazilBR106Composite TropicalMexicoCHIS 462Hybrido Blanco TemperateChileCHZM 05027Camelia TropicalCubaCuba 84Criollo TropicalDom RepubDom. Rep. 269Canila

31 Summary GEM is making progress in identifying target trait phenotypes from ~20 races that can be useful for breeding and genomic applications Raleigh’s strength: developm’t for southern adapt, leaf disease and aflatox./fumon. resistance, and VAT’s (AA index, starch properties) Ames strength: Midwest adapt, anthracnose, CRW, and abiotic stress germplasm; fumonisin resist.; VAT’s (AA, starch properties) Overall, tropical accessions have had better combination of target traits than temperate (so far) Most promising tropical accessions from Cuba, Brazil, Mexico, Thailand Most promising temperate include FS8’s, and earlier material from AR, UR, and Chile with good Y/M, and earliness for Midwest Feedback from cooperators is positive for material released from Raleigh and Ames (CUBA164, FS8’s, DK888’s, and Brazilian derived material) G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize

32 Issues/Suggested Ideas GEM has 589 breeding crosses with 123 tested-suggest to prioritize: A. Continue working the remaining untested LAMP’s B. Determine appropriate focus on breeding crosses we have released accessions from C. Utilize successful breeding crosses for specific traits (CUBA164, etc.) D. Implement SSD to reduce rows required for planting ETR S1 families- we can work 3X more pops Lack of information on relatedness of accessions A. Characterize accessions using SSRs or SNPs to assess degree of relationship between races or among accessions within a race B. Develop genomic information on an important accession like CUBA164 with extensive phenotypic information to enhance likelihood of identifying trait associations with specific genotypes. Could be interesting model for future gene discovery Marker assisted selection (MAS) A. GEM lines are heterogenous-need to create homozygous lines for future mapping pops (to be done by partners?) G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize

33 GEM Cooperators Acknowledgements NameInstituteTargetYears P. Balint-KurtiUSDA-ARS, NCSLB2003 - 2006 M. BohnU. Of ILFumonisin, CRW, ECB2003 - 2006 M. CampbellTruman S.U., MOAmylomaize VII2000 - 2006 M. ClementsUSDA-ARS, MSAflatoxin2004 - 2005 J. CoorsU. WISilage quality & milk potential1995 - 2006 J. DoddPSR, ILNLB, SLB, GLS, etc.1998 - 2006 W. DolezalPioneer Hi-Bred Int’l, IAFusarium, NLB, Diplodia, S. Rust, MDR, CRW2000 - 2006 S. DuvickUSDA-ARS, IAProtein, oil, starch, NIR and DSC2002 - 2006 J. Edwards, S. Duvick, L. Pollak, M. Blanco USDA-ARS, IAStarch thermal properties2002 - 2006 M. GoodmanNCSU, NCS. Adapt. GLS, southern rust1994 - 2006 J. HawkU. DEAnthrac, GLS, protein, AA; breeding methods1996 - 2006 B. HibbardUSDA-ARS, MOCRW1995 - 2006 J. HollandUSDA-ARS, NCFumonisin2003 - 2005 J. JaneISU, IAResistant & Digestible Starch2004 - 2006 P. Scott & M. BlancoUSDA-ARS, IAAA analysis1997 – 2006 M. SmithCornell, NYAnthracnose stalk rot1995 - 2006 W. XuTexas A&MDrought, heat, grain mold, aflatoxin, CEW1999 - 2006

34 Acknowledgements GEM private and public cooperators USDA-ARS Collaborators GEM staff Andy Smelser, Res. Tech Fred Engstrom, Res. Tech Sue Duvick, Lab Manager G ermplasm E nhancement of M aize

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