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Machine Vision Introduction to Using Cognex DVT Intellect.

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1 Machine Vision Introduction to Using Cognex DVT Intellect

2 Intellect Use 515 cameras which have CMOS greyscale sensors 640 x 480 pixels. CCD are more precise and has readers and flaw detection but costs more! Download from:



5 Intellect Menus current camera camera IP address current working pane current software version image ID display Intellect shares many menus commonly found in other Windows applications like “File”, “Edit”, “View”, “Window”, and “Help” Some menu items are unique to Intellect like “Image”, “System”, “Product”, and “System”

6 Tool Bars

7 Image Toolbar show previous image (emulation) show next image (emulation) start image cycle show last inspected image stop image cycle actual size zoom to fit zoom in focus assist record inspected images zoom out image assist method selection enable image assist set image sequence Focus assist Focus assist – returns a score (sharpness, intensity and contrast), the higher the better Image assist Image assist – automatically adjust gain and exposure time

8 System Toolbar open Network Explorer display all camera connections open system, product, or image disconnect from camera save system to camera’s flash apply white balance undo toggle trigger method (internal/external) redorun/stop inspection

9 Product Toolbar cut product copy product paste product allows product selection delete product toggle antiblooming activate external LED ring lights save to camera’s flash set exposure (ms) create new product

10 Product Management Used in conjunction with the properties window to: - Rename Product - Put in a description - Assign Coordinate Transform or Global Scaling - Change the Digital ID of a Product (for digital input selection of product to use)

11 Tool Toolbar paste tool delete tool show tool properties allows tool selection reposition tools copy tool cut tool

12 Toolbox Pane

13 Camera limitations 510 & 515 do not do Readers or Flexible Flaw detection. Manual also states 510 does not do positioning or counting but this is probably incorrect!

14 Pre-processing (Filtering) Enhance Image Features Edges Defects Reduce Noise Increase Contrast (image domain) Subtract Background Feature Adds processing time!

15 Types of Filter Gradient Low pass High pass Sharpen Median Kirsh Convolution Erode Dilate Open Close Fill Holes FOV Balance Image Domain Subtract Dark Image Color Inverse Log Edge Aggregate

16 Convolution

17 Example from ES372: Spatial-domain: Convolution Mask Best shown by example: Convolution mask (3x3) Image New value is calculated as: Sum of matrix Sum of product of both matrices

18 Positioning Tools You can find positioning tools by clicking the Positioning header within the Toolbox There are four positioning tools from which to choose searches along a line for an edge, feature, or pattern searches an area for the location of trained feature(s) searches along an area for a specific edge finds the center position and the radius of a circle

19 Counting Tools Count Along Line Edge Count Count in Area Pixel Counting Replicator Tool Pattern Count Blob Pattern Match Object Locate Results used for a Source of Positions to place another tool, multiple times Feature Count Learn Pixel Intensities Object locate will probably give the best results

20 Identification tool Identifies the part by using multiple leaned models by either Blob properties or Colour properties




24 Scripting Like JavaScript Always make comments about what you are trying to do Reserved words: They have special meaning Ex. if and PASS End almost all lines with ;

25 Coordinate Systems Allows for transforms to be set up for Coordinate Transformations, lens distortion and Tool scaling. Under systems menu. Great for traditional robot/camera/world calibration

26 Camera (grid) Frame Robot Frame +X +Y (0,0) +X +Y (0,0) Coordinate Transformation

27 Coordinate Systems Place DVT Target under camera Click “Calibrate” to create a Transform Choose this Transform for your Product

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