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Welcome Back Parents Back to School Garfield Elementary School 3 rd Grade Maureen Forney Room 17.

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2 Welcome Back Parents Back to School Garfield Elementary School 3 rd Grade Maureen Forney Room 17

3 Homework Each child will receive a packet of homework weekly on the first school day Please ask your child to show you the packet each night to see that he/she is making progress. Don’t let your third grader learn to procrastinate! There will always be some time in class to complete homework. If your child is in ASES or Davis Street childcare, they have homework time and support. Homework should never take more than 30 minutes each night at home. If it is, please contact me and we will make a plan for your child. Homework is due Friday in class. If it isn’t done, any unfinished homework must be finished during the weekend. On Monday, unfinished work earns a lost lunch recess. Every child will miss homework a few times. If this is a continued habit, I will contact you. Read every night…to a parent, the dog, the cat, your teddy bear. Just read! Our first official homework week starts Monday, 9/14/2015

4 Field Trips Possible field trips this year will be centered around our social studies and science curriculum. We study our communities…so expect our field trips to focus on regional wildlife, our neighborhood, city, and county.

5 Classroom Management San Leandro Unified School District is using a program known as Positive Behavior Intervention System PBIS is used in all schools in the district. Our first phase is teaching students clear expectations in our school and classrooms. All students will be Respectful, Responsible, and Safe. You will receive more information about PBIS from our school.

6 Classroom reminder Policy Redirection Say the name Eye contact Proximity Touch Gesture State the rule Referral and call home Bench notices or referrals are issued if a behavior is repeated and prevents other students from being safe and respected

7 Reading Language Arts (RLA) Daily reading/Fluency Daily Comprehension Common Core Practice Journal starts soon Houghton Mifflin anthology is our adopted curriculum Stories will be read throughout the year Supplemental materials will reinforce 3rd grade RLA instruction Engage New York Blended Learning websites Academic Language Instruction Daily Language Review – Grammar Spelling Tests Cursive Daily reading 20 minutes recommended! Project Based Learning using electronic resources as we transition to Common Core (CCSS)

8 Reading Support Reading Academy is intended to meet the needs of the students Students will be reading different materials based on their needs Reinforce and Practice Fluency daily, decoding, reading strategies, and improve comprehension skills Emphasis on informative non-fiction text

9 Social Studies Scott-Foresman “Our Communities” We will learn about the land, the early people, the history, growth and development of our neighborhood and region of California Environmental Education Initiative based on CCSS California Native Species Report and Citizenship Report. Twice weekly

10 Science MacMillan-McGraw-Hill Science is our adopted curriculum. Environmental Education Initiative based on CCSS Student centered classroom investigations Experiments and experiential learning, such as those in Mystery Science

11 Math Envision math is our text “Hard” text Common Core Daily Math Journal later in the year Math is done daily Spiral Review, Quick Check, Common Core sheets Fact tests Topic assessment –Review, Test Prep, Test Daily Math Intervention/Warm Up 10-15 minutes Children should leave third grade knowing all of their fact families with automaticity.

12 Technology SmartBoard Document Readers Chromebooks On-line resources G-mail Blended Learning Weekly lab time – hands on computer skills and reinforce standards taught in class and inquiry process.

13 Intervention/Assessments Renaissance Learning on line assessment, STAR Reading and STAR Math Administered 3x a year Imagine (ELD) Illuminate State test prep

14 Playworks Playworks is a non-profit organization that teaches young people conflict management and learning how to play in a cooperative, safe, respectful, and inclusive manner. Coach Antoine is our assigned program leader. He is on our playground every recess and will work with our classes in groups. Many students compete in various sports after school on teams coached by Coach Antoine.

15 Music/Studio/PE/Library Mrs. Michael is the Studio teacher meets twice a week – Mr. Trautner is the PE teacher meets twice a week Library once a week. Our school district will be providing librarians again! Ms. Aubrey offers a space for children before school, during recess, and at lunch.

16 ELD (English Language Development) and Universal Access (UA) ELD serves students who are entitled to additional support based on their most recent CELDT test (California English Language Development Test) Academic Vocabulary On line supplemental program using Chromebooks UA serves students who aren’t enrolled in ELD and by providing content support

17 Academic Progress Report and Progress Reports The school year is divided into three trimesters You will be notified 3-4 weeks before report cards are prepared letting you know if your child is performing below expectations (such as incomplete homework/work, below grade level on topic, and unit test, and work/study habits. The first report card will be distributed sometime in December. Parent Teacher Conferences will be scheduled for October. (TBA)

18 Curriculum State Standards are available on the California Department of Education website. Please refer to Common Core State Standards, Resources for Parents and Guardians PBIS

19 Most Important Thank you for taking the time tonight and visiting our classroom. Together We Can Make a DIFFERENCE!! Salamat

20 When you want to contact Mrs. Forney  E-Mail  667-3580 X 2717  website on the SLUSD website, Garfield School, teacher page  My cell phone, 7 am to 7 pm. Please text. 510-999-1023  Telephone/voice mail to the school. Messages will be checked after school within 24-48 hours.  In room 17, before or after school: 7:55 – 3:20

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