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Community Service Hours Portland Christian High School.

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1 Community Service Hours Portland Christian High School

2 All Portland Christian High School students are required to complete a minimum of hours of service each year. National Honor Society members are required to complete a minimum of hours per year. Requirements 20 10

3 Definition Community Service is defined as any volunteer activity that benefits the community without compensation (no pay or credit involved). Helping relatives, family, and friends is important but should be considered an act of love, not for school credit unless given prior approval.

4 Choosing What to Do "Finding what you were meant to do is about finding where your Gifts and your Passions intersect with what is needed." - Dave Pollard Think outside the box! Find something that will allow you to grow, serve, and learn.

5 People-Based Brainstorming: Passionate about homeless people? Night Strike ❉ Union Gospel Mission ❉ Portland Rescue Mission Passionate about children? Foster Parents’ Night Out ❉ Kids Ministries Programs in Church Passionate about elderly people? Hawthorne Gardens Senior Living ❉ Russellville Park ❉ ETC!

6 Skill-Based Brainstorming: Skilled in Technology? Run Sound at your Local Church ❉ Free Geek Non-Profit Skilled in Office Work? Skilled in Event Planning? Ronald McDonald House Charities Skilled in Music? Assisted Living Facilities ❉ Worship Team for Youth Group Africa New Life ❉ Pregnancy Resource Center

7 Organization Brainstorming: Other Opportunities: ❉ American Red Cross ❉ Hospitals ❉ Local Library ❉ Local Radio Station ❉ Mission Trips ❉ PCS ❉ Portland Children’s Museum ❉ Portland Zoo ❉ Vacation Bible School ❉ Worship Team ❉ Wyldlife [YoungLife] ❉... and MUCH MORE!

8 Tracking Your Hours ❖ Keep careful track of your hours on your own. ❖ Fill out a Service Form found online: ➢ Go to ➢ Click on the “Academics” tab and select “Forms and Resources” ➢ Click on the “Community Service” Form ❖ Submit Service Form to your Bible Teachers by May 31st!

9 Due by May 31st!

10 Summer Completion If you are interested in serving during the summer (helping with a VBS, going on a mission trip, etc.), you must be pre-approved by your Bible teacher or you will not receive credit. ***Your hours must be turned in by the end of the summer.***

11 The Perks Community Service (CS) is worth the same as a test grade in your Bible class. Note: Failure to complete CS hours results in Behavior Probation. CS looks GREAT for scholarships, college applications, and job applications. CS gives you an opportunity to try something new and explore future possibilities.

12 The Real Why: You spend SEVERAL hours a week in Bible classes. We learn a lot of head knowledge here, but head knowledge without heart knowledge means nothing. Here’s your opportunity to put it into practice: to reach out and serve because Jesus served us first, and to reach out and love because Jesus loved us first.

13 1 John 4:19a The Message We, though, are going to love— love and be loved. First we were loved, now we love. How will you invest your time?

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