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A Framework for decision making and implementation

2 Updated asset management plan
Align with DOE Strategic Plan Manage assets in a sustainable manner that support the DOE mission - DOE Strategic Objective 9 Comply with Government Performance and Results Act Develop strategic plans with long-term goals Modernize a foundational management document Address current operating environment Promote efficient and effective use of assets and resources Align with DOE strategic plan Comply with Government Performance and Results Act Establish performance goals Identify contributing programs and activities Define crosscutting performance measures Modernize a foundational management document Significant changes in operating environment since initial Real Property Asset Management Plan published in 2005 Energy Policy Act of 2005 / Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 Federal Buildings Personnel Training Act of 2010 EO 13653, Preparing the United States for the Impacts of Climate Change EO 13693, Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next Decade OMB M-07-10, Development of a Real Property Cost Savings and Innovation Plan OMB M-22-11, Realignment of Federal Real Estate OMB M-12-12, Promoting Efficient Spending to Support Agency Operations OMB MPM No , Implementation of OMB Memorandum M-12-12, Section 3: Freeze the Footprint OMB MPM No , Implementation of OMB Memorandum M-12-12, Section 3: Reduce the Footprint Concern voiced by external stakeholders including GAO Growing interest in Asset Management GAO High-Risk Area Property Systems of Record are “financial feeder systems” Promote efficient and effective use of assets and resources Provide overarching coordination of acquisition and life cycle management, sustainability, cultural and natural resource management, and historic preservation functions Address all DOE plant, property, and equipment Reflect current challenges and opportunities 5/5/2015 FIMS Annual Comprehensive Training

3 FIMS Annual Comprehensive Training
Scope and Audience The DOE Asset Management Plan addresses: Real Property including Real Estate Personal Property included Motor Vehicles The DOE Asset Management Plan is intended for: External Audiences DOE Leadership DOE Staff & Contract Partners Real Property and Real Estate Personal Property Management Includes motor vehicles References other directives that address: aircraft, watercraft, trains, classified property, nuclear weapons, nuclear material, intellectual property, internal use software, records or information Stakeholder Analysis External Audiences: OMB, GSA, GAO, & others who monitor including the public DOE Leadership: for making informed, risk-based, prioritized decisions and resource allocations DOE Staff & Contract Partners: practitioners conducting their activities in support of DOE Programs, Sites, and offices 5/5/2015 FIMS Annual Comprehensive Training

4 Mission, Vision, and Goals
Manage assets in a safe, secure, cost-effective, and sustainable manner to support current and future DOE mission needs. A portfolio of real and personal property assets that is appropriately sized and aligned to support efficient mission execution. Goal 1 – Property Alignment Goal 2 – Portfolio Management Goal 3 – Performance Management Goal 4 – Property Organization Mission and Vision – An aspirational declaration of the Department’s core asset management purpose and a description of what DOE seeks to achieve. Goals and Objectives – The Department’s desired asset management outcomes. Goal 1 Property Alignment – Improve alignment of the property asset portfolio to meet current and future missions. Goal 2 Portfolio Management – Maintain the portfolio of property assets in a condition to support mission requirements and provide a quality workplace. Goal 3 Performance Management – Plan and manage the portfolio of property assets in a sustainable and cost-effective manner. Goal 4 Property Organization – Ensure staff members have the proper training and access to property management resources. 5/5/2015 FIMS Annual Comprehensive Training

5 Asset Management Policy
The Department of Energy shall: Manage all of its property as valuable national resources in a cost effective manner. Maintain accurate inventories, credible condition assessments, appropriate capacity and utilization, reliable measurements, and repeatable processes. Use industry standards and benchmarks for continuous improvement. Prioritize investments based on lifecycle cost benefit analyses, best practices, and validated data to guide enterprise-wide decisions. Involve stakeholders in property planning and implementation by considering local site conditions as well as the larger regional context in property decisions. Ensure the acquisition, sustainment , reuse or disposal of property assets support critical missions, stimulate the economy, and protect workers, the public, and the environment. Policy and Principles – Describes DOE’s fundamental values and guides course-of-action development and decision-making for real and personal property management. 5/5/2015 FIMS Annual Comprehensive Training

6 Asset Management Framework
Planning & Management Considerations Environment, Safety, and Health Safeguards and Security Cultural and Natural Resources and Historic Preservation Socio-Economic Responsibility Climate Change and Sustainability Framework based on Publically Available Standard (PAS) 55-1, 2008 with components common to real and personal property Policy and Principles – Describes DOE’s fundamental values and guides course-of-action development and decision-making for real and personal property management and based on Federal Real Property Council management principles for real property and General Services Administration Guiding Principles for Personal Property Management. Planning and Management Considerations – Unique considerations by DOE in planning, operating, and managing real and personal property assets. 5/5/2015 FIMS Annual Comprehensive Training

7 Asset Management Framework
Federal Requirements Federal Laws Code of Federal Regulations Executive Orders Presidential Memorandum OMB Circular and MPMs Federal Accounting Standards Federal Requirements – The primary set of Federal rules governing the acquisition, management, and disposal of real and personal property. Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 Energy Policy Acts of 1992, 2005 / Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 Federal Buildings Personnel Training Act Code of Federal Regulations 10 CFR Part 600, Financial Assistance (Grants and Cooperative Agreements) 10 CFR Part 770, Transfer of Real Property at Defense Nuclear Facilities for Economic Development 41 CFR Chapter 101, Federal Property Management Regulation 41 CFR Chapter 102, Public Contracts and Property Management 41 CFR Part 109, DOE Property Management supplements 48 CFR Federal Acquisition Regulations 48 CFR Part 570, Acquiring Leasehold Interests in Real Property 48 CFR Part 945, DOE specific acquisition policy 48 CFR Part 970, DOE Acquisition Regulation for management and operating contracts 23 CFR Part 650, Bridges, Structures and Hydraulics 49 CFR Part 213, Track Safety Standards Executive Order 13149, Greening of the Government Through Federal Fleet and Transportation Efficiency Executive Order 13327, Federal Real Property Asset Management Executive Order 13653, Preparing the United States for the Impacts of Climate Change Executive Order 13693, Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next Decade Presidential Memorandum, Disposing of Unneeded Federal Real Estate – Increasing Sales Proceeds, Cutting Operating Costs, and Improving Energy Efficiency OMB Management Procedures Memorandums , “Freeze the Footprint” and , “Reduce the Footprint”; National Strategy for the Efficient Use of Real Property, OMB Circular A-11, Preparation, Submission and Execution of the Budget and Capital Programming Guide, Planning, Budgeting and Acquisition of Capital Assets FRPC Guiding Principles for High Performance Sustainable Buildings Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board, Accounting for Property, Plant and Equipment 5/5/2015 FIMS Annual Comprehensive Training

8 Asset Management Framework
Management Directives DOE P 141.1, Management of Cultural Resources DOE O 413.3B, Program and Project Management for the Acquisition of Capital Assets DOE O 430.1B, Real Property Asset Management DOE O 433.1B, Maintenance Management Program for DOE Nuclear Facilities DOE O 436.1, Sustainability DOE O 458.1, Radiation Protection of the Public and the Environment DOE O 580.1A, Department of Energy Personal Property Management Program Management Directives – DOE policy, directives (orders and guides), standards, and procedures governing property management. DOE Policy 141.1, Management of Cultural Resources DOE Order 413.3B and Associated Guides, Program and Project Management for the Acquisition of Capital Assets DOE Order 430.1B, Real Property Asset Management DOE Order 433.1B, Maintenance Management Program for DOE Nuclear Facilities DOE Order 436.1, Sustainability DOE Order 458.1, Radiation Protection of the Public and the Environment DOE Order 580.1A Chg. 1, Department of Energy Personal Property Management Program 5/5/2015 FIMS Annual Comprehensive Training

9 Organizational Responsibility
Key DOE Organizations and Positions Responsible for Property Management Headquarters Organizations Lead Program/Cognizant Secretarial Office Office of Acquisition & Project Management Office of Chief Financial Officer Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security Sustainability Performance Office Real and Personal Property Personnel Site/Field Office Manager Contracting Officer Acquisition Executive Real Property Personnel Senior Real Property Officer Federal Project Director Certified Realty Specialist Personal Property Personnel Personal Property Executive/National Utilization Officer Organizational Property Management Officer Property Administrator Organizational Motor Equipment Fleet Manager The Secretary establishes Departmental policy for real and personal property management, authorizes actions to acquire interest in property, and may accept donations of property. The Deputy Secretary is responsible for overseeing the asset management system and program implementation by Departmental elements. Organizational Accountability and Responsibility – Identification of DOE organizations and functions responsible for asset management. Lead Program/Cognizant Secretarial Office: Assign qualified property management staff. Ensure Federal accountability for the proper stewardship of real and personal property assets. Provide annual program direction, guidance, and oversight for property management implementation. Review and accept TYSP, SSP, and FIMS data submitted by the site/field office managers. Office of Acquisition & Project Management: Principal point of contact for real and personal property management policy and directives. Provide independent review for implementation of asset management requirements. Interpret policy/directives and advise property-holding programs and support offices. Develop and administer asset management systems, training, and certifications. Office of Chief Financial Officer: Develop and implement budget formulation and execution, finance and accounting policy and systems for assets. Implement finance and accounting systems for the reporting of assets. Review and coordinate economic development sales and leases, land sales for less than fair market value. Review and coordinate DOE asset transfer issues. Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security: Principal point of contact for environment, health, safety and security policies, directives and requirements. Provide expert advice and implementation assistance to protect workers, the public and the Department’s material and information assets. Sustainability Performance Office: Principal point of contact for sustainability including goals, requirements and greenhouse gas reduction targets. Oversee sustainability efforts, including environmental, energy, and economic performance. Develop Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan. Site/Field Office Manager: Oversee implementation of asset management requirements. Identify and report all real and personal property assets. Prepare and submit TYSP, SSP, and FIMS data for acceptance. Monitor asset management implementation. Contracting Officer: Appoint property administrators for contracts containing government-furnished property. Ensure contractors implement applicable property management requirements. Oversee review and approval of contractor property management systems. Acquisition Executive: Approve critical decisions for capital asset projects. Approve the appointment of Federal project directors. Approve project changes in compliance with change-control levels. Conduct quarterly project reviews. Senior Real Property Officer: Certify real property inventory accuracy and completeness. Establish policy to improve operational and financial real property management. Annually submit information describing real property assets. Monitor real property assets for alignment with DOE strategic plan. Measure and report real property performance. Federal Project Director: Serve as the single project point of contact between Federal and contractor staff. Define project cost, schedule, scope, and performance baselines. Evaluate and verify reported project progress. Ensure safety, security, health, and quality compliance of work. Certified Realty Specialist: Plan, analyze, develop, implement, and interpret policy to complete real estate transactions. Review and approve real estate actions to acquire, manage, and dispose of real property assets. Support negotiations for land rights, including easements, leases, permits, and fee acquisition. Personal Property Executive/National Utilization Officer: Develop and administer personal property programs. Promote acquisition/use of excess personal property. Serve as the technical expert on personal property disposal. Facilitate the redistribution, donation, exchange, sale, and abandonment of unneeded and excess personal property. Authorize the disposal of personal property. Serve as Departmental Motor Fleet managers. Organizational Property Management Officer: Establish and administer personal property management programs within organizations. Provide planning, acquisition, control, management, and disposition of personal property in offices. Conduct oversight and periodic management reviews of personal property management activities. Property Administrator: Develop and implement a personal property management oversight program. Advise contracting officer and organizational property management officer of contractor non-compliance. Organizational Motor Equipment Fleet Manager: Develop and implement motor equipment policy. Conduct oversight of the motor equipment program. Review utilization and reassign or dispose of underutilized motor equipment. National Laboratory Operations Board Facilities and Infrastructure Executive Steering Committee Personal Property Management Executive Steering Committee 5/5/2015 FIMS Annual Comprehensive Training

10 Personnel Training and Qualifications
Established Professional Development Programs Acquisition Career Management Program Project Management Career Development Program Certified Realty Specialists Real Estate Contracting Officers Personal Property Management Career Development Program Aspirational Initiatives Institute a recognition program for facilities management excellence Strengthen communities of practice Personnel Training and Qualifications – The Department’s programs for the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and competencies needed for managing DOE assets. The Department is also implementing two new initiatives to further strengthen personnel training and development: a recognition program for facilities management excellence to recognize significant accomplishments in real property management and stewardship excellence; and establishing communities of practice for real and personal property to provide training and certification. The recognition program and communities of practice will improve property management communication and the dissemination of real and personal property information. 5/5/2015 FIMS Annual Comprehensive Training

11 Decision-Making & Management Support Systems
Standard Accounting and Reporting System Real Property Decision-Making & Management Support Systems Active Facility Database Collection System Project Assessment and Reporting System Condition Assessment Information System Facilities Information Management System Financial Performance Inventory Condition Liabilities Decision-Making and Management Support Systems – Property information systems used in the selection of asset management courses of action. Facilities Information Management System (FIMS) – The Department’s corporate inventory system for tracking real property assets is a web-based system containing data on land, buildings, trailers and other structures and facilities owned or leased by DOE. Condition Assessment Information System (CAIS) – DOE facility inspection and assessment data is loaded into CAIS, a web database where it is estimated using various RS Means Construction CostWorks data. Project Assessment and Reporting System (PARS II) – The Department’s system of record for capital asset project performance information is a web-based management tool that provides accurate and complete project status information to DOE senior managers and key program stakeholders. Standard Accounting and Reporting System (STARS) – The DOE financial system of record is a comprehensive financial management system that links budget formulation and execution, financial accounting and reporting, cost accounting, and performance measurement. Active Facility Database Collection System (AFDCS) – The Department’s active facilities environmental liabilities are estimated using AFDCS, including the anticipated remediation costs for contaminated facilities still in use (active facilities) by DOE programs and retired contaminated facilities (excess facilities) waiting for disposal. Personal Property Systems Property Information Database System (PIDS) – PIDS is an inventory system of personal property records and includes information used by DOE to support annual reporting requirements. Energy Asset Disposal System (EADS) – Personal property personnel at the Department and site level use EADS to perform internal screening of excess personal property for reuse before it is released into the Federal disposal process. Personal Property Reporting Tool (PPRT) – The Department uses the GSA’s PPRT to submit its annual exchange/sale report and non-Federal recipients report in accordance with 41 CFR Chapter (40 U.S.C. 503) and 41 CFR Chapter (40 U.S.C. 529) respectively. Federal Automotive Statistical Tool (FAST) – DOE uses FAST as a centralized system to report motor vehicle data with respect to fleet inventory and costs incurred for the operation, maintenance, acquisition, and disposition of motor vehicles in accordance with OMB Circular Number A-11 reporting requirements. Federal Fleet Management System (FedFMS) – The Department uses FedFMS to manage its motor vehicle fleet inventory, maintenance and expenses and analyze large volumes of data to support annual OMB data calls and FAST reporting requirements. DOE tracks and controls its utilization and maintenance and fuel costs in FedFMS to manage Department resources for maximum effectiveness and efficiency. Federal Motor Vehicle Registration System (FMVRS) – The Department uses FMVRS to record all vehicle Original Equipment Manufacturer data, status updates, and official U.S. government license plates assigned to DOE-owned and commercially-leased government motor vehicles. This system enables the Department and GSA to maintain a complete inventory of all U.S. government license plates manufactured, including those held by the Department for future use. This system provides federal, state, and local law enforcement officials with access to help determine if a government vehicle is authentic. Property Information Database System Federal Automotive Statistical Tool Energy Asset Disposal System Federal Fleet Management System Personal Property Reporting Tool Federal Motor Vehicle Registration System Personal Property Management Systems 5/5/2015 FIMS Annual Comprehensive Training

12 Planning and Budgeting
Lifecycle Management Disposition Planning and Budgeting Lifecycle Asset Management Key to effective real property management is broadening the planning process to include assets in all phases of the facility lifecycle. Lifecycle Asset Management – DOE’s methodology for planning and budgeting, acquisition, sustainment, and disposal of real and personal property assets. Real property acquisitions, sustainment, recapitalization, and disposal are balanced to ensure real property assets are in a suitable condition and available for use to accomplish DOE’s mission. For Real Property - Planning and Budgeting: DOE Strategic Plan Mission Requirements & Gaps Ten Year Site Plans Site Sustainability Plans OMB Capital Planning Guide Integrated Facilities and Infrastructure Budget Land Use Plans (Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, CERCLA; National Environmental Policy Act, NEPA) Acquisition (14 methods identified): Regardless of the acquisition method selected, DOE evaluates alternatives, conducts benefit-cost analyses, and assesses lifecycle costs including disposition. Minor Construction Capital Asset Project Management Sustainment Operations Maintenance & Repair Investment Targets Condition Assessments Utilization Surveys Recapitalization Long-Term Stewardship Disposition Deactivation & Decommissioning Reuse & Economic Development Disposal Sustainment Acquisition 5/5/2015 FIMS Annual Comprehensive Training

13 Asset Management Framework
Industry Standards & Benchmarks International Facility Management Association International Organization for Standardization American Society for Testing and Materials International APPA Facility Performance Indicators ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager General Services Administration Property Management Executive Council Interagency Committee on Property Management Energy Facility Contractors Group Industry Standards and Benchmarking – Generally-accepted asset management practices and DOE’s tailored processes for comparing its management of assets to these practices. Current National Research Council Report and National Academy of Sciences’ sustainment benchmark International Facility Management Association (IFMA) – IFMA is the largest and most widely recognized international association for facility management professionals. Knowledge management specialties include operations and maintenance; project management; real estate and property management; and sustainability. International Organization for Standardization (ISO) – ISO is an independent, non-governmental organization that develops voluntary standards, including specifications for products, services, and systems, such as environmental management, energy management, risk management, and quality management. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) International – ASTM International is the globally recognized leader in the development and delivery of international voluntary consensus standards, including property management standards for condition assessments, lifecycle costs, and disposal. General Services Administration (GSA) – GSA provides government-wide policies and guidance by collaborating with local, state, and Federal government agencies, industry, and professional organizations to identify and promote best practices and enable the sustainable and efficient use of assets. Property Management Executive Council (PMEC) - Comprised of representatives of several executive agencies and industry partners that collaborate to document personal property best practices throughout the property management lifecycle. Interagency Committee on Property Management (ICPM) - comprised of representatives from various executive agencies that work to advance property stewardship through meaningful performance measurement and enhanced customer service Energy Facility Contractors Group (EFCOG) to identify and adopt best practices, exchange of successful programs, practices, procedures, and lessons learned. Aspirational ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager – Benchmarks for facility energy and water consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Facility Management Benchmarking – Benchmarks that encompasses facility operating costs, including utilities, maintenance, and janitorial and space utilization. IFMA Benchmarks Exchange – Benchmarks covering facility management areas, such as operations and maintenance costs and space management. APPA Facility Performance Indicators – Benchmarks for facility management including inventory, utilization, and operating costs. 5/5/2015 FIMS Annual Comprehensive Training

14 Goals and supporting objectives for real property
Assess real property assets against program requirements. Improve real property asset condition and utilization survey methods. Implement and improve a knowledge-based approach to conduct facility condition assessments. Property Alignment Plan, construct, sustain, and recapitalize facilities and infrastructure to support mission execution. Evaluate acquisition methods in the planning process when analyzing alternatives. Increase sustainment investments in real property. Dispose of excess and unneeded property safely, efficiently, and in a timely manner. Provide for safe, secure, and healthy workplaces. Portfolio Management Improve real property lifecycle cost identification, collection, and management. Use performance measures to improve real property management. Improve real property data to ensure it is complete and accurate. Manage, integrate, and prioritize real property capital investment requirements enterprise-wide. Implement real property benchmarking. Performance Management Establish Federal Real Property Officers responsible for plan implementation. Implement a real property management professional development program. Improve communications with sponsors and customers. Develop and implement a recognition program for real property management excellence. Property Organization 5/5/2015 FIMS Annual Comprehensive Training

15 Goals and supporting objectives for personal property
Improve personal property identification and accountability. Improve personal property utilization and disposal. Property Alignment Improve personal property management systems. Implement process changes to improve efficiency. Portfolio Management Improve accounting and control for equipment and high risk sensitive property. Improve fleet management, including the reduction of fuel consumption. Improve personal property cost control and reporting. Performance Management Enhance the personal property management training and certification program. Increase organizational development opportunities for personal property professionals. Property Organization 5/5/2015 FIMS Annual Comprehensive Training

16 Performance Measurement and Reporting – Real Property
Current Measures Asset Condition Index Utilization Index Disposition Energy and Water Consumption Leased Space and Cost Infrastructure Investment & Maintenance Expenditures Utilities and other Operating Costs Aspirational Measures Mission Alignment Personnel Qualifications Customer Satisfaction Internal Processes Performance Measurement and Reporting – DOE’s approach to collecting, analyzing, and reporting the performance of the Department’s real and personal property assets. State of Facilities Annual Report (SOFAR) Presentation of Asset Management Plan goals and measures Based on FIMS data 5/5/2015 FIMS Annual Comprehensive Training

17 Performance Measurement and Reporting – Personal Property
Balanced Scorecard used to evaluate management effectiveness and property operations in areas of: Inventory Accountability Utilization Index Disposal Effectiveness Personnel Qualifications 5/5/2015 FIMS Annual Comprehensive Training

18 FIMS Annual Comprehensive Training
Questions Cindy Hunt, PE, PMP, CCE, CFM, LEED AP Facilities Engineer U.S. Department of Energy Office of Acquisition and Project Management Office of Property Management (MA-65) 1000 Independence Ave, SW Washington DC 20585 5/5/2015 FIMS Annual Comprehensive Training

19 Property Lifecycle Management
Real Property Personal Property 5/5/2015 FIMS Annual Comprehensive Training


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