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Please do not talk at this time Feb 12/13

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1 Please do not talk at this time Feb 12/13
Tell your partner: Should you always support a friend no matter what he or she does? What are the long term consequences of refusing to help a friend?

2 The World Before WWI… Today we will do a simulation of the state of the world before WWI to see if WWI was unavoidable.

3 Simulation Directions:
First, find your group and get a packet on your country. Read your packet and fill out your chart for Your Country (Pg. 90A/B) ONLY. Make sure to include information from your World Summary page also! Now, on one piece of paper for your group, write down the following: A List of the things Your Country wants in the upcoming negotiations. A list of your Friends (public and secret) A list of your Enemies Get this paper checked off by me!


5 Start Negotiations Negotiation Rules:
You may not make a treaty with an enemy. You may not make a treaty with the Friend of an enemy. You may not betray a treaty. You may end a treaty if you check with me first and identify the consequences. You may make treaties with Friends or Neutral Parties if you check with me first (I know the secret alliances) Your Goal: Get what you Want! Don’t go to War!

6 France Serbia Austria England Germany Russia

7 Predict! Based on your simulation, which real life countries had treaties together? Which real life countries were the most aggressive? Which real life country was the most unstable? The weakest? Had the strongest army? Had the strongest navy?

8 Turn in your simulation Handout!
Please get a Causes of WWI Cornell Notes Handout (pg. 91A/B) and a blank Map (pg. 91B)

9 Please do not talk at this time Feb. 14
HW: Do Cornell Notes for Chapter 13.1 for Tuesday when we get back Please get a Causes of WWI Cornell Notes Handout (pg. 91A/B) with the blank Map (pg. 91B) You need 2 colored pencils!

10 World War I: The Great War
The War To End All Wars

11 The World Before World War I 1914
The world before World War I was just beginning to fully grasp the effects of globalization and technology on everyday life. Trains, planes and steam ships made travel easier than ever before. Merchants brought goods from all over the world to market and people began to get an idea of just how diverse the world was. Admiration turned to desire. Soon, every country began to covet what its neighbors had…. MAIN Causes of WWI Militarism Alliances Imperialist Competition Nationalism

12 Militarism- Love of the military
Militarism- Love of the military. Being a part of the military was all the rage. Young men could impress the girls and add to their countries glory by their efforts in foreign lands and at home. Industrialization added new and deadlier weapons to the arsenals of European countries. Soldiers and politicians alike were eager to see how well their doomsday weapons worked.

13 The Alliance System Great Britain Belgium Japan Serbia Russia France
1879 The Dual Alliance                                         Germany and Austria-Hungary made an alliance to protect themselves from Russia 1881 Austro-Serbian Alliance                                      Austria-Hungary made an alliance with Serbia to stop Russia gaining control of Serbia 1882 The Triple Alliance                                          Germany and Austria- Hungary made an alliance with Italy to stop Italy from taking sides with Russia 1914 Triple Entente (no separate peace)                                      Britain, Russia and France agreed not to sign for peace separately.                                                                                        1894 Franco-Russian Alliance                                       Russia formed an alliance with France to protect herself against Germany and Austria-Hungary 1907 Triple Entente                                          This was made between Russia, France and Britain to counter the increasing threat from Germany. 1907 Anglo-Russian Entente                                         This was an agreement between Britain and Russia 1904 Entente Cordiale                                         This was an agreement, but not a formal alliance, between France and Britain. Great Britain Belgium Japan Serbia Russia France Montenegro

14 Imperialist Competition- Countries of Europe were competing with each other to see who could hold the most foreign territories.

15 Economic Imperialism- European Countries needed to expand their territory to keep their economies strong. They needed new raw materials and new buyers for their goods.

16 Nationalism- Love for one’s own country
Nationalism- Love for one’s own country. Feelings of superiority swept through Europe igniting small and large conflicts where men and nations could test their metal and see who was tougher, richer, smarter, etc.

17 Great Britain Any country who could conquer its European neighbor would win, not only land in Europe, factories and influence, but also ALL that country’s territories and empires. The British Empire British Bases British Colonies Spheres of Influence Which Cause of WWI is illustrated by this map? How does this map relate to that cause? What is it showing?

18 Triple Entente- Triple Alliance-
Color in your map and label the Alliances Triple Entente- Triple Alliance- Britain, France, and Russia Austria-Hungary, Germany, Italy

19 Archduke Franz Ferdinand and Sophie
The Trigger- Austria-Hungary used to control the land known now as Serbia. They let Serbia become independent peacefully, but later wanted her back. Serbia was home to a number of Bosnian rebels who had been fighting Austria-Hungary for years in terrorist attacks. Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, and his wife Sophie who was pregnant, went to visit Sarejevo. Bosnian rebels found out about the visit, ambushed the Duke and his wife, and killed them. Archduke Franz Ferdinand and Sophie

20 Climbing into the Motorcade Car
Shot! Family Portrait At the Funeral

21 Austria Hungary demanded satisfaction from Serbia and gave them a list of things they must do to avoid war for killing the Duke. Serbia agreed to all but three of the demands. Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia and invaded to take back the lands they used to control. Map of the Balkans in 1914

22 A Cascade of Events Lead To War
Serbia called on Russia, their ethnic sister country, for help. Russia declared war on Austria-Hungary. Austria-Hungary called on their ally, Germany. Germany declared war on Russia. Russia declared war on Germany. Russia called France. France called Britain. Britain and France declared war on Germany. Germany called Italy. Italy declared war on Russia, France and Britain. World War I has Begun

23 Please make Vocab Word Maps for the following words-
Militarism- strong focus on the military establishment and war preparedness Alliances- a formal pact of agreement between nations united for a common cause Civilians- Non Soldiers Propaganda- an advertisement that attempts to spread ideas or promote a cause Please make this Pg. 92A

24 WWI Sim Handout- Pg. 99A Causes of WWI- Pg 100A WWI Alliance Map- Pg 100B WWI Vocab Word Maps- Pg 101A

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