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Employing Wikis for online collaboration in the e-learning environment: Case study 1 Raitman, R., Augar, N. & Zhou, W. (2005). Employing Wikis for online.

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Presentation on theme: "Employing Wikis for online collaboration in the e-learning environment: Case study 1 Raitman, R., Augar, N. & Zhou, W. (2005). Employing Wikis for online."— Presentation transcript:

1 Employing Wikis for online collaboration in the e-learning environment: Case study 1 Raitman, R., Augar, N. & Zhou, W. (2005). Employing Wikis for online collaboration in the e-learning environment: Case study. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Information Technology and Applications (IEEE), 2, 142-146. Presenter: Feng, Chia-Yen Advisor: Chen, Ming-Puu Date: May 10, 2008

2 Abstract (1/2) Purpose of this study ◦ This paper examines the various ways in which students reflect on their very recent experiences in collaborating in an online e-learning environment. Why Wikis? ◦ Fully editable websites, are easily accessible, require no software and allow its contributors. ◦ The online literature has not yet begun to focus enough on wikis (Mattison, 2003). 2015/12/122

3 Abstract (2/2) Environment & Subjects ◦ Students are used to the WebCT based university E-learning environment, Deakin Studies Online (DSO). ◦ Conducted to test the wiki platform as a means of online collaboration in the tertiary education environment. 2015/12/123

4 Introduction (1/2) It has been suggested that the single most neglected topic in the field of e-learning is the interaction between students and computers (Kruse, 2002). If a student is feeling lost, confused and consequently frustrated, then their learning will prove insignificant. 2015/12/124

5 Introduction (2/2) Research in collaboration ◦ Student centered and focuses on the process of students working together. ◦ Sharing the authority to empower themselves with the responsibility of building on their foundational knowledge. Wikis can provide an efficient, flexible, user friendly and cost-effective interface for collaboration, knowledge creation and archiving, and student interaction. Wiki investigation was conducted to determine basic wiki functionality, review different wikis and to finally select the appropriate wiki which would highlight the necessary features and ensure a useful technology for teaching and learning online. 2015/12/125

6 Methodology Subjects : students at Deakin University who had completed a unit in a fully online environment. The survey consisted of 29 questions. The results would provide conclusive feedback to further the research in collaboration in the online e-learning environment. 2015/12/126

7 Results and analysis Usage Results 2015/12/127 YesSomewhatSlightlyNo Do you feel that you were able to get to know your group members through the wiki exercises? 15%38%34%13% Do you feel that you were able to get to know your tutor through the wiki exercises? 15%28%40%17% Did the wiki exercises make it easier for you to communicate with your group members for the remainder of the semester 9%25%51%15% Do you feel that working in wiki groups online is better than working together in groups face-to-face? 30% n/a 70%

8 Results and analysis 2015/12/128

9 Results and analysis 2015/12/129

10 Results 10

11 Results 2015/12/1211

12 Results 2015/12/1212

13 Results 2015/12/1213

14 Comments (1/2) Not all, but many students are simply more confident using software that they are familiar with. ◦ DSO might be confusing and difficult to navigate, but they have plenty of experience with this platform and prefer to avoid having to familiarize themselves with another piece of communicative technology. 2015/12/1214

15 Comments (2/2) Students are scared that their wiki input is not secure because anyone at all has the ability to erase the page content. ◦ Since DSO has no deletion facility and all input is fully accounted for, they prefer to feel confident that their work is protected in a secure environment. 2015/12/1215

16 Conclusions (1/2) Incorporate icons, colour and interest into a dull interface to promote student motivation. Taking the previous point into account, retain fast internet download. Design the interface of the wiki to resemble the unit or university design. Enable the page contents to be saved as another file e.g. a PDF file. 2015/12/1216

17 Conclusions (2/2) Conclusions (2/2) Allow students to delete only their own work so that they can feel secure about their contributions. Make new text or page insertions visible upon login. Add facility for real time chat. Provide more documentation about HTML applications available within the wiki. 2015/12/1217

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