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Insider info on Russian Social Networks Artur Sakalis Head of API department

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Presentation on theme: "Insider info on Russian Social Networks Artur Sakalis Head of API department"— Presentation transcript:

1 Insider info on Russian Social Networks Artur Sakalis Head of API department

2 2 Industry overview Total industry audience 60 000 000 users Annual growth revenue in 2010 – 70M USD (+230% comparing to previous year) Average monthly ARPU– 0.1 USD

3 3 28% МAU– 51% DAU– 30% Paying audience ~ 2% 37% 49% 51%

4 Platform Compare 4 Social games distribution network Social games distribution platform mix Social games platform

5 Challenge #1: Everybody is everything More than 200 players (~80% single title companies) About 8 publishers (2 of them really are) 2-3 players develop own gaming social network Unwillingness to choose one-two business development directions 5

6 Opportunity #1: Choose your role Developer Publisher Traffic manager Platform Distributor Localizer 6

7 Challenge #2: Most popular genres are overcrowded You will not be the first one You will need traffic to succeed 7

8 Opportunity #2: Rise above the crowd Uniqueness stand above the crowd Few unique hit games New games can win 8

9 Challenge #3: You have been cloned In some cases even high quality clones 9

10 Opportunity #3: You have additional stats Your cloners made mistakes you will not repeat Western developers know how to survive hazard Facebook environment All viral methods are similar to Facebook Some social networks has new entry points 10

11 Opportunity #4: You know how to administrate Generally all the same Different time zones Reaction time 11

12 But you don’t know everything Some functions will work in Russia, but not on FB Some functions will work on FB… and in Russia Culture differences (music, history, traditions, folklore) Some monetization maneuvers are risky 12

13 Cultural difference 13

14 Cultural difference 14

15 What will happen soon? Market roles will crystallize New hits will appear Publisher’s value will become more significant New-old genres will appear More games from Western developers Facebook will grow 15

16 Why Facebook position is not strong enough yet? Facebook penetration from top to bottom Isolated national environment Russia has own strong local content generators and sharing mechanisms Not yet reached critical mass for rapid growth 16

17 Thank you for your attention!

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