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Published byBrianna Wheeler Modified over 9 years ago
Nectarios Ch. Benekos CERN/ATLAS EESFYE - HEP 2003 Workshop, NTUA, April 17-20, 2003 Performance of the ATLAS ID Reconstruction
Nectarios Ch. Benekos EESFYE – HEP 2003 Workshop, NTUA, April 17-20, 2003 1 OUTLINE ATLAS Inner Detector Pattern Recognition Programs xKalman iPatRec Fitting Method in iPatRec Material Tuning Performance studies Conclusions
Nectarios Ch. Benekos EESFYE – HEP 2003 Workshop, NTUA, April 17-20, 2003 2 Barrel + end-cap inner detector Radius [m] 1.15 Length [m] 6.8 -coverage | |<2.5 Diameter25 m Barrel toroid length26 m Endcap end-wall chamber span46 m Overall weight 7000 Tons ATLAS Coordinates XYZ right handed coordinate system with Z in beam direction
Nectarios Ch. Benekos EESFYE – HEP 2003 Workshop, NTUA, April 17-20, 2003 3 A side view ID layout ATLAS Tracker Requirements of the ID Reconstruction: to reconstruct efficiently the tracks and vertices in an event to perform, together with the calorimeter and muon systems, electron,pion and muon identification to find short lived particle decay vertices. The ATLAS ID
Nectarios Ch. Benekos EESFYE – HEP 2003 Workshop, NTUA, April 17-20, 2003 4 Updated ID Layout: main change is insertable pixel layout: to accommodate construction delayed 1 year later installation consequences: increased structural material (> 6m long cylinders) >double material at low radius (insertable + realism) b-layer: same modules as outer layers pixel size increased from 50x300 m 2 (TDR) 50x400 m 2 change of the b-layer radial position 43 50.5 mm (due to the change in outer diameter beam pipe 50 69.2 mm) SCT small changes to forward layout to increase inner radius in order to allow insertable pixels TRT reduced straw length(occupancy) in endcaps the continuous tracking of the TRT is approximated using 4 discrete layers The updated initial layout (low lumi) has: only 2 pixel layers + 2(+/-) pixel wheels instead of 3 pixel layers + 3(+/-) pixel wheels The updated ATLAS ID layout
Nectarios Ch. Benekos EESFYE – HEP 2003 Workshop, NTUA, April 17-20, 2003 5 Find the tracks of particles in the detector Introducing the minimum number of fake tracks Give best estimation of the tracks’ actual momenta direction, slope (cot ( )) of the track Vertex finding impact parameter estimation pattern recognition track fitting Track fitting to minimize measures how close the measured parameters are to what they are assumed to be from a particular fit hypothesis (e.g., helical trajectory) Track fitting would be trivial if it was not for complications arising because: of multiple scattering energy loss non-uniform magnetic filed, ….and of course IF we understood our detectors PERFECTLY. Requirements of any track reconstruction algorithm
Nectarios Ch. Benekos EESFYE – HEP 2003 Workshop, NTUA, April 17-20, 2003 6 Two inner detector pattern recognition and track reconstruction packages based on two different techniques are existing in ATLAS: o xKalman is a pattern recognition package based upon a Kalman –filter smoother formalism for finding and fitting tracks in the inner detector. o iPatRec uses a helix fitting method. Its basic strategy is to initiate track finding from space-points and fit these tracks using an iterative method based on Newton-Raphson technique ATLAS ID Pattern recognition algorithms
Nectarios Ch. Benekos EESFYE – HEP 2003 Workshop, NTUA, April 17-20, 2003 7 xKalman
Nectarios Ch. Benekos EESFYE – HEP 2003 Workshop, NTUA, April 17-20, 2003 8 iPatRec
Nectarios Ch. Benekos EESFYE – HEP 2003 Workshop, NTUA, April 17-20, 2003 1Nectarios Ch. Benekos EESFYE – HEP 2003 Workshop, NTUA, April 17-20, 2003 8 iPatRec Searches for tracks using SP formed in Pixel and SCT Reconstruction is performed within a “narrow canonical raod” joins Vxregion to a Sdregion on the outer surface of ID Seeds can be: o e/ candidates from EM calo, o jets from HAD and, o muon tracks found in the external muon detectors. Tracks extension into TRT detector after passing quality cuts Track fitting using 2 minimization fit also TRT hits are included by a histogramming method in a narrow road around the reconstructed helix of the track
Nectarios Ch. Benekos EESFYE – HEP 2003 Workshop, NTUA, April 17-20, 2003 9 o form space points from matching and z hits : o find up to 7 space-points on different layers that might form a track The points are required: to be close enough azimuthally to lie in a “conical narrow road” defined as a+b/p T (multiple scattering term) tracks extension into TRT detector after passing quality cuts iPatRec: stand alone pattern recognition (cont.)
Nectarios Ch. Benekos EESFYE – HEP 2003 Workshop, NTUA, April 17-20, 2003 10 The trajectory of a particle moving in a uniform magnetic field with no multiple scattering and negligible bremsstrahlung radiation is described by a helix. Basically a helix can be decoupled into: o moving along a circle in the xy-plane (3 points needed to define it) and o in the rz plane by a straight line: (2 points needed to define it) Introduction to Track Fitting
Nectarios Ch. Benekos EESFYE – HEP 2003 Workshop, NTUA, April 17-20, 2003 11 Fitting a model to data using 2 minimization In order to start fitting a track, one needs two things: o a model which approximates the trajectory of the tracks o an understanding of the detector accuracy(resolution) Track fitting : is a procedure to determine the helix parameters by fitting a set of coordinates(measurements) measured in a tracking detector to a helix. We want to fit a model : o with M parameters a j o to a set of N uncorrelated measurements y i with error i. o f i (a) is the expected i-th coordinate when the helix parameter vector is a[q/p T,tan …] for y i Minimizing the 2 to determine the values of a j
Nectarios Ch. Benekos EESFYE – HEP 2003 Workshop, NTUA, April 17-20, 2003 12 for a linear model : o the solution is independent of the starting estimator and o NO iteration is needed for a non-linear model (helix) one needs to iterate. o it gives the correct answer o i.e. converges to the global minimum, if is sufficiently close to so called Newton-Raphson method Fitting a model to data using 2 minimization (cont.)
Nectarios Ch. Benekos EESFYE – HEP 2003 Workshop, NTUA, April 17-20, 2003 13 This method is global in the sense that it fits all the measurements at the same time IF all measurements are independent of each other, the execution time is ~ number of measurements (n) BUT IF we have correlations between measurements the covariance matrix will contain non-diagonal terms and inverting it becomes VERY time consuming for large n Generalization
Nectarios Ch. Benekos EESFYE – HEP 2003 Workshop, NTUA, April 17-20, 2003 14 at low energies ionization (described by Bethe-Bloch formula) dominates: at high energies, bremsstrahlung dominates Radiation length: o Mean distance over which a high energy e - loses all but 1/e of its energy by bremsstrahlung. Particle Interactions with matter - Energy Loss The trajectory of a charged particle is affected by any material several types of secondary interactions between particles and material may occur. Therefore energy loss and multiple scattering have to be applied to the track fitting.
Nectarios Ch. Benekos EESFYE – HEP 2003 Workshop, NTUA, April 17-20, 2003 15 Mostly due to Coulomb scattering from nuclei For small angles roughly Gaussian distribution Thickness of the scattering material in radiation lengths Multiple Scattering(MS) in Track Fitting MS at the detector planes introduces additional parameters p MS, o i.e. the two (fitted) deflections ( , cot ) at each detection plane: o p MS =( , cot , cot …, n, cot n ) Scattering centres are expensive typically # parameters = 2N+5 (5 track params + 2 x N scat. angles/scattering centre) o (instead of 5 params,ignoring material effect) The scattering processes in the different planes(centres) are independent from each other Multiple Scattering in iPatRec 2 -fit The multiple scattering angles p MS + Helix pareameters p Full description of the path of a particle through the detector
Nectarios Ch. Benekos EESFYE – HEP 2003 Workshop, NTUA, April 17-20, 2003 16 Tuning Multiple Scattering in iPatRec pulls on 5 perigee parameters residual for a track parameter a: where a track is the result of the fit pull for a track parameter a is defined as: tune material to give : mean=0 (dE/dx) sigma=1 (X 0 ) IF the fit is reasonable and errors are correctly described Method :
Nectarios Ch. Benekos EESFYE – HEP 2003 Workshop, NTUA, April 17-20, 2003 16 Tuning Multiple Scattering in iPatRec Procedure : need lowest E track material effects dominate high statistics (to cut on limited region with uniform material) start with tuning inner layers then work outwards reduce # of layers lower P T for material to dominate start with barrel as already ~ 1/3 of phase-space (uniform material) |<0.8, total acceptancy to 2.5) Plots in the following using first 7 layers (Pixels + SCT) only 1/P T 1/P T pull a 0 (impact parameter d 0 ) a 0 pull Increase material - tuned to give all 5 parameters fitting correctly in barrel so plotting pulls can see IF errors are correct or over/under estimated !
Nectarios Ch. Benekos EESFYE – HEP 2003 Workshop, NTUA, April 17-20, 2003 17 p T )/(1/p T ) single muons tracks p T =200 GeV/c Pixel + SCT using iPatRec p T )/(1/p T ) ~ 9% (~7% in TDR) in barrel ~ 20% (~15% in TDR) in endcap | |<0.8 1.6<| |<2.5 Well centered
Nectarios Ch. Benekos EESFYE – HEP 2003 Workshop, NTUA, April 17-20, 2003 18 | |<0.8 1.6<| |<2.5 p T )/(1/p T ) single muons tracks p T =1 GeV/c Pixel + SCT using iPatRec p T )/(1/p T ) ~ 1.8% in barrel ~ 2.7% (~3% in TDR) in endcap Increased material thickness ! Systematic shifts on mean dE/dX underestimated
Nectarios Ch. Benekos EESFYE – HEP 2003 Workshop, NTUA, April 17-20, 2003 19 single muons tracks p T =200 GeV/c Pixel + SCT using iPatRec Impact parameter ~ 13-15 m (TDR 11 m) Impact parameter resolution | |<0.8 1.6<| |<2.5 N RR N RR
Nectarios Ch. Benekos EESFYE – HEP 2003 Workshop, NTUA, April 17-20, 2003 20 | |<0.8 1.6<| |<2.5 single muons tracks p T =1 GeV/c Pixel + SCT using iPatRec Impact parameter ~ 100 m / √(sinθ) (TDR 73 m / √(sinθ) Impact parameter resolution N RR N RR
Nectarios Ch. Benekos EESFYE – HEP 2003 Workshop, NTUA, April 17-20, 2003 21 single muons tracks p T =1 GeV/c Pixel + SCT using iPatRec Pull ~.87 in barrel ~.91 in endcap Overestimated X 0 in b-layer guessed 3% X 0 corrected | |<0.8 0.8<| |<1.6 1.6<| |<2.5 N RR N RR N RR Tuning of pull distributions (plot before corrections)
Nectarios Ch. Benekos EESFYE – HEP 2003 Workshop, NTUA, April 17-20, 2003 22 200 GeV muons using Pixel+SCT Rel. 6.0.1. using iPatRec Pull ~ 1.0 in barrel ~.91 in endcap Errors slighlty over-estimated at higher | |<0.8 0.8<| |<1.6 1.6<| |<2.5 N RR N RR N RR Tuning (cont.)
Nectarios Ch. Benekos EESFYE – HEP 2003 Workshop, NTUA, April 17-20, 2003 23 In the absence of multiple scattering: In the presence of multiple scattering: o reducing further the p T, the effect of multiple scattering is starting to dominate and o at p T =1 GeV/c multiple scattering is dominating at all | | with a marked degradation in resolution and with degrading resolution with increasing | |. o non-uniform magnetic field correction in forward region (higher ) Momentum resolution vs eta
Nectarios Ch. Benekos EESFYE – HEP 2003 Workshop, NTUA, April 17-20, 2003 24 (TDR 11 m) (TDR 73 m / √(sinθ)) Eta dependency on impact parameter resolution
Nectarios Ch. Benekos EESFYE – HEP 2003 Workshop, NTUA, April 17-20, 2003 25 Conclusions The single track reconstruction performance of the ATLAS ID has been investigated using the simulation of single muons. Material tuning in iPatRec resolution studied of the impact parameters, over the complete studied | | and p T -range Measurement errors understood and correctly accounted Due to the updated ID layout (more realistic material) the impact parameter resolution was found to be: o ~ 100 m (as a function of sin ) for p T =1 GeV/c (multiple scattering effect is dominated) o and ~14 m for p T =200 GeV/c
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