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ACIS 1504 - Introduction to Data Analytics & Business Intelligence Ad-hoc Reporting Query Basics.

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Presentation on theme: "ACIS 1504 - Introduction to Data Analytics & Business Intelligence Ad-hoc Reporting Query Basics."— Presentation transcript:

1 ACIS 1504 - Introduction to Data Analytics & Business Intelligence Ad-hoc Reporting Query Basics

2 Concept Map Queries Access Tables Sorting Selection Criteria Calculations Properties

3 Objective State the purpose of common table properties. Create queries to support common business problems utilizing sorting and selection criteria.

4 Textbook Chapter Videos The query chapters are available in video format as well: resources/video/db.html

5 Segment A: Import

6 What are Access Objects? Tables Queries Reports Forms

7 Open XLS in Access – Step 1 Open blank desktop database & name it

8 Open XLS in Access – Step 2 Load data into new table

9 Open XLS in Access – Step 3

10 Open XLS in Access – Step 4 Format Text Fields

11 Open XLS in Access – Step 5 Add Primary Key

12 Open XLS in Access – Step 6 Name Table

13 Segment B: Tables

14 Example Data Participant Registration Card Participant ID: 1 Age: Gender: Male Female Are you married? Y or N Are you a parent? Y or N Are you a home owner?Y or N What is your favorite food?

15 Example Data Observation Card Participant ID #: Observation Date: 1 = Poor … 5 = Excellent Rating of Product A: 1 2 3 4 5 Rating of Product B: 1 2 3 4 5 Rating of Product C: 1 2 3 4 5 Rating of Product D: 1 2 3 4 5

16 Open Existing Database Start Access

17 Review Tables

18 Table Properties Field Name Data Type Field Size Format (output) Decimal Places Input Mask Default Value Validation Rule Required Indexed

19 Review Relationships

20 A database has been created to house data about your personal library of books. Open the file named Book Database.accdb and familiarize yourself with the tables and data. Book Database

21 Segment C: Query

22 What is the Purpose of Queries? Ad-hoc information retrieval Output subsets of data

23 Start a Query Example: List demographics of all participants.

24 Fields

25 Run a Query

26 Show & Hide Fields Example: List demographics of all participants but hide homeowner field.

27 Save a Query

28 Segment D: Sort

29 Sort Records Example: List ratings for Product A from high to low.

30 Query More Than One Table Example: List all observation ratings and gender of participants.

31 Primary & Secondary Sort Example: List ratings by gender. Within gender, sort by ID then Date.

32 Segment E: Selection Criteria

33 Select Records Example: List demographics of Female participants.

34 Selection Criteria: Operators Example: List demographics of all participants over 30 years of age.

35 Selection Criteria: * and ? Example: List demographics of all participants who like liver. Liver may be anywhere in the Favorite Food string; beginning, middle or end.

36 Selection Criteria: NOT Example: List demographics of all participants who did not identify ice cream as their favorite food.

37 Selection Criteria: NULL Example: List demographics of all participants who did not identify a favorite food.

38 Selection Criteria: Dates Example: List all observations recorded on Feb 24, 2011.

39 Island Books Write a query to find the string ‘island’ anywhere in the book title. Sort your results alphabetically by title. Extensions: How would your solution change if you wanted only those titles ending with the string ‘island’? Beginning with the string ‘island’?

40 Segment F: AND vs. OR

41 Selection Criteria: AND Example: List demographics of female participants who are over thirty.

42 Selection Criteria: OR Example: List demographics of participants who are either Female or over 30.

43 Combine Selection Criteria Example: List all female participants who are married and all male participants who are parents.

44 Expensive Novels Write a query to display all novels that cost more than $10. Display the list in alphabetical order by author. If the author has more than one book, display books from most expensive to least expensive. Extension: How would your solution change if you wanted only novels costing exactly $10, $20 or $30?

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