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Hawaiian Airlines Na Leo Survey 2010 Your Results.

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2 Hawaiian Airlines Na Leo Survey 2010 Your Results

3 2 Hawaiian Airlines Na Leo Survey Results Thank you for your participation - your opinions are important to us We had an overall response rate of nearly 75% at Hawaiian Airlines – a great response for our first year! We have learned a lot from the Na Leo survey and have identified some of our strengths and our opportunities for improvement We want to share the results and get you involved in making Hawaiian Airlines a great place to work

4 Good News The company is headed in the right direction Hawaiian Airlines is actively pursuing its mission Employees are proud to be a part of Hawaiian Airlines Friendly ‘ohana work environment Like co-workers (but not always their frontline supervisor or managers) Employees enjoy working at Hawaiian Airlines Employees feel personally motivated and committed Hawaiian Airlines has good benefits (flight and other benefits) 3

5 Bad News Too much favoritism Not everyone does their fair share of work Poor performers are tolerated Managers don’t always listen and respond appropriately Managers don’t always handle workplace concerns fairly and timely Managers need to explain decisions Managers do not always value others Opportunity for career development and training is lacking Insufficient trust and follow through (including taking action on the survey) 4

6 Four Areas Driving Negative Attitudes 1.Management holding employees accountable for performance 2.Management communication and responsiveness 3.Management focus on developing leaders 4.Management credibility 5

7 3 Key Standards for Measurement 6 Engagement Score Believe in and support the company Balanced Scorecard Corporate performance Net Promoter Score Would you recommend HA as a place to work

8 Engagement Score and Benchmarks Global Best Employers (80%) U.S. Best Employers (75%) Hawaiian Airlines (61%) Poor Performance Zone High Performance Zone Troubled Employers (40%) Better Employers (65%) U.S. Average (48%) Hawaiian Airlines (61%) 7

9 Impact on Balanced Scorecard 8 Goal: 7.5 to 8.5% Managers Non Manager What is your overall opinion of Hawaiian Airlines?7.87.5 I am proud to be an employee of Hawaiian Airlines.8.88.4 Hawaiian Airlines is actively pursuing its mission.7.87.4 Hawaiian Airlines reflects its values.7.06.7 Total Average7.77.3 Weighted Overall Average: 7.4

10 Net Promoter Score Net Promoter Score = 0% Minimum goal = 20% 9

11 10 Metrics / Goals 20102011 Goal2012 Goal Engagement Score 61%70%80% (Global Best Employers) Balanced Scorecard 7.4 (Needs Improvement) 7.7 (Bonus Eligible) 8.0 (Bonus Eligible) Net Promoter Score 0%10%20%

12 Flight Attendants Our Results 11

13 12 Engagement Score Flight Attendants had a total of 635 responses to the survey Our overall engagement score is 74 % Engaged

14 13 Workgroup Specific Results Flight Attendant had a total of 3 additional questions Here are our scores: –Constant change is necessary to keep Hawaiian Airlines #1 in customer service. 8.0 –Favoritism is not a problem in my Work Group. 2.8 –I find that my fellow employees follow all of the rules. 5.3

15 14 Our Strengths Below are the three items where we performed the best: The official communication channels at Hawaiian Airlines (such as Ho’ike, HApeople Today, Monthly Employee Webcasts, etc.) provide useful information that makes me feel more connected to Hawaiian. The amount of work expected of me is fair and realistic. I am able to effectively balance my work and personal lives.

16 15 Our Opportunities Below are the three items we can improve upon: Favoritism is not a problem in my Work Group. My management team takes action to deal with poor performers. My management team explains the reasons for their decisions.

17 16 Next Steps Developing an action plan to improve your experience of working at Hawaiian Airlines –Feedback sessions will be scheduled to gather ideas and suggestions –Participants will be randomly selected from a cross-section of our workgroup –Management and Employee feedback sessions will be scheduled prior to end of November –Specific action plans will be developed for implementation in January, 2011 HA is committed to tracking action plan progress and meeting its metrics/goals

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