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CS-112 Object Oriented Concepts Course Syllabus. Outline  Instructor and Prerequisites  What this course is  Learning outcomes  Degree program outcomes.

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Presentation on theme: "CS-112 Object Oriented Concepts Course Syllabus. Outline  Instructor and Prerequisites  What this course is  Learning outcomes  Degree program outcomes."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS-112 Object Oriented Concepts Course Syllabus

2 Outline  Instructor and Prerequisites  What this course is  Learning outcomes  Degree program outcomes  Week by week  Q / A

3 Instructor and Prerequisites  Instructor: Dr. Peter G. Raeth  E-mail:  Course Website:  Required Prerequisites: CIS 111  Prerequisite Skills and Competencies:  Develop and apply problem solving skills (CIS 111)  Apply data fundamentals: file/record/field, data types and data for testing (CIS 111)  Apply the program design process (CIS 111)  Apply the program development process: design, code, test and debug programs which include input and output, sequence, selection, and repetition. (CIS 111)

4 What this course is  11-week intro to object oriented concepts  Object oriented design principles and practice  Understanding and use of UML  unified modeling language for OO designs  Beginning practice with OO using Alice

5 Two Required Texts  The Object-Oriented Approach John W. Satzinger and Tore U. Orvik  Learning to Program with Alice Wanda P. Dann, Stephen Cooper, Randy Pausch

6 Course Learning Objectives  Evaluate and understand the benefits and challenges associated with an object-oriented analysis design approach to software and project development.  Identify the key concepts used in object-oriented development including inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism.  Identify design patterns in term of participating objects and classes and the roles they take on relative to the problem the design solves.  Investigate and evaluate OOA&D tools, methods, and models that are available and currently used in business practice.  Apply object-oriented concepts in the design of a stable system and programming project.  Use MS VISIO to document OOD diagrams that meet UML standards.  Use Alice to implement OOP derived from OOA and OOD.

7 CIS Degree Outcomes  Identify, analyze, and document computer system specifications, and information requirements within the business environment.  Exhibit professional/occupational behavior and work habits.  Correctly design and program a computer solution using event driven object-oriented techniques.  Apply program development techniques that demonstrate a formal process for decision making and problem solving using classic methods as well as object-oriented methods.  Identify, analyze, and document program/system specifications and information requirements for a typical business problem.  Implement analysis and design for practical application

8 Week by Week Two Components: Principles and Practice Week 1 2 Apr Chapter 1 The Object Oriented Revolution Chapter 2 Is Everything an Object? Read Chapters 1 & 2 (Before Class) Open Discussion on Chapter 1 & 2 Homework: Chp 1: Discussion Questions 1 & 3 Chp 2: Exercises 1 thru 3 Week 2 9 Apr Chapter 3 The Importance of Object Think Chapter 4 Basic Object Oriented Concepts Read Chapters 3 & 4 (Before Class) Open Discussion on Chapter 3 & 4 Homework: Chp 3: Exercises 1 thru 3 Chp 4: Exercises 1, 3 & 4

9 Week by Week Week 3 16 Apr Chapter 5 Models and UML Notation for the Object Oriented Approach Introduction to MS Visio Read Chapter 5 (Before Class) Open Discussion on Chapter 5 Homework: Chp 5: Exercises 1, 2 & 5 Visio exercise (to be assigned) Week 4 23 Apr Chapter 6 Understanding Simple Object Oriented Requirements Models More on MS Visio Read Chapter 6 (Before Class) Open Discussion on Chapter 6 Homework: Chp 6: Exercises 1, 2 & 4 Visio exercise (to be assigned)

10 Week by Week Week 5 30 Apr Chapter 7 Understanding More Complex Requirements Models with Generalization/Specialization and Whole-Part Hierarchies Chapter 8 Object Oriented Development Life Cycle Read Chapter 7 & 8 (Before Class) Open Discussion on Chapters 7 & 8 Homework: Chp 7: Exercises: 1 & 4 Chp 8: Exercise 1 Week 6 7 May Chapters 9 Object-Oriented Case Study Chapter 10 Object Oriented Design *** Exam review Read Chapters 9 & 10 (Before Class) Open Discussion on Chapters 9 & 10 Homework: Chp 9: Exercises: 1, 3 & 4 Chp 10: Exercise 1 Take-home exam: open notes open book

11 Week by Week Week 7 14 May Intro to OOP with AliceRead Chapter 1 in Alice book (Before Class) Open Discussion on Chapter 1 In-Class Demonstration and Lab Homework: Chapter 1, Exercise 1 Week 8 21 May OOP with AliceRead Chapter 2 in the Alice Book (Before Class) Open Discussion on Chapter 2 In-Class Demonstration and Lab Homework: Chapter 2, Exercise 3

12 Week by Week Week 9 28 May Memorial Day OOP with AliceRead Chapter 3 in the Alice Book (Before Class) Open Discussion on Chapter 3 In-Class Demonstration and Lab Homework: Chapter 3, Exercise 1 Week 10 4 June OOP with AliceRead Chapter 4 in the Alice Book (Before class) Open Discussion on Chapter 4 In-Class Demonstration and Lab Homework: Chapter 4, Exercise 1

13 Week by Week Week 11 11 June OOP with AliceRead Chapter 5 in the Alice Book (Before class) Open Discussion on Chapter 5 In-Class Demonstration and Lab

14 Grade Allocations Homework255 Exam100 Commitment to Learning20 Teamwork20 Total395 LETTER GRADES (based on percent of total points earned) 100%-90% A 89%-80% B 79%-70% C 69%-60% D BELOW 60% F

15 Some Basic Themes  Be on time to class – Pay attention  Don’t cheat, Do you own work  Getting advice and learning from others is ok  Give credit where credit is due  Work hard, Learn this material, Help others  Turn all homework in the week after assigned  Strive to be the best, head and shoulders above the average  Prepare yourself for a winning career

16 Be Actively Engaged  Treat your classes as you would a desirable job.  instructor is team leader, fellow students are coworkers  everyone must work together to complete learning objectives  Attend all classes on time.  Respect the rights of others to contribute by listening attentively.  Show consideration for students, instructors, and other college employees.  Participate appropriately and actively on topics presented in class.  Complete your assignments on time.  Ask for feedback from your instructor and peers to insure progress toward learning objectives.  Resolve problems by discussing issues with your instructor and peers.  Be prepared. This is not a course in computer programming.

17 Questions and Discussion  What questions do you have about the course or syllabus?

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