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Mrs. Lockhart’s and Mrs. Pretlor’s Fifth Grade Families Turner Creek Elementary.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Lockhart’s and Mrs. Pretlor’s Fifth Grade Families Turner Creek Elementary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Lockhart’s and Mrs. Pretlor’s Fifth Grade Families Turner Creek Elementary

2 Welcome to Fifth Grade! ● As a team, the 5 th grade teachers aim to give each child a common experience throughout the school year. ● The 5 th grade teachers plan as a grade level and by content areas.

3 Daily Schedule This year our schedule is not exactly the same everyday. We have no special on Wednesday and two specials on Thursday. The following is our Monday, Tuesday, Friday schedule: 8:45-9:15 Arrival 9:15-9:20 News and Announcements 9:20-10:00 Specials 10:00-11:15 Math or Science/Social Studies 11:15-12:30 Language Arts 12:30-1:00 Lunch 1:10-1:40 Recess 1:40-2:15 Language Arts 2:15-3:30 Math or Science/Social Studies 3:30-3:45 Clean Up, Pack Up 3:45 Dismissal

4 As a class we have established rules and expectations for our classroom community. Citation policy used across entire grade level Rewards for positive behavior Weekly Progress Report in Friday Folder Community Expectations

5 Wake County’s policy for homework is 10 minutes per grade level. This gives a fifth grader approximately 50 minutes of homework each night. Homework should be meaningful practice of content we have covered in class. If your child is struggling with the homework load, please contact your child’s teacher. Homework Policy

6 4- Extends targeted grade level standards “Since I can do/get this, I can figure out new things.” 3- Demonstrates proficiency of targeted grade level standards. “I get it! I can do it well!” 2- Needs support to meet targeted grade level standards. “I almost get it, but I need help.” 1- Insufficient performance of targeted grade level standards. “I don’t get it yet and I need help.” Standards Based Grading

7 Grading and Assessments How we assess: 1.Benchmarks – establish data Quarterly, Observations, Summative 2.Summative Assessments – to evaluate student learning (at the end of the unit) Unit tests, projects, Work Samples, EOGS 3.Formative Assessments – to inform and guide instruction (ongoing) Observations, Journals, Work Samples

8 Technology We consistently use iPads and Thinkpads for class work, projects, research, and other learning experiences. Teachers use Weebly and Twitter to share information with parents and to chronicle what we are doing in class for you to see, including field trips. Photo/Web permission form New technology usage form

9 Conferences and Communication If you need to get in touch with either of us, e-mail is typically the quickest way. You are also welcome to send a note to school or call the school. We hold two conferences per year, one in the fall and one in the spring. Should we need additional conferences, that can be arranged.

10 All parent volunteers must register in the media center each year. Please register as soon as possible! After October you will only be able to register on Mondays. Volunteers

11 If you have additional questions, please write them down on a sticky note and stick them on the question board. You are also welcome to e-mail your child’s teacher. Final Thoughts…

12 Contact Info Please visit us on the web! Twitter @MrsPretlor Twitter @Mrs_Lockhart1

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