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English I Honors—November 2, 2015 Daily Warm-up: Why do you think Tim Burton chose to do his own interpretation of Alice in Wonderland? Explain. Homework:

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Presentation on theme: "English I Honors—November 2, 2015 Daily Warm-up: Why do you think Tim Burton chose to do his own interpretation of Alice in Wonderland? Explain. Homework:"— Presentation transcript:

1 English I Honors—November 2, 2015 Daily Warm-up: Why do you think Tim Burton chose to do his own interpretation of Alice in Wonderland? Explain. Homework: – Study for Lessons 20 and 21 Vocabulary Quiz on Friday. – Reading Plus due Sunday at 11:59.

2 Lesson 20 Vocabulary Optimistic: adj. hopeful and confident about the future. Recognize: v. acknowledge the existence, validity, or legality of Acquire: v. buy or obtain (an object or asset) for oneself. Creed: n. a set of beliefs or aims that guide someone's actions. Enterprise: n. a project or undertaking, typically one that is difficult or requires effort. Reflective: adj. relating to or characterized by deep thought; thoughtful. Adversity: n. difficulties; misfortune. Resourceful: adj. having the ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties. Genuine: adj. truly what something is said to be; authentic. Legacy: n. an amount of money or property left to someone in a will.

3 Lesson 21 Vocabulary Endeavor: v. try hard to do or achieve something. Intuition: n. the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning. Notable: adj. worthy of attention or notice; remarkable. Advantageous: adj. beneficial. Optional: adj. available to be chosen but not obligatory. Surpass: v. exceed; be greater than. Capacity: n. the ability or power to do, experience, or understand something. Paramount: adj. more important than anything else; supreme. Strategy: n. a plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim. Generous: adj. (of a thing) larger or more plentiful than is usual or necessary.

4 Review Cinematic Techniques

5 The Language of Style Analysis Literary ElementCinematic Technique Tone and Mood Lighting, sound, camera angle, framing, and movement may be used to convey tone and mood. DictionThe way shots are arranged through framing, angles, and camera movement. Lighting and sound may also create an effect in the same way diction can. ImageryShots and framing, camera angles, and movements. OrganizationEditing, including flashbacks and foreshadowing, creates organization and structure. SyntaxEditing choices may be thought of as syntax that creates organization and structure. Point of ViewFraming, shot type, and camera movement create a sense of POV.

6 Independent Viewing—Alice in Wonderland Film Technique and ExampleEffect Example: In Edward Scissorhands, a tracking shot follows movement out the window with a boom/crane show over the neighborhood to the mansion on the hill. Example: The neighborhood looks fake, as does the mansion, establishing the story as unreal or fairy tale.

7 Check Your Understanding After viewing Alice in Wonderland, what similarities or differences in style and/or theme did you notice in relation to the other Tim Burton films you have watched? Create a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast the details from each film.

8 Writing the Analytical Paragraph Analytical StatementParagraph Sentence that makes a claim about a cinematic technique Topic sentence that introduces the main idea of the paragraph Textual EvidenceSupport by example or textual evidence Reflective CommentaryElaboration, discussion, or explanation of the significance of the support Closure statementClosure, clincher, or summarizing sentence that draws the paragraph to an end Notice how each piece of an analytical statement reflects the organizational parts of a paragraph. The paragraph should repeat the support and elaboration sections to explore more than one example or more than one piece of textual evidence. Link these examples, details, and commentaries with transitional devices. Write a well-developed paragraph analyzing Burton’s use of one specific cinematic element in Edward Scissorhands. Be sure to include all of the features that you have practiced, including: Analytical claim and textual support Reflective commentary and closure At least two examples of the use and effect of the cinematic technique

9 Planning a Draft—Consider all of the films viewed in class. Fill in the chart with details that help you understand how each element is used in each film. You will use this chart to synthesize similarities and differences among the films that you have studied. Cinematic TechniqueCharlie and the Chocolate Factory Edward ScissorhandsAlice in Wonderland Framing Lighting Camera Movements Music/Sound Editing

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