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Anaesthetic Core Training in Mersey Deanery Elaine Allsop Core Training Program Director v Oct 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Anaesthetic Core Training in Mersey Deanery Elaine Allsop Core Training Program Director v Oct 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anaesthetic Core Training in Mersey Deanery Elaine Allsop Core Training Program Director v Oct 2014

2 The Mersey Deanery Core Programme: Anaesthesia 2 year program CT1 level in anaesthesia CT2 level in anaesthesia + ICM

3 The Mersey Deanery Core Programme: ACCS - Anaesthesia 3 year program: CT1 level in Acute & Emergency Medicine CT1 level in Anaesthesia & ICM CT2 in Anaesthesia

4 Vacancies 2015 Anaesthesia CT1: 25 posts ACCS (Anaesthesia) CT1: 4 posts

5 Mersey Deanery: 9 hospitals 2 “Central” –Aintree University Hospital –Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen –(plus secondments to Liverpool Womens Hospital) 7 “DGH” –Wirral at Arrowe Park –Countess of Chester –Crewe - Leighton –Macclesfield –Southport & Ormskirk –Warrington –Whiston & St. Helens

6 CT1 - CT2 One year long attachments. Every trainee works in two hospitals for one year each. Most rotations: one year in a central hospital and one year in a district hospital. Some rotations: two years in district hospitals. Rotations take account of trainee preferences

7 Sample rotations Year 1Year 2 Example 1Royal LiverpoolWirral Example 2LeightonRoyal Liverpool Example 3ChesterWhiston Example 4AintreeSouthport Example 5WhistonAintree Rotations formed shortly after appointment to maximize adoption of appointee preferences

8 Royal College of Anaesthetists Writes curriculum Sets Primary FRCA exam Organizes the e-portfolio Appoints College Tutors who oversee training in each hospital

9 Milestones: CT1 3 months: Initial Assessment of Competency in Anaesthesia Consider Primary FRCA MCQ (March sitting) CT1 ARCP at 11 months

10 Milestones: CT1 Competency in Obstetric anaesthesia ICM training Primary FRCA (MCQ if not completed in CT1, SOE and OSCE) Units of training completed Certificate of Completion of Basic Level Training. CT2 ARCP at 22-23 months

11 Log book All cases collected in the Royal College of Anaesthetists logbook Summary reports for ARCP

12 Training: Simulation All trainees attend the Centre for Simulation and Patient Safety once a year to practice managing anaesthetic crises. “EASE” course Virtual reality environment Video assisted de-brief Team Resource Management principles

13 Training: Basic Science CT1 trainees attend monthly day release teaching at the BASICs course Topics in Physiology, Pharmacology, Physics Second Friday of the month 4 - 5 sessions of 1 hour each Homework preparation MCQ practice

14 Basic science CT2 BASIC 2 follow–on course 4-5 sessions in the first half of CT2

15 Training: Transport CT1 Trainees receive training in patient transport (MOCC course) in preparation for undertaking patient transfers MOCC: Movement of the Critically Compromised 1 day course

16 Other courses 3 day basic science course (BPAS) Basic Obstetric Anaesthesia Day Regional Airway workshop Anatomy workshop half-days Introduction to Critical Care (MICC) Dates TBC

17 Direct examination preparation Courses on –MCQ –OSCE / orals Weekend courses Take place just before date of exam.

18 ARCP As specified in Gold GuideGold Guide Done June – July (11 months into the year) Based on e-portfolio Meeting for feedback and planning 2 stage process

19 E-Portfolio Organized by Royal College of Anaesthetists All WPBA’s done on e-portfolio Linked to curriculum Activities, events, certificates, MSF and log book also added onto eportfolio. Used at ARCP

20 Association of Anaesthetists (AAGBI) Professional Association Produces Guidelines Trainee Section = GAT GAT = Group of anaesthetists in Training Booklet: Core Survival Guide

21 Information For further information contact: Elaine Allsop Core Anaesthesia Training Program Director

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