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Presentation on theme: "TEACHING TECHNIQUES IN A SPECIAL NEEDS ENVIRONMENT Denise Thru the Houston’s First Baptist."— Presentation transcript:

1 TEACHING TECHNIQUES IN A SPECIAL NEEDS ENVIRONMENT Denise Briley Denise.Briley@HoustonsFirst.Org @DeniseBriley Thru the Roof @ Houston’s First Baptist Church

2 We all begin with a Bible Story For some kids, joining the mainstream class will just not happen. So let’s talk about that first. What can you do as a leader, volunteer or just interested bystander to help make learning about Jesus more fun, interactive and pleasurable for a child with severe disabilities? All kids can learn…no one needs to be left out of the group/class/ministry no matter their cognitive ability We should teach them what we want them to retain and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. Pray for them, love them and show compassion Self – Contained or Gathering spot

3 Ideas ‣ Have a children’s Bible available ‣ Use ideas off of Pinterest to provide SENSORY areas, boxes, tubs (see the display) ‣ Tell the story from your heart, read the scripture passage ‣ Give the child a few things to touch and feel (there are great story books) ‣ Prepare something to use for a craft, if they can’t do it themselves, have a buddy or someone assist ‣ Depending on the level of care or need, plan accordingly by using dvd or music… ask the parent on your information form ‣ Make sure you have some items on hand that you can use to empower them to be independent. Often they can use “Big buttons” for speaking, or I Pads for learning, Picture Symbols as well So many differences… Friends who may require a lot of help and assistance



6 Ideas ‣ Have a children’s Bible available ‣ As with all children, SENSORY is very important to this population. Do your homework, ask questions of their parents, use what will work… don’t try to reinvent the wheel. ‣ Most kids on the Autism Spectrum learn best by Social Stories (see samples) ‣ Most kids on the Autism Spectrum PREFER a picture schedule ‣ Most kids on the Spectrum do not enjoy crafts… they would prefer to use technology, find APPS that can get the same result ‣ They can become VERY FRUSTRATED with a lot of questions. Use words that are familiar with their school or parents. ASK this information on your information form (see sample) ‣ They also prefer a routine. Keep the weekly routine the same if possible. It may seem boring to you as a leader or volunteer but it is great for them and can keep the inclusion opportunities open So many differences… Friends who might be on the Autism Spectrum


8 Ideas ‣ Modify lessons when needed ‣ Get teaching materials from a mainstream teacher and see how it can be adapted to meet the needs of each child ‣ Use Sensory boxes or items for hands on learning ‣ Use story telling pictures that are laminated for puzzles, this helps to make sure the kids understand ‣ If you can use an IPAD at your church, check on ways that a publisher of materials might have apps or downloadable items ‣ Before visiting a mainstream class it often helps to show the child photos of the teacher, class area, or offer the parent a preview option of the Sunday classroom to take anxiety away ‣ When possible, provide a peer buddy to attend class with the child or Kids worship venue (check with your ministry leadership guidelines … (see Buddy Form) ‣ Many items can be reproduced for your child or classroom for free, don’t spend a lot of extra money on things that you won’t use ‣ Pinterest or other websites are very user friendly ‣ Work with your Children’s ministry team… show up when they need help at events… attend meetings and get support ‣ Seek out fun ways that you can involve kids with special needs in activities at your church… BE CREATIVE! So many differences… Setting up for success…for any child who learns a little bit differently


10 Need more insight or information? Often, most church staff or volunteers are overworked already. Sometimes it just helps to have a question answered by someone who has been there and experienced the hard things along with the great things in ministry. Remember All kids can learn…no one needs to be left out of the group/class/ministry no matter their ability There are many ways to minister to a child with special needs, many ways to teach, encourage and challenge them. Find someone in your church or community to mentor you, pray for you and assist you… no question is too awkward. PRAYER… pray for that child before you do anything… God will give you the wisdom if you ask him too. He loves these kids with special needs… after all, he hung out with people just like them. Reach out and ask for help…


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