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 2003 Knowledge Based Systems, Inc. XML-Based Neutral Language for Data Display Systems 113 th RCC Telemetry Group Conference Albuquerque, NM March 8th,

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Presentation on theme: " 2003 Knowledge Based Systems, Inc. XML-Based Neutral Language for Data Display Systems 113 th RCC Telemetry Group Conference Albuquerque, NM March 8th,"— Presentation transcript:

1  2003 Knowledge Based Systems, Inc. XML-Based Neutral Language for Data Display Systems 113 th RCC Telemetry Group Conference Albuquerque, NM March 8th, 2006 John Hamilton Ron Fernandes Mike Graul Knowledge Based Systems, Inc. Dr. Charles Jones AFFTC, EAFB Jon Morgan JT3 LLC, EAFB

2  2003 Knowledge Based Systems, Inc. Agenda Background Motivation DDML and Translator Review DDML Status DDML Translator Status

3  2003 Knowledge Based Systems, Inc. Background Work based on a Phase I and II SBIR sponsored by Edwards Air Force Base Technical POC: Dr. Charles Jones Work with –China Lake / Lockheed Martin, Ridgecrest –NAWS, Pt. Mugu –Pax River Test Range Center –PM Utility Helicopter, U.S. Army –Sherrill-Lubinski Corp –Symvionics Corp. –Bruce Lipe, EAFB –Jon Morgan, EAFB Project ends Nov 2006

4  2003 Knowledge Based Systems, Inc. Why Neutral Language? Data display setup is a lengthy procedure Diverse data display systems Test and Evaluation (T&E) performed at different locations Need reuse of displays for joint service T&E missions –Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) –Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM)

5  2003 Knowledge Based Systems, Inc. Why Neutral Language? Currently, displays are created manually Develop translators without neutral language Vendor 6 Vendor 1 Vendor 2 Vendor 3 Vendor 4 Vendor 5

6  2003 Knowledge Based Systems, Inc. Why Neutral Language? Develop translators with neutral language DDML Document Vendor 1 Vendor 2 Vendor 3 Vendor 4 Vendor 5 Vendor 6

7  2003 Knowledge Based Systems, Inc. Data Display Markup Language Based on eXtensible Markup Language (XML) Four logical layers: graphics resources, dynamics, variables and data sources Includes most T&E display objects –plotters, meters, strip charts, etc. Primitive graphics resources based on Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) –rectangles, lines, etc. Generic to support nonstandard objects

8  2003 Knowledge Based Systems, Inc. Data Display Markup Language Layers similar to typical software architecture Typical Software Layer (e.g., Model-View Architecture) Persistence (load, save, etc.) Information Management (objects, variables, etc.) Graphics Resources (controls, color, etc.) User Interfaces (rendering, display, etc.) DDML Layers Data Sources Data variables and derived data Graphics Resources (position, color, etc.) Dynamics

9  2003 Knowledge Based Systems, Inc. DDML Design DDML is generic enough to support multiple data display systems, despite –Nomenclature differences across tools –Different functionality and focus for each system –Architectural differences and fuzzy specification of architectural layers –Nonstandard, tool-specific concepts

10  2003 Knowledge Based Systems, Inc. DDML Design artifacts Data dictionary – Excel-based –Maps vendor objects to DDML elements and attributes IDEF1X data model Special mapping rules file XML Schema UML Model (in progress)

11  2003 Knowledge Based Systems, Inc. DDML Details contains all display objects on a given screen. Standard display objects including – Non-Standard/Custom objects –

12  2003 Knowledge Based Systems, Inc. Data Display Translator Framework DDML Model Repository with Translators

13  2003 Knowledge Based Systems, Inc. DDML Benefits Supports interoperability of display systems –Same look and feel across environments and test centers Vendor-independent way of cataloging display information Can be used in various environments –T&E missions –Industrial process control –Cockpit and automobile dashboards –Health monitoring: man and machine

14  2003 Knowledge Based Systems, Inc. DDML Status DDML Version 2.0 presented at 112 th RCC Telemetry Group Conference Several Suggestions made by Attendees –Convert XML Attributes to Elements –Use MathML for derived variables –Develop UML model for further documentation.

15  2003 Knowledge Based Systems, Inc. DDML Status Current DDML Version: 3.0 Changes since 2.0 –All XML attributes have been converted to elements, except for id. –DDML element replaced with MathML element. –Improved logic for defining thresholds, etc.

16  2003 Knowledge Based Systems, Inc. Attributes to Elements DDML 2.0 <barchart id="BAGC1“ name="BAGC1“ scrollDirection="down" title="Title" titleColor="0“ valueAxisMin="0“ valueAxisMax="5“ valueAxisLabelForegroundColor="0“ valueGrid1Color="16711935“ valueGrid1Quantity=“2” valueTicLabelForegroundColor="0“ valueTicLabelFormat="%4.2f“ valueGrid2Color=“58302” DDML 3.0 BAGC1 down Title 0 value 0 5 0 16711935 2.5 0 %4.2f 58302

17  2003 Knowledge Based Systems, Inc. Example: 3x 2 – sin(y) MathML for Derived Data DDML 2.0 DDML 3.0 3 x 2 y

18  2003 Knowledge Based Systems, Inc. Improved Rules DDML 2.0 Example: if (var == 0) value=16711680 else if(var == 1) value=65280 DDML 3.0 EQ 0 16711680 EQ 1 65280

19  2003 Knowledge Based Systems, Inc. DDML Documentation Status DDML 3.0 Improvements documented –ITC 2006 Paper –ITEA Test Instrumentation Workshop 2006 Paper –Both of these are intended to gain feedback from T&E community. DDML website maintenance – 3.0 Schema and UML model will be on website soon.

20  2003 Knowledge Based Systems, Inc. DDML Translator Status DDML translators in use by Pt. Mugu to support transition from GRIDS to RangeView. Progress on SL-GMS translator Maintenance of DataViews, IADS, and C++/OpenGL translators.

21  2003 Knowledge Based Systems, Inc. Conclusions DDML is a generic XML-based neutral language for data display applications DDML has been tested to support at least three vendor-specific formats DDTF provides integrated framework for future translators DDML and DDTF have applications beyond T&E

22  2003 Knowledge Based Systems, Inc. Points of Contact Charles Jones, AFFTC, EAFB – Jon Morgan, JT3 LLC, EAFB – Mike Graul, KBSI – John Hamilton, KBSI – Ronald Fernandes, KBSI –

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